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1 Djumaboev, Kakhramon; Yuldashev, Tulkun; Holmatov, B.; Gafurov, Zafar. 2018. Assessing water use, energy use, and carbon emissions in lift irrigated areas: a case study from Karshi Steppe in Uzbekistan [Abstract Only] In German Research Center for Geosciences; German Federal Foreign Office; German-Kazakh University, University of Wurzburg. International Symposium on Water and Land Resources in Central Asia. Proceedings Paper, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 9-11 October 2018. Potsdam, Germany: Central Asia Water (CAWa) Project. pp.98.
Water use ; Water conservation ; Eenergy consumption ; Carbon ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Emission reduction ; Irrigated land ; Irrigation scheduling ; Steppes ; Pumps ; Case studies / Uzbekistan / Kashkadarya
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049100)
Advantages of a nexus approach in addressing complex environmental challenges are increasingly becoming clear. In Central Asia, however, the nexus between water-food-energy has not received adequate attention, as the very few studies that were conducted fell short of quantifying nexus tradeoffs and benefits at a practical, small scale. This paper applies a quantitative accounting method to assess water and energy use intensity in irrigated areas of Karshi Steppe of Central Asia that are supplied by pumping water uphill (lift-irrigated) from the underlying river. The results indicated that the potential water and energy savings, as well as the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions, could be achieved by applying optimal planning deficit irrigation schedule simulated using Cropwat-8. Some 575 million cubic meters of water and 259 GWh of electricity can be saved while the CO2 equivalent emissions can be reduced by almost 122 ktons. Achieving these savings requires a mix of technical and policy components. This study describes an example of proper irrigation planning as a tool for water/energy savings and consequent reduction of CO2 emissions.

2 Janz, B.; Weller, S.; Kraus, D.; Racela, H. S.; Wassmann, R.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Kiese, R. 2019. Greenhouse gas footprint of diversifying rice cropping systems: impacts of water regime and organic amendments. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 270-271:41-54. [doi:]
Greenhouse gas emissions ; Cropping systems ; Irrigation water ; Organic amendments ; Rice straw ; Agronomic practices ; Crop rotation ; Diversification ; Mung beans ; Maize ; Catch crops ; Methane emission ; Nitrous oxide ; Climatic change ; Green manures ; Residues / Philippines
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049124)
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Increasing water scarcity and Asia’s rapid economic and social development, specifically the growing demand for animal products and biofuels, is forcing farmers to transform their traditional lowland double-rice cropping systems [R-R] to mixed lowland-upland systems where upland crops such as aerobic rice [R-A] or maize [R-M] are grown instead of paddy rice during the dry period. Such changes have implications on the C and N cycling in the soil-plant system, including major shifts in soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from CH4 to N2O once paddies are used for upland cropping. Moreover, soil organic carbon stocks are decreasing, thereby jeopardizing soil fertility. In this study, we investigated if straw residue incorporation and/or catch crop cultivation impairs the greenhouse gas footprint of diversifying rice cropping systems and thus, presents an alternative to open-field straw burning and intensive mineral N fertilization. For this, we calculate annual global warming potentials (GWP) and yield-scaled GWPs of three different rice systems (R-R: rice-rice, R-A: rice- aerobic rice, R-M: rice maize) without (control) or with additions of straw (+6 Mg ha-1 [S]) or + straw + mungbean as catch crop ([M + S]) on the basis of high-temporal-resolution GHG emissions (CH4 and N2O), and measurements of yield parameters. The field trial was carried out at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines, covering two full years. Although dry season N2O emissions increased twice- to threefold in the diversified systems (R-A, R-M), the strong reduction of CH4 emissions during this period resulted in significantly lower annual yield-scaled GWP as compared to the traditional R-R system. The same pattern was observed after application and incorporation of organic material (straw and mungbean), but led to higher substrate availability for methanogens during the following season. Therefore, the GWP was 9–39% higher in treatments including straw incorporation as compared to a control treatment without organic substrate amendments. Additional incorporation of mungbeans further increased GWPs, whereby the increment was highest in R-R rotation (88%) and lowest in R-M rotation (55%), with annual GHG emissions of 11.8 and 5.6 Mg CO2-eq ha-1, respectively. Our study shows that the yield-scaled GWP, as well as irrigation water demand, is lowest for rice-maize (R-M) cropping systems, followed by R-A and R-R systems. This ranking persists even with the incorporation of crop residues, a requirement for farmers as the ban of open-field burning is increasingly enforced. Our work also calls for a refinement of IPCC emission factors for lowland-upland rotations and the inclusion of the land-preparation period within the GHG balance of rice cropping systems.

3 Mabhaudhi, T.; Chimonyo, V. G. P.; Hlahla, S.; Massawe, F.; Mayes, S.; Nhamo, Luxon; Modi, A. T. 2019. Prospects of orphan crops in climate change. Planta, 250(3):695-708. [doi:]
Climate change adaptation ; Food security ; Food insecurity ; Food systems ; Nutrition ; Genetic diversity ; Sustainability ; Cropping systems ; Water scarcity ; Water use efficiency ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Agroecosystems ; Agrobiodiversity ; Socioeconomic environment ; Research and development ; Diversification ; Land use
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049145)
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Orphan crops play an important role in global food and nutrition security, and may have potential to contribute to sustainable food systems under climate change. Owing to reports of their potential under water scarcity, there is an argument to promote them to sustainably address challenges such as increasing drought and water scarcity, food and nutrition insecurity, environmental degradation, and employment creation under climate change. We conducted a scoping review using online databases to identify the prospects of orphan crops to contribute to (1) sustainable and healthy food systems, (2) genetic resources for future crop improvement, and (3) improving agricultural sustainability under climate change. The review found that, as a product of generations of landrace agriculture, several orphan crops are nutritious, resilient, and adapted to niche marginal agricultural environments. Including such orphan crops in the existing monocultural cropping systems could support more sustainable, nutritious, and diverse food systems in marginalised agricultural environments. Orphan crops also represent a broad gene pool for future crop improvement. The reduction in arable land due to climate change offers opportunities to expand the area under their production. Their suitability to marginal niche and low-input environments offers opportunities for low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from an agro-ecosystems, production, and processing perspective. This, together with their status as a sub-set of agro-biodiversity, offers opportunities to address socio-economic and environmental challenges under climate change. With research and development, and policy to support them, orphan crops could play an important role in climate-change adaptation, especially in the global south.

4 Searchinger, T. D.; Wirsenius, S.; Beringer, T.; Dumas, P. 2018. Assessing the efficiency of changes in land use for mitigating climate change. Nature, 564(7735):249-253. [doi:]
Climate change mitigation ; Land use ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Carbon stock assessments ; Costs ; Food production ; Crops ; Vegetation ; Livestock ; Models
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049292)
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Land-use changes are critical for climate policy because native vegetation and soils store abundant carbon and their losses from agricultural expansion, together with emissions from agricultural production, contribute about 20 to 25 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions1,2. Most climate strategies require maintaining or increasing land-based carbon3 while meeting food demands, which are expected to grow by more than 50 per cent by 20501,2,3,,2,4. A finite global land area implies that fulfilling these strategies requires increasing global land-use efficiency of both storing carbon and producing food. Yet measuring the efficiency of land-use changes from the perspective of greenhouse gas emissions is challenging, particularly when land outputs change, for example, from one food to another or from food to carbon storage in forests. Intuitively, if a hectare of land produces maize well and forest poorly, maize should be the more efficient use of land, and vice versa. However, quantifying this difference and the yields at which the balance changes requires a common metric that factors in different outputs, emissions from different agricultural inputs (such as fertilizer) and the different productive potentials of land due to physical factors such as rainfall or soils. Here we propose a carbon benefits index that measures how changes in the output types, output quantities and production processes of a hectare of land contribute to the global capacity to store carbon and to reduce total greenhouse gas emissions. This index does not evaluate biodiversity or other ecosystem values, which must be analysed separately. We apply the index to a range of land-use and consumption choices relevant to climate policy, such as reforesting pastures, biofuel production and diet changes. We find that these choices can have much greater implications for the climate than previously understood because standard methods for evaluating the effects of land use4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 on greenhouse gas emissions systematically underestimate the opportunity of land to store carbon if it is not used for agriculture.

5 Moomaw, W. R.; Chmura, G. L.; Davies, G. T.; Finlayson, C. M.; Middleton, B. A.; Natali, S. M.; Perry, J. E.; Roulet, N.; Sutton-Grier, A. E. 2018. Wetlands in a changing climate: science, policy and management. Wetlands, 38(2):183-205. [doi:]
Wetlands ; Climate change adaptation ; Resilience ; Carbon cycle ; Environmental management ; Ecosystem services ; Freshwater ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Environmental policies ; International agreements ; Treaties ; European Union ; Environmental protection ; Strategies ; Ecological factors ; Peatlands ; Mangroves ; Coastal area ; Sea level
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049341)
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Part 1 of this review synthesizes recent research on status and climate vulnerability of freshwater and saltwater wetlands, and their contribution to addressing climate change (carbon cycle, adaptation, resilience). Peatlands and vegetated coastal wetlands are among the most carbon rich sinks on the planet sequestering approximately as much carbon as do global forest ecosystems. Estimates of the consequences of rising temperature on current wetland carbon storage and future carbon sequestration potential are summarized. We also demonstrate the need to prevent drying of wetlands and thawing of permafrost by disturbances and rising temperatures to protect wetland carbon stores and climate adaptation/resiliency ecosystem services. Preventing further wetland loss is found to be important in limiting future emissions to meet climate goals, but is seldom considered. In Part 2, the paper explores the policy and management realm from international to national, subnational and local levels to identify strategies and policies reflecting an integrated understanding of both wetland and climate change science. Specific recommendations are made to capture synergies between wetlands and carbon cycle management, adaptation and resiliency to further enable researchers, policy makers and practitioners to protect wetland carbon and climate adaptation/resiliency ecosystem services.

6 Chapungu, L.; Nhamo, Luxon; Gatti, R. C. 2020. Estimating biomass of savanna grasslands as a proxy of carbon stock using multispectral remote sensing. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 17:100275. [doi:]
Carbon stock assessments ; Savannas ; Grasslands ; Biomass ; Estimation ; Remote sensing ; Climate change ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Ecosystems ; Satellite imagery ; Landsat ; Models / Zimbabwe / Mashonaland / Shamva / Bindura
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049412)
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Limited research has been done to estimate the root biomass (belowground biomass) of savanna grasslands. The advent of remote sensing and related products have facilitated the estimation of biomass in terrestrial ecosystems, providing a synoptic overview on ecosystems biomass. Multispectral remote sensing was used in this study to estimate total biomass (belowground and aboveground) of selected tropical savanna grassland species. Total biomass was estimated by assessing the relationship between aboveground and belowground biomass, the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and belowground biomass, and NDVI and total biomass. Results showed a positive significant relationship (p ¼ 0.005) between belowground and aboveground biomass. NDVI was significantly correlated (p ¼ 0.0386) to aboveground biomass and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was 18.97 whilst the model BIAS was 0.019, values within acceptable ranges. A significant relationship (p ¼ 0) was found between belowground biomass and NDVI and the RMSE was 5.53 and the model BIAS was 0.0041. More so, a significant relationship (p ¼ 0.054) was observed between NDVI and total biomass. The positive relationships between NDVI and total grass biomass and the lack of bias in the model provides an opportunity to routinely monitor carbon stock and assess seasonal carbon storage fluctuations in grasslands. There is great potential in the ability of remote sensing to become an indispensable tool for assessing, monitoring and inventorying carbon stocks in grassland ecosystems under tropical savanna conditions.

7 Alam, Mohammad Faiz; Sikka, Alok K. 2019. Prioritizing land and water interventions for climate-smart villages. Irrigation and Drainage, 68(4):714-728. [doi:]
Climate-smart agriculture ; Villages ; Land use ; Water balance ; Prioritization ; Crop yield ; Water requirements ; Evapotranspiration ; Agricultural practices ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Climate change ; Groundwater recharge ; Irrigated land ; Rainfed farming ; Models ; Stakeholders / India / Madhya Pradesh / Barbakheri / Sitaljhiri
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049472)
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Climate-smart villages mean implementing a portfolio of best locally suited climate-smart agricultural practices in an integrated manner to build resilience of the local community. Land and water interventions form a crucial part of a climate-smart agricultural practices portfolio, with water availability being the key limiting factor of crop growth. To aid in this decision-making process of prioritizing land and water interventions, a simple and robust spreadsheet tool based on a water balance is developed. The tool integrates and simulates impacts of land and water interventions on the water balance to determine their impact across climate-smart agricultural objectives of agricultural productivity, climate change adaptation and mitigation. The tool was implemented in two villages in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. The tool performs well in simulating village water balance and its impact on the yield of rainfed and irrigated crop areas. Results show that considerable differences exist within the portfolio of land and water interventions, with only a combination of supply, demand and moisture conservation practices being able to help achieve climate-smart agricultural objectives. In the best case scenario, yield can be increased by up to 10% and greenhouse gas emission intensity reduced up to 17%. Comparison with stakeholder perception analysis highlights the utility of this tool in providing additional quantitative information in the decision-making process.

8 Brears, R. C. 2020. Developing the circular water economy. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. 221p. (Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies) [doi:]
Water resources development ; Economic aspects ; Climate change ; Resource recovery ; Water reuse ; Wastewater treatment ; Recycling ; Water quality ; Water scarcity ; Water conservation ; Water use efficiency ; Energy resources ; Renewable energy ; Nexus ; Solar energy ; Biogas ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Carbon dioxide ; Environmental degradation ; Rainwater harvesting ; Water allocation ; Pricing ; Infrastructure ; Best practices ; Case studies / USA / Australia / Singapore / New York / San Francisco
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 BRE Record No: H049481)
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9 Campanhola, C.; Pandey, S. (Eds.) 2019. Sustainable food and agriculture: an integrated approach. London, UK: Academic Press; Rome, Italy: FAO: 585p. [doi:]
Sustainable agriculture ; Food security ; Food production ; Agricultural production ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Agroecosystems ; Food supply ; Agroecology ; Agroforestry ; Intercropping ; Agricultural landscape ; Agrifood systems ; Climate-smart agriculture ; Conservation agriculture ; Climate change ; Forecasting ; Soil management ; Nitrogen ; Land use ; Biodiversity ; Ecosystem services ; Sustainable forest management ; Urbanization ; Nutrition ; Economic growth ; Investments ; Innovation ; Water use ; Water scarcity ; Technology ; Plant genetic resources ; System of Rice Intensification ; Carbon sequestration ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Natural resources ; Risk management ; Water governance ; Institutions ; Policies ; Pest management ; Livestock ; Aquaculture ; Stakeholders ; Smallholders ; Farmers ; Living standards ; Rural poverty ; Social capital ; Socioeconomic environment / Africa South of Sahara / Asia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 338.19 G000 CAM, e-copy SF Record No: H049449)
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10 Brears, R. C. 2020. Developing the circular water economy. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. 221p. (Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies)
Water resources development ; Economic aspects ; Climate change ; Resource recovery ; Water reuse ; Wastewater treatment ; Recycling ; Water quality ; Water scarcity ; Water conservation ; Water use efficiency ; Energy resources ; Renewable energy ; Nexus ; Solar energy ; Biogas ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Carbon dioxide ; Environmental degradation ; Rainwater harvesting ; Water allocation ; Pricing ; Infrastructure ; Best practices ; Case studies / USA / Australia / Singapore / New York / San Francisco
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 BRE c2 Record No: H049560)
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11 De Souza, M.; Nishimura, Y.; Burke, J.; Cudennec, C.; Schmitter, Petra; Haileslassie, Amare; Smith, Mark; Hulsmann, S.; Caucci, S.; Zhang, L.; Stewart, B. 2020. Agriculture and food security. In UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP); UN-Water. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020: water and climate change. Paris, France: UNESCO. pp.78-95.
Climate-smart agriculture ; Food security ; Agricultural water use ; Water management ; Climate change adaptation ; Climate change mitigation ; Water demand ; Farming systems ; Irrigated land ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Land use ; Forestry ; Water scarcity ; Groundwater ; Solar energy ; Irrigation methods ; Technology ; Agricultural production ; Farmers ; Livestock
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049604)
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This chapter highlights where land–water linkages are expected to become apparent in terms of climate impacts and where practical approaches to land and water management offer scope for both climate adaptation and mitigation though agriculture. It also provides an agricultural perspective from which to further engage the United Nations Climate Change Conference in terms of water management.

12 Rajan, Abhishek; Ghosh, Kuhelika; Shah, Ananya. 2020. Carbon footprint of India’s groundwater irrigation. Carbon Management, 11(3):265-280. [doi:]
Carbon footprint ; Groundwater irrigation ; Energy consumption ; Climate ; Nexus ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Groundwater table ; Shallow tube wells ; Deep tube wells ; Pumping ; Pumps ; Electricity supplies ; Subsidies / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049660)
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India has an intricate nexus of groundwater irrigation, energy and climate. Subsidized electricity supply has led to unregulated groundwater pumping, causing a decrease in groundwater level and increase in carbon emissions. This complex nexus necessitates estimation of carbon emissions from groundwater irrigation. The study uses actual pumping data on 20.5 million groundwater structures from the Fifth Minor Irrigation Census (reference year 2013–14) to estimate carbon emissions. The estimates show that groundwater irrigation emits 45.3–62.3 MMT of carbon annually, contributing 8–11% of India’s total carbon emission. This analysis shows deep tubewells have a huge carbon footprint, and their growing number is a serious environmental concern. Spatial analysis reveals India’s western and peninsular region, which houses 85% of the country’s over-exploited groundwater blocks, contributes most to carbon emission. Moreover, this region hosts 27 districts which are groundwater–energy–climate nexus hotspots, together accounting for 34% of carbon emissions from groundwater irrigation. Comparison with the previous estimate reveals that carbon emission from groundwater irrigation nearly doubled between 2000 and 2013. Findings of this study are vital to the discourse on the increasing environmental costs of groundwater pumping in the country and will contribute to carbon emission mitigation strategies.

13 Miller-Robbie, Leslie; Ramaswami, A.; Amerasinghe, Priyanie. 2017. Wastewater treatment and reuse in urban agriculture: exploring the food, energy, water, and health nexus in Hyderabad, India. Environmental Research Letters, 12(7):075005. (Focus issue: Focus on Urban Food-Energy-Water Systems: Interdisciplinary, Multi-Scalar and Cross-Sectoral Perspectives) [doi:]
Wastewater treatment plants ; Water reuse ; Urban agriculture ; Food production ; Energy consumption ; Water quality ; Health hazards ; Nexus ; Life cycle assessment ; Effluents ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Groundwater ; Irrigation water ; Escherichia coli ; Nutrients ; Infrastructure ; Case studies ; Models / India / Hyderabad
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049799)
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Nutrients and water found in domestic treated wastewater are valuable and can be reutilized in urban agriculture as a potential strategy to provide communities with access to fresh produce. In this paper, this proposition is examined by conducting a field study in the rapidly developing city of Hyderabad, India. Urban agriculture trade-offs in water use, energy use and GHG emissions, nutrient uptake, and crop pathogen quality are evaluated, and irrigation waters of varying qualities (treated wastewater, versus untreated water and groundwater) are compared. The results are counter-intuitive, and illustrate potential synergies and key constraints relating to the food–energy–water–health (FEW–health) nexus in developing cities. First, when the impact of GHG emissions from untreated wastewater diluted in surface streams is compared with the life cycle assessment of wastewater treatment with reuse in agriculture, the treatment-plus-reuse case yields a 33% reduction in life cycle system-wide GHG emissions. Second, despite water cycling benefits in urban agriculture, only <1% of the nutrients are able to be captured in urban agriculture, limited by the small proportion of effluent divertible to urban agriculture due to land constraints. Thus, water treatment plus reuse in urban farms can enhance GHG mitigation and also directly save groundwater; however, very large amounts of land are needed to extract nutrients from dilute effluents. Third, although energy use for wastewater treatment results in pathogen indicator organism concentrations in irrigation water to be reduced by 99.9% (three orders of magnitude) compared to the untreated case, crop pathogen content was reduced by much less, largely due to environmental contamination and farmer behavior and harvesting practices. The study uncovers key physical, environmental, and behavioral factors that constrain benefits achievable at the FEW-health nexus in urban areas.

14 Yoshino, N.; Taghizadeh-Hesary, F.; Otsuka, M. 2020. Covid-19 and optimal portfolio selection for investment in Sustainable Development Goals. Finance Research Letters, 101695. (Online first) [doi:]
Sustainable Development Goals ; Investment ; Coronavirus disease ; Economic situation ; Indicators ; Organizations ; Climate change ; Renewable energy ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Taxes ; Risk assessment ; Models
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049866)
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The Covid-19 pandemic and global economic recession has shrunk global energy demand and collapsed fossil fuel prices. Therefore, renewable energy projects are losing their competitiveness. This endangers the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Various consulting companies define the SDGs differently. Institutional investors hire consulting companies and allocate their investment based on the consultants’ suggestions. This paper theoretically shows that the current allocation of investors by considering SDG based on various consulting companies will lead to distortion in the investment portfolio. The desired portfolio allocation can be achieved by taxing pollution and waste such as CO2, NOx, and plastics, globally with the same tax rate. Global taxation on pollution will lead to the desired portfolio allocation of assets.

15 Zambrano-Monserrate, M. A.; Ruano, M. A.; Sanchez-Alcalde, L. 2020. Indirect effects of COVID-19 on the environment. Science of the Total Environment, 728:138813. [doi:]
COVID-19 ; Environmental impact ; Pandemics ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Air quality ; Beaches ; Nitrogen dioxide ; Waste management ; Physical distancing ; Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049899)
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This research aims to show the positive and negative indirect effects of COVID-19 on the environment, particularly in the most affected countries such as China, USA, Italy, and Spain. Our research shows that there is a significant association between contingency measures and improvement in air quality, clean beaches and environmental noise reduction. On the other hand, there are also negative secondary aspects such as the reduction in recycling and the increase in waste, further endangering the contamination of physical spaces (water and land), in addition to air. Global economic activity is expected to return in the coming months in most countries (even if slowly), so decreasing GHG concentrations during a short period is not a sustainable way to clean up our environment.

16 Edmonds, H. K.; Lovell, J. E.; Lovell, C. A. K. 2020. A new composite climate change vulnerability index. Ecological Indicators, 117:106529. (Online first) [doi:]
Climate change adaptation ; Climate change mitigation ; Vulnerability ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Ecosystem services ; Infrastructure ; Policies ; Economic aspects
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049907)
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The earth’s climate is changing, with global warming attributable to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions driven by economic and population growth. Human systems and ecosystems vary in their exposure, mitigation and adaptive capacity, and vulnerability to various forms of climate change. Once mitigation and adaptation efforts have been exhausted, vulnerability remains. Data compiled by the University of Notre Dame covering over 100 nations in 2016 were used to construct a new composite climate change vulnerability index that features endogenously generated weights to aggregate vulnerability indices across six vulnerable sectors. These weights have the potential to inform policy aimed at allocating resources to reduce the cost of limiting vulnerability. The new composite vulnerability index, whose weights differ across sectors and across nations, is compared with the Notre Dame vulnerability index, which uses weights equal across sectors and constant across nations. Although the two indices agree on the identity of the most vulnerable nations, there is a statistically significant difference between the two indices. In addition, a nonparametric statistical test failed to reject the null hypothesis that one sectoral index could be deleted from the composite index without significant loss of information. This also has potentially important policy implications.

17 Kumara, T. M. K.; Kandpal, A.; Pal, S. 2020. A meta-analysis of economic and environmental benefits of conservation agriculture in South Asia. Journal of Environmental Management, 269:110773. [doi:]
Conservation agriculture ; Economic value ; Environmental factors ; Climate change ; Cropping systems ; Water use ; Conventional tillage ; Soil texture ; Carbon sequestration ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Emission reduction / South Asia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049916)
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Agriculture plays a key role in ensuring food and livelihood security in South Asia. However, this region is vulnerable to climate change which is likely to impact the livelihoods of millions of marginal and small holders. Agriculture is not only impacted by climate change but also one of the major contributor to global warming in South Asia. As compared to the traditional practices, Conservation Agriculture (CA) practices help mitigate the impact of climate change through a reduction in carbon emission and conservation of natural resources. In this article, a meta-analysis of the important studies was done for the impact of CA on carbon sequestration, water use, greenhouse gas emissions and cost and net returns. Carbon sequestration potential was found significantly higher in the CA practices (+16.30%) as compared to the conventional tillage. Inclusion of legumes, clay-rich soils, irrigation and presence of soil cover are the major drivers for higher carbon sequestration potential in the region. Additionally, a significant amount of water was also saved as CA practices led to relatively less consumption of water over the conventional tillage. Further, the adoption of CA based management practices resulted in a substantial reduction of CO2 (-4.28%) and CH4 (-25.67%) emissions both in aerobic and anaerobic soil conditions. However, the emission of NO2 and N2O–N gases were higher under the CA, +14.45 and + 5.20% respectively. Nevertheless, the emission of N2O–N was lesser in CA (-1.78%) under aerobic conditions whereas it is increased under anaerobic soil conditions (+12.15%). The adoption of CA practices resulted in higher returns and lower costs as compared to the conventional system. Although CA has significant environmental benefits, the study suggests judicious use of inorganic inputs under CA for managing the impact of climate change in South Asia. Therefore, CA is a sustainable agricultural practice that deserves outscaling in South Asia for mitigation and adaptation of climate change.

18 Uddin, M. Md. M. 2020. What are the dynamic links between agriculture and manufacturing growth and environmental degradation?: evidence from different panel income countries. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 7:100041. [doi:]
Agricultural sector ; Manufacturing ; Environmental degradation ; Economic growth ; Gross national product ; Energy consumption ; Urbanization ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Sustainability ; Renewable energy ; Policies ; Developing countries ; Models
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049928)
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The study investigates the causal association between sectoral growth of agriculture and manufacturing in Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) framework for 115 countries over the period 1990–2016. Results show a long-run equilibrium relationship between CO2, CH4 and PM2.5 emissions and their macroeconomic determinants of agriculture and manufacturing GDP growth, energy consumption, urbanization, trade openness and transportation. Further agricultural GDP growth (YA2) has not significant impact causing CO2 emissions for lower-middle, upper-middle- and high-income groups while it has a significant positive impact for low income group. In CH4 emission, agriculture sector shows an inverted U-shaped EKC for low, lower-middle, and high-income groups and in PM2.5 emissions for all the income groups. However, manufacturing GDP growth shows a U-shaped EKC on CO2 emissions and an inverted U-shaped EKC on CH4 emissions for all the income groups. In the subsequent, pair wise Granger causality test shows that the variables have bidirectional and/or unidirectional causality for all the income panels. Our results suggest that promoting sectoral energy efficient policies, greener technologies and stringent regulation by the government can shield environment from degradation in the country.

19 Gebrezgabher, Solomie; Taron, Avinandan; Amewu, Sena. 2021. Nutrient recovery for use in agriculture: economic assessment of decentralized compost business model in Nairobi. In Hulsmann, S.; Jampani, Mahesh (Eds.). A nexus approach for sustainable development: integrated resources management in resilient cities and multifunctional land-use systems. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp.25-38. [doi:]
Resource recovery ; Reuse ; Nutrients ; Agriculture ; Urban wastes ; Solid wastes ; Composting ; Business models ; Wastewater ; Soils ; Waste management ; Nexus ; Economic analysis ; Cost benefit analysis ; Investment ; Environmental Impact Assessment ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Treatment plants / Kenya / Nairobi
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050119)
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Large cities in developing countries are facing the challenge of rapid urban population growth, which results in increasing waste generation. In Nairobi, the solid waste situation is characterized by low coverage of collection, pollution from uncontrolled dumping, inefficient public services, unregulated and uncoordinated private sector operators and lack of key solid waste management infrastructure. About 3,121 tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) is generated daily, of which about 850 tons are collected and the remaining is burnt or dumped in unauthorized sites or landfilled in the Dandora dumpsite causing health and environmental problems. The recovery of nutrients from the organic content of MSW for reuse in agriculture has the potential to address the dual challenge of waste management and soil nutrient depletion. This study assessed the economic and environmental impact of decentralized composting business model in Nairobi based on a comparison with the baseline scenario using an indicator expressed in tons CO2 equivalent. The cost–benefit analysis was based on data collected from existing compost plants in Kenya. To assess the sensitivity of the results to variation in input variables, a simulation model was developed using the Monte Carlo method. The decentralized composting business model resulted in a net GHG emission saving of 1.21 tons CO2-eq/ton of compost, being both financially and economically feasible with more than 70% chance of economic success. Assessing the economic and environmental impact is an important tool for decision making and to ensure that the business model results in desired benefits to society.

20 Connor, R.; Timmerman, J.; Uhlenbrook, S.; Koncagul, E.; Payne, J.; Cudennec, C.; de Strasser, L.; Avellan, T. 2020. Water–climate–energy– food–environment nexus. In UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP); UN-Water. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020: water and climate change. Paris, France: UNESCO. pp.118-125.
Water supply ; Water use ; Climate change ; Energy ; Food security ; Environmental effects ; Nexus ; Wastewater treatment ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Biofuels ; Agriculture ; Land use ; Ecosystems ; Sustainable Development Goals
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049609)
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Building on the information and analyses provided in Chapters 3 through 8, this chapter expands on the interlinkages between the main water use sectors, describing how decisions made by one can have significant repercussions on the others. It highlights the need for a consolidated approach to addressing climate change through water in order to maximize co-benefits and address trade-offs.

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