Your search found 7 records
1 Alahacoon, Niranga; Amarnath, Giriraj; Gnanatheepan, W.. 2023. Development of an Anticipatory Action Plan for flood and landslide hazard in Sri Lanka. Report of the Community Risk Assessment, Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka, 25-27 July 2023. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience. 35p.
Action plans ; Flooding ; Landslides ; Weather hazards ; Communities ; Risk assessment ; Disaster preparedness ; Participation ; Vulnerability ; Mitigation / Sri Lanka / Nuwara Eliya
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052496)
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Climate-related disasters, especially in vulnerable regions like Sri Lanka, necessitate proactive and anticipatory measures. In response, a detailed community risk assessment was conducted in Nuwara Eliya, Ambagamuwa Divisional Secretariat Division (DSD) to develop anticipatory action plans for floods and landslides. Focusing on vulnerable populations, including impoverished families, pregnant women, and elderly communities, the Anticipatory Action Protocols aim to empower communities and reduce potential hazards' impact. The objectives of developing Anticipatory Actions include community empowerment, hazard impact reduction, and the encouragement of innovative disaster preparedness approaches. The Community Risk Assessment (CRA) framework employs tools such as transect walks, seasonal calendars, venn diagrams, and hazard maps to comprehensively assess local vulnerabilities and capacities. This process ensures a participatory approach, fostering a nuanced understanding of the community's dynamics. Anticipatory Action Plans are highly tailored, utilizing the information gathered from the CRA to address specific risks effectively. The CRA serves as a systematic methodology for identifying, estimating, and ranking various risks, enhancing community awareness, prioritizing risks, and providing indicators for measuring changes in vulnerability over time. The Anticipatory Action Intervention involves proactive strategies within disaster risk management. Feasibility studies identify high-risk areas and beneficiaries, and trigger statements guide timely implementation. A district-level technical advisory committee reviews the Early Action protocol, ensuring accountability and inclusiveness. External stakeholders, including plantation companies, contribute resources crucial for effective implementation. Preparedness activities involve developing community-based early warning mechanisms, aligning them with national thresholds, establishing vigilant groups, and providing training. The readiness stage includes identifying suppliers, executing trigger monitoring, validating beneficiary lists, and coordinating with communities. Prioritized early actions encompass getting timely forecasts, implementing cash-for-work, disseminating messages, mobilizing trained volunteers, and activating on-site monitoring. Other components address shelter, housing, and settlements; restoring livelihoods; water, sanitation, and healthcare; and education, with each segment focusing on specific preparedness, readiness, and prioritized early actions. The partnership and coordination section emphasizes establishing technical working groups, training community volunteers, and coordinating with external agencies for effective disaster management.

2 Alahacoon, Niranga; Amarnath, Giriraj; Gnanatheepan, W.. 2023. National Workshop on Anticipatory Action for Disaster Mitigation in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the National Stakeholder Workshop on Anticipatory Action for Disaster Mitigation in Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 6 June 2023. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience. 13p.
Disaster risk reduction ; Mitigation ; Disaster preparedness ; Vulnerability ; Communities ; Stakeholders / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052498)
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The workshop addressed how Anticipatory Action (AA) strengthens the disaster preparedness in Sri Lanka's vulnerable community for flood and landslide disasters, especially during monsoon seasons. World Vision Lanka, with support from stakeholders like the Disaster Management Centre and the National Building Research Organization, is implementing an Anticipatory Action for Disaster Mitigation Project in Nuwara Eliya. Collaborating with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), they pilot the approach in a drought-prone area, integrating it into the "AWARE" platform for enhanced coordination. The workshop aimed to share project findings discuss the way forward, and feature insights from key figures. The panel discussion delved into necessary governmental initiatives, early warning system enhancements, and the role of civil society in mitigating slow-onset disasters. The event concluded with plans for a national AA dialogue platform, working group establishment, inclusive implementation, and continuous sharing of project experiences. The proactive nature of Anticipatory Action and its potential to enhance disaster preparedness at the national level was emphasized.

3 Alahacoon, Niranga; Amarnath, Giriraj; Gnanatheepan, W.. 2023. First-ever community-level Anticipatory Action Simulation in Sri Lanka. Report of the Anticipatory Action Simulation, Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka, 25-27 July 2023. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience. 18p.
Disaster preparedness ; Community development ; Empowerment; awareness ; Early warning systems / Sri Lanka / Nuwara Eliya
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052499)
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Sri Lanka experiences distinct monsoon seasons, the Southwest and Northeast monsoons, contributing to the risk of flooding and landslides in different regions. The Nuwara Eliya district, facing elevated threats of landslides and floods, underscores the importance of proactive measures such as Anticipatory Action (AA). AA empowers communities by enabling precautionary measures, and a collaborative three-day simulation, involving World Vision Lanka, the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), and government partners, sought to enhance community resilience comprehensively. The simulation focused on holistic empowerment, resilience-building, coordination strengthening, and increased awareness.
The AA simulation, spanning preparedness, readiness, and activation triggers, involved early warnings that activated AA protocols. Community engagement included awareness campaigns, evacuation planning, and resource pre-positioning. As rainfall intensified, readiness triggers prompted canal cleaning, slope stabilization, and household preparations. The active phase featured an evacuation alert efficiently communicated by Mr. Early Warning. Community members, supported by various stakeholders, were evacuated to safety centers, with special attention to vulnerable groups and diverse services ensuring their well-being. Feedback highlighted positive responses to early warnings and potential practice impact. However, confidence levels varied regarding facing future disasters, and community satisfaction with services indicated room for improvement. Accessibility and support services for vulnerable groups emphasized the need for enhanced inclusivity in disaster preparedness. The simulation, a collaborative effort of key agencies, showcased a comprehensive approach, providing valuable insights for future initiatives.

4 Alahacoon, Niranga; Amarnath, Giriraj; Gnanatheepan, W.. 2023. Development of an Anticipatory Action Plan for drought hazard in Sri Lanka. Report of the development of an Anticipatory Action Plan for Drought Hazard in Galenbindunuwewa Divisional Secretariat Areas, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, 6 June 2023. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience. 32p.
Drought ; Weather hazards ; Action plans ; Vulnerability ; Disaster risk reduction ; Mitigation ; Community involvement ; Risk assessment / Sri Lanka / Anuradhapura / Galenbindunuwewa
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052500)
(1.71 MB)
This report underscores the escalating threat of climate disasters to global populations, emphasizing the heightened vulnerability of Sri Lanka, an island nation susceptible to diverse climate-related hazards. With floods, landslides, droughts, cyclones, and other extreme events on the rise due to climate change, the inevitability of future disasters looms large. Urgent proactive measures are imperative to address this pressing issue, as the population is ill-prepared to handle severe consequences without comprehensive and anticipatory strategies. The report stresses the need for leveraging existing forecasting capacities into actionable responsibilities and fostering a proactive response to safeguard communities from adverse effects. Anticipatory action emerges as a crucial approach within comprehensive disaster risk management, particularly suited for Sri Lanka. The report highlights the importance of transitioning predictive capabilities into actionable responsibilities, emphasizing the commitment to act upon warnings to safeguard all segments of the population. The Sri Lanka Anticipatory Action for Disaster Mitigation activities, conducted in collaboration with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and World Vision Lanka (WVL), seeks to set a model for effective disaster mitigation strategies. The report focuses on the Galenbindunuweva Divisional Secretariat areas in the Anuradhapura district, identified as the most vulnerable to drought, and outlines the objectives, processes, and tools involved in the development of Anticipatory Action Protocols. Anticipatory action emerges as a crucial approach within comprehensive disaster risk management, particularly suited for Sri Lanka. The report highlights the importance of transitioning predictive capabilities into actionable responsibilities, emphasizing the commitment to act upon warnings to safeguard all segments of the population. The Sri Lanka Anticipatory Action for Disaster Mitigation activities, conducted in collaboration with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and World Vision Lanka (WVL), seeks to set a model for effective disaster mitigation strategies. The report focuses on the Galenbindunuweva Divisional Secretariat areas in the Anuradhapura district, identified as the most vulnerable to drought, and outlines the objectives, processes, and tools involved in the development of Anticipatory Action Protocols. The report details the process of Anticipatory Action Plan development, emphasizing community engagement through community risk assessments, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews. It underscores the importance of empowering communities, reducing the impact of potential hazards through timely responses, and encouraging innovative approaches to disaster preparedness and response. The development process involves a comprehensive approach, ensuring a participatory and holistic development of Anticipatory Action Protocols. The report also provides a summary of recommendations derived from field visits, including the introduction of a National Anticipatory Action Framework, establishment of Technical Advisory Committees, stakeholder capacity development, and improvements in early warning dissemination. The report concludes with an Early Action Protocol overview, detailing the overall objective, target areas, beneficiaries, triggers, and next steps for implementation.

5 Amarnath, Giriraj; Alahacoon, Niranga; Attoh, Emmanuel; Jampani, Mahesh; Panjwani, Shweta; Ghosh, Surajit; Amarasinghe, Upali; Musobani, L.; Melele, V. C.; Ng’andu, T.; Ndiaye, O.; Konte, O.; Sal, N. A.; Gnanatheepan, W.. 2023. The early warning, early action, early finance (AWARE) platform: promoting early warning of and effective response to climate hazards. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR
Initiative on Climate Resilience. 8p. (Also in French)
Climate change ; Hazards ; Early warning systems ; Disasters ; Communities ; Farmers ; Resilience ; Livelihoods ; Risk assessment ; Humanitarian organizations ; Satellites ; Data ; Indicators ; Precipitation ; Rainfall
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052464)
(3.94 MB)
The AWARE platform disseminates information on climate, market, health, nutrition, and population displacement, to promote collaborative efforts by multiple partners at local-to-national scales to enhance preparedness, response, advocacy, and resource mobilisation in times of high climate risk.

6 Amarnath, Giriraj; Alahacoon, Niranga; Attoh, Emmanuel; Jampani, Mahesh; Panjwani, Shweta; Ghosh, Surajit; Amarasinghe, Upali; Musobani, L.; Melele, V. C.; Ng’andu, T.; Ndiaye, O.; Konte, O.; Sal, N. A.; Gnanatheepan, W.. 2023. La plateforme d’Alerte, Action et Finance Précoces (AWARE): promouvoir l’alerte précoce et une réponse efficace aux risques climatiques. In French. [The early warning, early action, early finance (AWARE) platform: promoting early warning of and effective response to climate hazards]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience. 8p. (Also in English)
Climate change ; Hazards ; Early warning systems ; Disasters ; Communities ; Farmers ; Resilience ; Livelihoods ; Risk assessment ; Humanitarian organizations ; Satellites ; Data ; Indicators ; Precipitation ; Rainfall
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052463)
(3.84 MB)

7 Alahacoon, Niranga; Amarnath, Giriraj; Gnanatheepan, W.. 2023. Capacity development workshop on Anticipatory Action. Proceedings of the Training Workshop on Anticipatory Action, Wattala, Sri Lanka, 29-30 November 2023. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience. 16p.
Capacity development ; Disaster preparedness ; Awareness ; Training programmes ; Early warning systems / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052648)
(792 KB)
To enhance disaster management strategies in Sri Lanka, crucial change from reactive to proactive approach is important. Anticipatory Action, a proactive approach, involves early risk identification, monitoring, and preparedness measures. Establishing an Anticipatory Action framework requires collaboration and awareness among relevant agencies. A comprehensive two-day residence training program, designed by World Vision Lanka (WVL) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), aimed to equip government agencies with skills to develop Anticipatory Action protocols. The program covered key modules, including the concept of Anticipatory Action, components involving knowledge products and tools, distinctions from traditional response mechanisms, viability assessment, early warning practices, and the development of Anticipatory Action protocols and triggers. Special emphasis was placed on financial integration, MEAL planning, simulations, and addressing operational challenges. A total of 27 Participants from Disaster Management Centre (DMC), Department of Meteorology (DOM) National Building Research Organization (NBRO), Irrigation Department (ID), and National Disaster Relief Services Centre (NDRSC) actively participate for the training. The program utilized a module-based approach for an interactive learning experience. The program concluded with discussions on the way forward, emphasizing Anticipatory Action's essential role in national disaster reduction, highlighting a collaborative commitment to enhancing disaster preparedness and management in Sri Lanka.

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