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1 Wang, L.; Zhang, F.; Nepal, Santosh; Xiang, Y.; Tang, H.; Shi, X.; Zeng, C.; Ahmad, I.; Yu, Z. 2023. Response of runoff processes to temperature rise in basins with different glacier ratios in the monsoon-influenced southern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 45:101299. [doi:]
River basins ; Runoff ; Temperature ; Glaciers ; Monsoons ; Forecasting / Asia / Tibetan Plateau / Karuxung River Basin / Dudh Koshi River Basin / Arun River Basin / Gandaki River Basin / Lhasa River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051663)
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Study region: River basins with glacier ratios ranging from 1.8% to 20.7% in the monsoon-influenced southern Tibetan Plateau.
Study focus: The response of runoff processes in basins with different glacier ratios under global warming of 1.5 C and 2 C was explored based on SPHY (Spatial Processes in Hydrology) model and GCMs (General Circulation Models).
New hydrological insights for the region: More prominent temperature and precipitation changes were observed in the monsoon-influenced southern Tibetan Plateau compared with the global averages. With increasing temperature and precipitation, the total runoff and glacier runoff of these basins showed increasing trends under global warming of 1.5 C and 2 C. Compared with the baseline period (1985–2014), increases were observed in the total runoff (1.7–20.6%), base flow (2.8–8.3%), glacier runoff (8.1–35.9%), and rainfall runoff (6.0–36.0%) of these basins. In contrast, snowmelt runoff decreased (- 28.3% - - 4.3%). Therefore, relevant management and allocation of water resources may be required. The hydrological regulation function of glaciers was found to be strongly correlated with glacier ratio. In general, the hydrological regulation function of glaciers would decrease in the future along with warming induced glacier retreat. These findings would help deepen the understanding of runoff processes on the Tibetan Plateau and other alpine regions, thus providing a scientific basis for water resources management under climate change.

2 Chen, J.; Shi, X.; Gu, L.; Wu, G.; Su, T.; Wang, H.-M.; Kim, J.-S.; Zhang, L.; Xiong, L. 2023. Impacts of climate warming on global floods and their implication to current flood defense standards. Journal of Hydrology, 618:129236. (Online first) [doi:]
Global warming ; Flooding ; Protection ; Climate models ; Hydrological modelling ; Watersheds ; Socioeconomic aspects ; Air temperature ; Risk ; Stream flow ; Precipitation ; Evapotranspiration ; Calibration ; Uncertainty ; Soil moisture / Eurasia / Africa / South America / Australia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051699)
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Floods usually threaten human lives and cause serious economic losses, which can be more severe with global warming. Therefore, it is a salient challenge to find out how global flood characteristic changes and whether current flood protection standards will face more pressures. This study aims to characterize changes in global floods and explicit flood defense pressures in warming climates of 1.5–3.0 °C above pre-industrial levels by running four well-calibrated lumped hydrological models using bias-corrected Global Climate Model (GCM) simulations for 9045 watersheds worldwide. The results show that global warming from 1.5 to 3.0 °C has increasingly dominated all continents, with amplification effects on changes of flood frequency and magnitude. Southeast Eurasia, Africa, and South America are hotspots of changes for significant proportions of watersheds with larger flood patterns and greater changing extents than others. For example, for the 3.0 °C warming period under the combination of shared socioeconomic pathway 2 and representative concentration pathway 4.5 (SSP245) scenario, the regionally averaged 50-year flood magnitude will increase by 25.6 %, 30.6 %, and 16.4 % for these regions, respectively. The increases in occurrence and magnitude indicate that current flood protection standards will face increasing pressures in future warming climates. The design-level flood frequency is projected to increase for about 47 %, 55 %, 70 %, and 74 % of watersheds in 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 °C warming periods under the SSP245 scenario. However, large uncertainty are observed for the change of flood characteristics dominated by GCMs and their interactions with SSP scenarios and hydrological models. This study implies that the current flood defense standards should be enhanced and climate adaptation and mitigation strategies should be proposed to cope the change of future flood.

3 Chen, Z.; Shi, X.; Zhang, J.; Wu, L.; Wei, W.; Ni, B.-J. 2023. Nanoplastics are significantly different from microplastics in urban waters. Water Research X, 19:100169. [doi:]
Nanoplastics ; Microplastics ; Pollution control ; Wastewater treatment plants ; Urban watersheds ; Degradation ; Biodegradation ; Sediment
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052112)
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Microplastics (MPs) and nanoplastics (NPs) are ubiquitous and intractable in urban waters. Compared with MPs, the smaller NPs have shown distinct physicochemical features, such as Brownian motion, higher specific surface area, and stronger interaction with other pollutants. Therefore, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of NPs is more challenging than that of MPs. Moreover, these characteristics endow NPs with significantly different environmental fate, interactions with pollutants, and eco-impacts from those of MPs in urban waters. Herein, we critically analyze the current advances in the difference between MPs and NPs in urban waters. Analytical challenges, fate, interactions with surrounding pollutants, and eco-impacts of MPs and NPs are comparably discussed., The characterizations and fate studies of NPs are more challenging compared to MPs. Furthermore, NPs in most cases exhibit stronger interactions with other pollutants and more adverse eco-impacts on living things than MPs. Subsequently, perspective in this field is proposed to stimulate further size-dependent studies on MPs and NPs. This review would benefit the understanding of the role of NPs in the urban water ecosystem and guide future studies on plastic pollution management.

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