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1 Djumaboev, Kakhramon; Hamidov, A.; Anarbekov, Oyture; Gafurov, Zafar; Tussupova, K. 2017. Impact of institutional change on irrigation management: a case study from southern Uzbekistan. Water, 9(6):1-17. [doi:]
Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Irrigation water ; Infrastructure ; Institutional development ; Collective action ; Governance ; Sustainable development ; Water user associations ; Water resources ; Water management ; Water use ; Agricultural production ; Farmers ; Households ; Communities ; Case studies / Uzbekistan / Kashkadarya Province
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048175)
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The rapidly growing population in Uzbekistan has put massive pressure on limited water resources, resulting in frequent water shortages. Irrigation is by far the major water use. Improving irrigation water use through the institutional change of establishing water consumer associations (WCAs) has been identified as a way to increase agricultural production and meet the food demand in the area. However, most WCAs are not fully able to organize collective action or generate sufficient funds to carry out their responsibilities. This study investigated the water-resource-related challenges faced by WCAs and local farmers in Kashkadarya Province in Uzbekistan, using semi-structured expert interviews and focus group discussions. The resulting data were analyzed using qualitative analysis software (Atlas.ti). The results indicated that outdated infrastructure, poor governance, and farmers’ non-payment of irrigation service fees hamper sustainable water management. Greater trust and communication within the WCAs would make an important contribution to effective collective action and to the long-term sustainability of local associations.

2 Djumaboev, Kahramon; Anarbekov, Oyture; Holmatov, B.; Hamidov, A.. 2017. Overview of water-related programs in Uzbekistan. [Project report of the Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Rural Areas in Uzbekistan. Component 1: National policy framework for water governance and integrated water resources management and supply part] Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 29p. [doi:]
Sustainability ; Water resources ; Water management ; Water governance ; Water policy ; Water supply ; Rural areas ; Integrated management ; Climate change ; Development projects ; Financing ; Project management ; Project implementation ; Agricultural development ; Budgets ; Infrastructure ; Capacity building / Uzbekistan
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048376)
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3 Djumaboev, Kakhramon; Anarbekov, Oyture; Holmatov, B.; Hamidov, A.; Gafurov, Zafar; Murzaeva, Makhliyo; Susnik, J.; Maskey, S.; Mehmood, H.; Smakhtin, V. 2020. Surface water resources. In Xenarios, S.; Schmidt-Vogt, D.; Qadir, M.; Janusz-Pawletta, B.; Abdullaev, I. (Eds.). The Aral Sea Basin: water for sustainable development in Central Asia. Oxon, UK: Routledge - Earthscan. pp.25-38. (Earthscan Series on Major River Basins of the World)
Water resources development ; Surface water ; Hydrometeorology ; Observation ; Climate change ; Anthropogenic factors ; Water use ; Irrigated farming ; Infrastructure ; Temperature ; Precipitation ; Rivers ; Flow discharge ; Riparian zones / Central Asia / Uzbekistan / Tajikistan / Kyrgyzstan / Kazakhstan / Turkmenistan / Aral Sea Basin / Amu Darya River / Syr Darya River
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049380)
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4 Hamidov, A.; Kasymov, U.; Djumaboev, Kakhramon. 2020. Rebound effects in irrigated agriculture of Uzbekistan: the role of water-saving irrigation technologies. [Abstract only]. Paper presented at the Workshop on Agricultural Innovations, Rural Development and Globalization Processes in Central Asia, Halle (Saale), Germany, 17 February 2020. 1p.
Irrigated farming ; Irrigation ; Technology ; Water conservation ; Water use ; Institutions ; Policies / Uzbekistan / Kashkadarya
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049746)
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5 Hamidov, A.; Khamidov, M.; Ishchanov, J. 2020. Impact of climate change on groundwater management in the northwestern part of Uzbekistan. Agronomy, 10(8):1173. (Special issue: The Adaptation of Agriculture to Climatic Change) [doi:]
Groundwater management ; Climate change ; Water table ; Mineralization ; Salinity ; Air temperature ; Sustainability ; Forecasting ; Irrigated farming ; Irrigated land ; Case studies ; Models / Central Asia / Uzbekistan / Khorezm / Amu Darya River
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049959)
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Global climate change can have a significant impact on the development and sustainability of agricultural production. Climate scenarios indicate that an expected increase in air temperature in semiarid Uzbekistan can lead to an increase in evapotranspiration from agricultural fields, an increase in irrigation water requirements, and a deterioration in the ameliorative status of irrigated lands. The long-term mismanagement of irrigation practices and poor conditions of drainage infrastructure have led to an increase in the water table and its salinization level in the northwestern part of Uzbekistan. This article presents the results of an analysis of the amelioration of irrigated lands in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan as well as the modeling of the dynamics of water table depths and salinity levels using the Mann–Kendall trend test and linear regression model. The study estimated the water table depths and salinity dynamics under the impact of climate change during 2020–2050 and 2050–2100. The results show that the water table depths in the region would generally decrease (from 1.72 m in 2050 to 1.77 m by 2100 based on the Mann–Kendall trend test; from 1.75 m in 2050 to 1.79 m by 2100 according to the linear regression model), but its salinity level would increase (from 1.72 g·L-1 in 2050 to 1.85 g·L-1 by 2100 based on the Mann–Kendall trend test; from 1.97 g·L-1 in 2050 to 2.1 g·L-1 by 2100 according to the linear regression model). The results of the study provide insights into the groundwater response to climate change and assist authorities in better planning management strategies for the region.

6 Hamidov, A.; Kasymov, U.; Djumaboev, Kakhramon; Paul, C. 2022. Rebound effects in irrigated agriculture in Uzbekistan: a stakeholder-based assessment. Sustainability, 14(14):8375. [doi:]
Irrigated farming ; Rebound effects ; Stakeholders ; Water conservation ; Technology ; Sustainability ; Water resources ; Energy ; Food production ; Nexus approaches ; Irrigation efficiency ; Water use efficiency ; Irrigation systems ; Water availability ; Water demand ; Water deficit ; Irrigated land ; Irrigation water ; Economic growth ; Policies ; Gross national product ; Farmers / Central Asia / Uzbekistan
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051302)
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There is wide consensus among scholars and practitioners that improved irrigation technologies increase farm productivity and improve resource use efficiency. However, there is also growing empirical evidence that efficiency improvements in irrigation water use may create rebound effects, i.e., they may trigger changes in farmers’ behavior that partly or fully offset the technical water savings expected under ceteris paribus conditions. In extreme cases, total water consumption may even increase. We studied the impacts of introducing water-saving irrigation technologies in Uzbekistan and used structured stakeholder interviews for an expert-based assessment of potential rebound effects. Our findings contribute to the understanding of impacts of technological and institutional responses to environmental and economic pressures in sustaining water resources. The study demonstrates that although the objective of increasing irrigation efficiency may be achieved, the actual water savings under Uzbek conditions are likely to be reduced due to rebound effects. Unless there are effective policy interventions, we expect rebound effects through an increase in water supply for crops that compensates for current shortages of irrigation water availability, an increase in irrigated area, a switch to more water-intensive crops, and overall economic growth. The findings of this paper provide a reference point for estimating the water-saving potential and for evaluating and adapting policies.

7 Khamidov, M.; Ishchanov, J.; Hamidov, A.; Donmez, C.; Djumaboev, Kakhramon. 2022. Assessment of soil salinity changes under the climate change in the Khorezm Region, Uzbekistan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14):8794. (Special issue: Effects of Climate Change on Soil and Water Environment) [doi:]
Soil salinity ; Assessment ; Climate change ; Soil salinization ; Forecasting ; Water resources ; Energy ; Food production ; Nexus approaches ; Air temperature ; Meteorological stations ; Irrigated land ; Soil chemicophysical properties / Uzbekistan / Khorezm Region
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051303)
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Soil salinity negatively affects plant growth and leads to soil degradation. Saline lands result in low agricultural productivity, affecting the well-being of farmers and the economic situation in the region. The prediction of soil salinization dynamics plays a crucial role in sustainable development of agricultural regions, in preserving the ecosystems, and in improving irrigation management practices. Accurate information through monitoring and evaluating the changes in soil salinity is essential for the development of strategies for agriculture productivity and efficient soil management. As part of an ex-ante analysis, we presented a comprehensive statistical framework for predicting soil salinity dynamics using the Homogeneity test and linear regression model. The framework was operationalized in the context of the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan, which suffers from high levels of soil salinity. The soil salinity trends and levels were projected under the impact of climate change from 2021 to 2050 and 2051 to 2100. The results show that the slightly saline soils would generally decrease (from 55.4% in 2050 to 52.4% by 2100 based on the homogeneity test; from 55.9% in 2050 to 54.5% by 2100 according to the linear regression model), but moderately saline soils would increase (from 31.2% in 2050 to 32.5% by 2100 based on the homogeneity test; from 31.2% in 2050 to 32.4% by 2100 according to the linear regression model). Moreover, highly saline soils would increase (from 13.4% in 2050 to 15.1% by 2100 based on the homogeneity test; from 12.9% in 2050 to 13.1% by 2100 according to the linear regression model). The results of this study provide an understanding that soil salinity depends on climate change and help the government to better plan future management strategies for the region.

8 Khamidov, M.; Ishchanov, J.; Hamidov, A.; Shermatov, E.; Gafurov, Zafar. 2023. Impact of soil surface temperature on changes in the groundwater level. Water, 15(21):3865. (Special issue: Climate and Water: Impacts of Climate Change on Hydrological Processes and Water Resources) [doi:]
Soil temperature ; Surface temperature ; Groundwater level ; Energy ; Foods ; Environmental factors ; Nexus approaches ; Regression analysis ; Precipitation ; Solar radiation ; Monitoring / Uzbekistan / Bukhara Region
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052401)
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The relationship between the soil surface temperature and groundwater level is complex and influenced by various factors. As the soil surface temperature increases, water evaporates quickly from the soil, which can lead to a decrease in the groundwater level. In this study, we analyzed the impact of soil surface temperature on changes in the groundwater level in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan using data from 1991 to 2020. The Bukhara region experiences regular water shortages, increased soil salinization, and inefficient energy in lift-irrigated areas, which is a typical constellation of challenges to the water–energy–food–environment (WEFE) nexus. The soil surface temperature data were collected from the Hydrometeorological Service Agency, whereas groundwater level data were obtained from the database of the Amelioration Expedition under the Amu-Bukhara Basin Irrigation Systems Authority. We used linear regression analysis and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tests to establish the significance of the relationship between the soil surface temperature and groundwater level, as well as the impact of the location of the groundwater level measurements. The results indicate that the model was a good fit to the data, and both the intercept and the soil surface temperature were significant factors that affected groundwater level. The results further suggest that the strength of the relationship between solar radiation and soil surface temperature is very high, with a correlation coefficient of 0.840. This means that when solar radiation increases, soil surface temperature also tends to increase. The analysis also showed that 53.5% of the changes in groundwater level were observed by the regression model, indicating a moderately correlated relationship between the groundwater level and soil surface temperature. Finally, higher solar radiation leads to higher soil surface temperature and higher evapotranspiration rates, which can lead to a decrease in groundwater level. As a result, we observe that the soil surface temperature determines changes in the groundwater level in the study region.

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