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1 Garcia, A.; Tschakert, P.; Karikari, N. A. 2020. ‘Less able’: how gendered subjectivities warp climate change adaptation in Ghana's Central Region. Gender, Place and Culture, 27p. (Online first) [doi:]
Climate change adaptation ; Gender ; Decision making ; Farming systems ; Land ownership ; Households ; Role of women ; Women's participation ; Communities ; Living standards ; Political aspects ; Case studies / Ghana / Twifo Praso / Efutu / Ayensudo
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049888)
(2.93 MB)
Vulnerabilities to climate change and adaptive action vary based on social differences that are bound up in complex power dynamics in any given place, culture, or context. Scholarly interest has shifted from gendered dynamics of climate change adaptation to the socio-political drivers of gendered inequalities that produce discriminatory opportunities for adaptation. This study utilises an intersectional subjectivities lens to examine how entrenched power dynamics and social norms related to gender, as well as age and marital status, galvanise or inhibit capacities to adapt in farming communities of Ghana’s Central Region. Through the use of interviews, focus group discussions, and photovoice sessions, we highlight gendered and intersectional subjectivities, roles, and responsibilities that centre on perceived differences in men’s and women’s strength and power. We then link resulting normative performances of gender to specific barriers to adaptation, such as lack of resources and agency, and demonstrate a pronounced dichotomy as women experience the brunt of these barriers and a persistent power imbalance that positions them as ‘less able’ to adapt than men. Such nuanced assessments of intersectional subjectivities are instrumental in supporting marginalised groups when deliberating and renegotiating inequitable power relations in climate change adaptation. Through repeated efforts at power subversion, emboldened social actors and critical scholars attuned to navigating power differentials can strengthen adaptive capacities and facilitate trajectories toward transformation.

2 Tschakert, P.; Parsons, M.; Atkins, Ed; Garcia, A.; Godden, N.; Gonda, N.; Henrique, K. P.; Sallu, S.; Steen, K.; Ziervogel, G. 2023. Methodological lessons for negotiating power, political capabilities, and resilience in research on climate change responses. World Development, 167:106247. [doi:]
Climate change adaptation ; Political aspects ; Climate resilience ; Research ; Decision making ; Participation ; Participatory action research ; Stakeholders ; Vulnerability ; Women
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051901)
(1.09 MB)
Critical scholarship on the intersection of development pathways and climate change responses highlights the roles of power, agency, social difference, intersecting inequalities, and social justice in shaping people’s resilience in a rapidly transforming world. Yet, how to precisely increase the spaces in which people experiencing marginalisation can address power asymmetries and strengthen their resilience, particularly from a methodological perspective, remains poorly understood. Here, we build on recent insights into political capabilities and their relevance for equitable resilience practice to assess the role research methods play in not only locating political capabilities but also enhancing them in the context of climate resilience. We present the findings from an in-depth analysis of 57 articles, out of a larger set of 200+ papers, that have employed co-learning/cooperative inquiries, participatory action research, participatory methods, workshops, and/or interviews combined with other approaches as most engaging and potentially empowering methods. Methodological insights through this analysis allow us to examine if and how resilience-in-the-making materialises across uneven power relations and often flawed decision-making processes. We show the pervasiveness of power differentials, even in research settings designed to be inclusive, and how disempowering processes in adaptation, mitigation, disaster management, and social transformation further marginalise already disadvantaged actors. At the same time, we illustrate the transformative role of alliances, resistance, shared learning, and sustaining inclusive approaches. Such nuanced insights into best processes as well as detrimental pitfalls are essential for development scholars and practitioners to help anchor deliberative resilience practice in the everyday lives of disadvantaged populations and foster political capabilities for more just climate action and policy.

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