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1 Olivera-Guerra, L.; Merlin, O.; Er-Raki, S. 2020. Irrigation retrieval from Landsat optical/thermal data integrated into a crop water balance model: a case study over winter wheat fields in a semi-arid region. Remote Sensing of Environment, 239:111627. [doi:]
Water balance ; Models ; Satellite observation ; Landsat ; Irrigated sites ; Crops ; Wheat ; Soil water content ; Evapotranspiration ; Monitoring ; Drought stress ; Remote sensing ; Semiarid zones ; Case studies / Morocco
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049618)
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Monitoring irrigation is essential for an efficient management of water resources in arid and semi-arid regions. We propose to estimate the timing and the amount of irrigation throughout the agricultural season using optical and thermal Landsat-7/8 data. The approach is implemented in four steps: i) partitioning the Landsat land surface temperature (LST) to derive the crop water stress coefficient (Ks), ii) estimating the daily root zone soil moisture (RZSM) from the integration of Landsat-derived Ks into a crop water balance model, iii) retrieving irrigation at the Landsat pixel scale and iv) aggregating pixel-scale irrigation estimates at the crop field scale. The new irrigation retrieval method is tested over three agricultural areas during four seasons and is evaluated over five winter wheat fields under different irrigation techniques (drip, flood and no-irrigation). The model is very accurate for the seasonal accumulated amounts (R ~ 0.95 and RMSE ~ 44 mm). However, lower agreements with observed irrigations are obtained at the daily scale. To assess the performance of the irrigation retrieval method over a range of time periods, the daily predicted and observed irrigations are cumulated from 1 to 90 days. Generally, acceptable errors (R = 0.52 and RMSE = 27 mm) are obtained for irrigations cumulated over 15 days and the performance gradually improves by increasing the accumulation period, depicting a strong link to the frequency of Landsat overpasses (16 days or 8 days by combining Landsat-7 and -8). Despite the uncertainties in retrieved irrigations at daily to weekly scales, the daily RZSM and evapotranspiration simulated from the retrieved daily irrigations are estimated accurately and are very close to those estimated from actual irrigations. This research demonstrates the utility of high spatial resolution optical and thermal data for estimating irrigation and consequently for better closing the water budget over agricultural areas. We also show that significant improvements can be expected at daily to weekly time scales by reducing the revisit time of high-spatial resolution thermal data, as included in the TRISHNA future mission requirements.

2 Nguyen, T. T.; Ngo, H. H.; Guo, W.; Nguyen, H. Q.; Luu, C.; Dang, K. B.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, X. 2020. New approach of water quantity vulnerability assessment using satellite images and GIS-based model: an application to a case study in Vietnam. Science of The Total Environment, 737:139784. (Online first) [doi:]
Water resources ; Vulnerability ; Assessment ; Geographical information systems ; Satellite imagery ; Remote sensing ; Climate change ; Drought stress ; Indicators ; Case studies ; Models / Vietnam
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049781)
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Water deficiency due to climate change and the world's population growth increases the demand for the water industry to carry out vulnerability assessments. Although many studies have been done on climate change vulnerability assessment, a specific framework with sufficient indicators for water vulnerability assessment is still lacking. This highlights the urgent need to devise an effective model framework in order to provide water managers and authorities with the level of water exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity and water vulnerability to formulate their responses in implementing water management strategies. The present study proposes a new approach for water quantity vulnerability assessment based on remote sensing satellite data and GIS ModelBuilder. The developed approach has three layers: (1) data acquisition mainly from remote sensing datasets and statistical sources; (2) calculation layer based on the integration of GIS-based model and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's vulnerability assessment framework; and (3) output layer including the indices of exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity and water vulnerability and spatial distribution of remote sensing indicators and these indices in provincial and regional scale. In total 27 indicators were incorporated for the case study in Vietnam based on their availability and reliability. Results show that the most water vulnerable is the South Central Coast of the country, followed by the Northwest area. The novel approach is based on reliable and updated spatial-temporal datasets (soil water stress, aridity index, water use efficiency, rain use efficiency and leaf area index), and the incorporation of the GIS-based model. This framework can then be applied effectively for water vulnerability assessment of other regions and countries.

3 African Development Bank (AfDB); United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); GRID-Arendal. 2020. Sanitation and wastewater atlas of Africa. Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire: African Development Bank (AfDB); Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); Arendal, Norway: GRID-Arendal. 284p.
Sustainable Development Goals ; Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation ; Wastewater management ; Hygiene ; Municipal wastewater ; Industrial wastewater ; Agricultural wastewater ; Wastewater treatment ; Faecal sludge ; Latrines ; Water reuse ; Resource recovery ; Business models ; Economic aspects ; Water resources ; Drinking water ; Water quality ; Contamination ; Groundwater ; Regulations ; Drought stress ; Stormwater runoff ; Ecosystem services ; Environmental health ; Waterborne diseases ; Public health ; Health hazards ; Policies ; Institutions ; Governance ; Rural areas ; Population growth / Africa / Algeria / Angola / Benin / Botswana / Burkina Faso / Burundi / Cabo Verde / Cameroon / Central African Republic / Chad / Comoros / Congo / Cote d'Ivoire / Democratic Republic of the Congo / Djibouti / Egypt / Equatorial Guinea / Eritrea / Ethiopia / Gabon / Gambia / Ghana / Guinea / Guinea-Bissau / Kenya / Lesotho / Liberia / Libya / Madagascar / Malawi / Mali / Mauritania / Mauritius / Morocco / Mozambique / Namibia / Niger / Nigeria / Rwanda / Sao Tome and Principe / Senegal / Seychelles / Sierra Leone / Somalia / South Africa / South Sudan / Sudan / Eswatini / Togo / Tunisia / Uganda / United Republic of Tanzania / Zambia / Zimbabwe
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050261)
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4 Ismail, Z.; Go, Y. I. 2021. Fog-to-water for water scarcity in climate-change hazards hotspots: pilot study in Southeast Asia. Global Challenges, 2000036. (Online first) [doi:]
Water scarcity ; Water harvesting ; Fog ; Freshwater ; Climate change ; Vulnerability ; Drought stress ; Drinking water ; Sustainability ; Water supply ; Water demand ; Population growth ; Sanitation ; Economic aspects / South East Asia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050253)
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Water is indispensable for human survival. Freshwater scarcity and unsustainable water are the main growing concerns in the world. It is estimated that about 800 million people worldwide do not have basic access to drinking water and about 2.2 billion people do not have access to safe water supply. Southeast Asia is most likely to experience water scarcity and water demand as a result of climate change. Climate change and the increasing water demand that eventually contribute to water scarcity are focused upon here. For Southeast Asia to adapt to the adverse consequences of global climate change and the growing concern of environmental water demand, fog water harvesting is considered as the most promising method to overcome water scarcity or drought. Fog water collection technique is a passive, low maintenance, and sustainable option that can supply fresh drinking water to communities where fog is a common phenomenon. Fog water harvesting system involves the use of mesh nets to collect water as fog passes through them. Only minimal cost is required for the operation and maintenance. In conclusion, fog water harvesting seems to be a promising method that can be implemented to overcome water scarcity and water demand in Southeast Asia.

5 Dalstein, F.; Naqvi, A. 2022. 21st century water withdrawal decoupling: a pathway to a more water-wise world? Water Resources and Economics, 38:100197. [doi:]
Water extraction ; Trends ; Forecasting ; Water scarcity ; Drought stress ; Socioeconomic aspects ; Water resources ; Population growth ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Economic growth ; Water use ; Indicators ; Income ; Coping strategies
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051110)
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Human demand for adequate water resources and supplies has been and will continue to be a fundamental issue in the 21st century due to rapid population growth, growing economies and globalization, and increasing water pollution, among others. Water withdrawals in regions which are already encountering scarcity will impose intensifying pressure on water resources locally and globally, threatening the achievement of long-term sustainable development targets. Decoupling has increasingly been recognized and incorporated in policy making as a way to reconcile limitless economic growth with environmental pressures. Filling evident literature gaps, the current state and projected future decoupling factors of water withdrawals in relation to GDP are assessed through decoupling and regression analyzes for 155 countries and 12 potential socioeconomic development pathway scenarios. Findings suggest that average levels of water withdrawal decoupling are moderate in 2025 but will increase throughout the century in all countries. By 2075, average water withdrawal decoupling becomes common and widespread, with high decoupling factors across the world. Yet, some countries and regions will continue to lag behind in this development. GDP growth is the most significant driver of water withdrawals. Climate and regional differences among countries are major influential factors on decoupling outcomes, more so than current country-level income group classification. Altogether, these results are of high significance to water resource managers and policy actors, offering a chance to act proactively to change the course on global water resource and country-specific development. In this way, decoupling provides a pathway to a more water-wise world.

6 Alvar-Beltran, J.; Soldan, R.; Ly, P.; Seng, V.; Srun, K.; Manzanas, R.; Franceschini, G.; Heureux, A. 2022. Climate change impacts on irrigated crops in Cambodia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 324:109105. [doi:]
Irrigated farming ; Climate change ; Irrigation methods ; Crop production ; Vegetables ; Tomatoes ; Pak choi ; Asparagus beans ; Yield forecasting ; Water productivity ; Drought stress ; Precipitation ; Models / Cambodia / Siem Reap / Tonle Sap Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051398)
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Increasing heat-stress conditions, rising evaporative demand and shifting rainfall patterns may have multifaceted impacts on Cambodia's agricultural systems, including vegetable production. Concurrently, domestic vegetable supply is highly seasonal and inadequate to meet the domestic food demand, which consequently poses risks to food security locally, particularly in rural areas. This study assesses the impact of climate change on the yields and crop water productivity (CWP) of tomato, pak choi and yard-long bean cultivated year-round under different irrigated conditions (drip, furrow and net irrigation) in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The findings of this study show a similar annual precipitation decline (-23%) when comparing the 2017–2040 and 2070–2099 periods for both Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs 4.5 and 8.5), though with significant seasonal differences between the two climate scenarios. Increasing water and heat-stress conditions are expected to have adverse impacts on tomato plants compared to pak choi and yard-long bean, which have a much higher heat tolerance. Differing yield trends are expected depending on the transplanting/sowing date, irrigation method and RCP. In tomato, for example, a -55% yield loss is projected by the end-century (2070–2099) when transplanting in January, whereas a + 37% yield increase is expected between November and December over the same period. In addition, pak choi yield enhancements of up to +30% are projected if sowing in May under RCP 8.5 for both drip and net irrigation conditions. Similarly, higher yard-long bean yields are simulated under RCP 8.5 (+29%) compared to RCP 4.5 (+11%) for the average of all sowing dates (January to December) and irrigation methods (drip, furrow and net irrigation). In sum, the findings of this work are relevant for evidence-based decision-making and the development of projects, policies and programmes increasingly informed by simulation results from bundling climate-crop approaches to transform agriculture in response to climate change.

7 Nkuba, M. R.; Chanda, R.; Mmopelwa, G.; Kato, E.; Mangheni, M. N.; Lesolle, D.; Adedoyin, A.; Mujuni, G. 2023. Factors associated with farmers’ use of indigenous and scientific climate forecasts in Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda. Regional Environmental Change, 23(1):4. [doi:]
Farmers associations ; Indigenous Peoples' knowledge ; Climate variability ; Climate change adaptation ; Risk ; Meteorological stations ; Vulnerability ; Households ; Climate services ; Agricultural extension ; Decision making ; Rural areas ; Stakeholders ; Drought stress ; Livelihoods / Uganda / Rwenzori
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051614)
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Although scientific climate forecast (SF) distribution by national climate services has improved over time, farmers seem not to make good use of climate forecasts, a likely contributing factor to vulnerability to climate change. This study investigated factors associated with farmers’ use of SFs and indigenous forecasts (IFs) for agricultural use in the Rwenzori region, western Uganda. Household survey gathered data on demographic characteristics, climate information use and livelihood choices from 580 farmers. Data was analysed using the probit model. Results showed that significant factors associated with using both IFs and SFs were farm size, education, age, reception of scientific forecasts in local languages, agricultural extension access, short-mature crop access, farmer-to-farmer network and accessing forecasts through radio. This study shows that IFs were used complementarily with SFs. On the other hand, significant factors associated with using IFs only were livelihood choices such as tuber and goat production, access to government interventions on climate change adaptations, agro-ecological zone and social capital. Climate risks and climate risk perceptions negatively influenced the use of scientific forecasts. Co-production of climate information, capacity-building and active engagement of stakeholders in dissemination mechanisms can improve climate forecast use. Investments in more weather stations in various districts will therefore be a key factor in obtaining more accurate scientific forecasts and could lead to increased use of scientific climate forecasts. Governments in developing countries, the private sector, global and regional development partners should support investments in weather stations and capacity building of national meteorological systems.

8 Smolenaars, W. J.; Jamil, M. K.; Dhaubanjar, S.; Lutz, A. F.; Immerzeel, W.; Ludwig, F.; Biemans, H. 2023. Exploring the potential of agricultural system change as an integrated adaptation strategy for water and food security in the Indus Basin. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 36p. (Online first) [doi:]
Farming systems ; Strategies ; Food security ; Water security ; Water demand ; Population growth ; Climate change ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Policies ; Agricultural development ; Socioeconomic aspects ; Food production ; Drought stress ; Hydrological modelling ; Surface water ; Land use ; Water use / Pakistan / India / Indus Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051867)
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Water security and food security in the Indus basin are highly interlinked and subject to severe stresses. Irrigation water demands presently already exceed what the basin can sustainably provide, but per-capita food availability remains limited. Rapid population growth and climate change are projected to further intensify pressure on the interdependencies between water and food security. The agricultural system of the Indus basin must therefore change and adapt to be able to achieve the associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The development of robust policies to guide such changes requires a thorough understanding of the synergies and trade-offs that different strategies for agricultural development may have for water and food security. In this study, we defined three contrasting trajectories for agricultural system change based on a review of scientific literature on regional agricultural developments and a stakeholder consultation workshop. We assessed the consequences of these trajectories for water and food security with a spatially explicit modeling framework for two scenarios of climatic and socio-economic change over the period 1980–2080. Our results demonstrate that agricultural system changes can ensure per capita food production in the basin remains sufficient under population growth. However, such changes require additional irrigation water resources and may strongly aggravate water stress. Conversely, a shift to sustainable water management can reduce water stress but has the consequence that basin-level food self-sufficiency may not be feasible in future. This suggests that biophysical limits likely exist that prevent agricultural system changes to ensure both sufficient food production and improve water security in the Indus basin under strong population growth. Our study concludes that agricultural system changes are an important adaptation mechanism toward achieving water and food SDGs, but must be developed alongside other strategies that can mitigate its adverse trade-offs.

9 Wu, L.; Elshorbagy, A.; Helgason, W. 2023. Assessment of agricultural adaptations to climate change from a water-energy-food nexus perspective. Agricultural Water Management, 284:108343. [doi:]
Climate change ; Water productivity ; Energy consumption ; Food security ; Nexus approaches ; Sustainable development ; Agronomic practices ; Crop yield ; Wheat ; Rapeseed ; Peas ; Agricultural production ; Crop production ; Water use ; Soil water ; Drought stress ; Food production ; Water demand ; Irrigation water ; Water supply ; Water availability ; Water power ; Evapotranspiration / Canada / Manitoba / Saskatchewan
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051919)
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Adapting agriculture to climate change without deteriorating natural resources (e.g., water and energy) is critical to sustainable development. In this paper, we first comprehensively evaluate six agricultural adaptations in response to climate change (2021–2050) through the lens of the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus in Saskatchewan, Canada, using a previously developed nexus model—WEF-Sask. The adaptations involve agronomic measures (early planting date, reducing soil evaporation, irrigation expansion), genetic improvement (cultivars with larger growing degree days (GDD) requirement), and combinations of individual adaptations. The results show that the selected adaptations compensate for crop yield losses (wheat, canola, pea), caused by climate change, to various extents. However, from a nexus perspective, there are mixed effects on water productivity (WP), total agricultural water (green and blue) use, energy consumption for irrigation, and hydropower generation. Individual adaptations such as early planting date and increased GDD requirement compensate for yield losses in both rainfed (0–60 %) and irrigated (18–100 %) conditions with extra use of green water (5–7 %), blue water (2–14 %), and energy for irrigation (2–14 %). Reducing soil water evaporation benefits the overall WEF nexus by compensating for rainfed yield losses (25–82 %) with less use of blue water and energy consumption for irrigation. The combination of the above three adaptations has the potential to sustain agricultural production in water-scarce regions. If irrigation expansion is also included, the combined adaptation almost fully offsets agricultural production losses from climate change but significantly increases blue water use (143–174 %) and energy consumption for irrigation while reducing hydropower production (3 %). This study provides an approach to comprehensively evaluating agricultural adaptation strategies, in response to climate change, and insights to inform decision-makers.

10 Rashed, M. A.; Sefelnasr, A.; Sherif, M.; Murad, A.; Alshamsi, D.; Aliewi, A.; Ebraheem, A. A. 2023. Novel concept for water scarcity quantification considering nonconventional and virtual water resources in arid countries: application in Gulf Cooperation Council countries. Science of the Total Environment, 882:163473. (Online first) [doi:]
Virtual water ; Water resources ; Water management ; Water scarcity ; Water security ; Food security ; Arid zones ; Vulnerability ; Water availability ; Resilience ; Freshwater ; Drought stress ; Water demand ; Food production ; Surface water ; Aquifers ; Groundwater depletion ; Precipitation ; Dams ; Wastewater ; Groundwater recharge ; Indicators / Bahrain / Kuwait / Oman / Qatar / United Arab Emirates
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051934)
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The lack of perennial streams or surface water in most arid countries necessitates input modification and water scarcity/security equation calculation as per the water resource systems and physiographic conditions in these countries. The contributions of nonconventional and virtual water resources to water security have been disregarded or undervalued in previous research on global water scarcity. This study addresses this knowledge gap by developing a new framework for estimating water scarcity/security. The proposed framework considers the contributions of unconventional and virtual water resources and the roles of economics, technology, water availability, service accessibility, water safety and quality, water management, and resilience to threats on water and food security, and considers institutional changes required to adjust to water scarcity. To manage water demand, the new framework incorporates metrics for all categories of water resources. Although the framework was specifically designed for arid regions, particularly the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, it is applicable to non-arid nations too. The framework was implemented in GCC countries, which are suitable examples of arid countries with notable virtual commerce. The ratio of abstraction from freshwater resources to renewability from conventional water sources was calculated to determine the extent of water stress in each country. The values obtained from measurement varied from 0.4 (the optimal threshold level for Bahrain) to 22 (severe water stress/low water security in Kuwait). Considering the nonconventional and abstracted nonrenewable groundwater volumes from the total water demand in the GCC, the minimum water stress value measured was 0.13 in Kuwait, suggesting considerable reliance on nonconventional water resources along with little domestic food production to achieve water security. The novel water scarcity/stress index framework was found to be appropriate for arid and hyper-arid regions, such as the GCC, where virtual water trade has a major positive impact on water security.

11 Bertassello, L.; Muller, M. F.; Wiechman, A.; Penny, G.; Tuninetti, M.; Muller-Itten, M. C. 2023. Food demand displaced by global refugee migration influences water use in already water stressed countries. Nature Communications, 14:2706. [doi:]
Water availability ; Drought stress ; Refugees ; Migration ; Water security ; Water footprint ; Conflicts ; Water resources ; Water demand ; Virtual water ; Food production ; Water scarcity
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051998)
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Millions of people displaced by conflicts have found refuge in water-scarce countries, where their perceived effect on water availability has shaped local water security discourses. Using an annual global data set, we explain the effects of refugee migrations on the host countries’ water stress through the food demand displaced by refugees and the water necessary to produce that food. The water footprint of refugee displacement increased by nearly 75% globally between 2005 and 2016. Although minimal in most countries, implications can be severe in countries already facing severe water stress. For example, refugees may have contributed up to 75 percentage points to water stress in Jordan. While water considerations should not, alone, determine trade and migration policy, we find that small changes to current international food supply flows and refugee resettlement procedures can potentially ease the effect of refugee displacement on water stress in water-vulnerable countries.

12 Alvar-Beltran, J.; Saturnin, C.; Gregoire, B.; Camacho, J. L.; Dao, A.; Migraine, J. B.; Marta, A, D. 2023. Using AquaCrop as a decision-support tool for improved irrigation management in the Sahel Region. Agricultural Water Management, 287:108430. (Online first) [doi:]
Decision support systems ; Irrigation management ; Tomatoes ; Maize ; Quinoa ; Food security ; Agricultural extension ; Water productivity ; Models ; Water resources ; Precipitation ; Evapotranspiration ; Drought stress ; Canopy ; Irrigation schemes ; Yields ; Crop water use ; Water requirements ; Early warning systems / Sahel / West Africa / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052111)
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Operational systems providing irrigation advisories to agricultural extension workers are paramount, particularly in West Africa where the yield gap represents the greatest agriculture growth-led opportunity. The proposed framework for Burkina Faso, an irrigation decision support system (DSS), is based on in-situ weather and field observations necessary for feeding the atmosphere, soil, and crop modules of crop-water productivity models (e.g., AquaCrop). To optimize water resources, incoming irrigation and precipitation, and outgoing evapotranspiration are constantly monitored and adjusted. The findings of the proposed semi-automatic irrigation DSS indicate that water stresses affecting the canopy cover and stomatal closure are minimized if the proposed irrigation schemes are generated and improved with five-day weather observations. The source of uncertainty in crop models’ evapotranspiration estimations is reduced by systematically comparing the observed crop evapotranspiration (ETc) with historical ETc records. An increase in yields is observed in all studied crops, from 1960 to 2018 kg/ha (tomato dry yields), from 2571 to 2799 kg/ha (maize), and from 1279 to 1385 kg/ha (quinoa) when comparing the 2020–21 and 2021–22 experiments. Results show an optimization of water resources, with a higher evapotranspired water productivity (WPET, expressed as dry weight) when comparing the two experiments, from 0.86 to 0.97 kg/m3 for tomato, from 0.85 to 0.86 kg/m3 for maize, and from 0.67 to 0.73 kg/m3 for quinoa, respectively in 2020–21 and 2021–22. The proposed irrigation DSS can be used to inform extension workers and technical agronomic experts about real-time crop water requirements and, thus, assist the Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) initiative that aims to improve access to weather information for decision-support in agriculture. Afterwards, extension agents can catalyze irrigation advisories and support farmers improve irrigation management at the field level to, ultimately, obtain higher yields.

13 Bilalova, S.; Newig, J.; Tremblay-Levesque, L.- C.; Roux, J.; Herron, C.; Crane, S. 2023. Pathways to water sustainability? A global study assessing the benefits of integrated water resources management. Journal of Environmental Management, 343:118179. (Online first) [doi:]
Integrated water resources management ; Water governance ; Water management ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Indicators ; Wastewater treatment ; River basins ; Drought stress ; Water-use efficiency ; Water quality ; Stakeholders ; Case studies
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052127)
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Integrated water resources management (IWRM) has been central to water governance and management worldwide since the 1990s. Recognizing the significance of an integrated approach to water management as a way to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), IWRM was formally incorporated as part of the SDG global indicator framework, thus committing the UN and its Member States to achieving high IWRM implementation by 2030 and measuring progress through SDG indicator 6.5.1. This paper examines the extent to which the implementation of IWRM improves the sustainable management of water and the health of water-related ecosystems—a first-of-its-kind in terms of quantitative analysis on a global scale. To achieve this objective, we conducted regression analyses between SDG 6.5.1 (both IWRM (total score) and the dimensions of SDG 6.5.1) and key water-related environmental sustainability indicators: SDG 6.2.1a (access to basic sanitation), 6.3.1 (treated wastewater), 6.4.1 (water-use efficiency), 6.4.2 (water stress), 6.6.1 (freshwater ecosystems, although here the trophic state and turbidity variables were used) and 6.3.2 (ambient water quality). Our analysis covers 124 countries for all these SDGs, with the exception of SDG 6.3.1 and SDG 6.3.2, which cover 112 and 85 countries, respectively. Results show that IWRM—to different degrees—is mainly associated with the good status of water-related sustainability indicators, with the exception of water stress, water quality, and turbidity. We observe a strong impact of control variables such as governance arrangements, economic situation and environmental and geographical conditions. Lagged effects and the scope of the framework may also explain some observed variations in the degree of association. Our study highlights the importance of further uncovering the interlinkages between IWRM implementation and the achievement of water-related environmental sustainability. Overall, the results suggest that although IWRM implementation is primarily linked to sustainable water management and the health of water systems, context-specific factors should be taken into account when evaluating its effectiveness, to enable policy- and decision-makers to make the necessary adjustments to optimize its outcomes.

14 Nouri, M.; Homaee, M.; Pereira, L. S.; Bybordi, M. 2023. Water management dilemma in the agricultural sector of Iran: a review focusing on water governance. Agricultural Water Management, 288:108480. (Online first) [doi:]
Water governance ; Agricultural sector ; Water management ; Groundwater depletion ; Water productivity ; Water conservation ; Water scarcity ; Food security ; Nexus approaches ; Drought stress ; Water use ; Conflicts ; Food waste ; Water security ; Environmental flows ; Cropping patterns ; Precipitation ; Water demand ; Stakeholders ; Aquifers ; Wetlands ; Degradation / Iran Islamic Republic
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052135)
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Around 90% of fresh renewable water is being used in Iran, indicating high water stress conditions across the country. Given that agricultural irrigation accounts for the majority of water use and consumption, any efforts to alleviate water stress must focus on enhancing agricultural water management. This paper aims to exhaustively compile the existing literature on the consequences and drivers of water insecurity, and to discuss the strategies balancing food and water security in the context of agricultural water management. Severe water scarcity can be largely attributed to governance gaps in Iran. In addition, inefficient water use, population growth, and warming/drying trends in the recent half a century are other major causes of the water scarcity. Groundwater over-depletion, quality deterioration of aquatic resources, decreased environmental flows and habitat destruction, and water conflicts are the significant consequences of improper water management in Iran. Several water productivity and conservation interventions, drawn from a rich literature, were suggested to improve agricultural water management in Iran. Furthermore, some water-food-energy nexus optimization methods, including changing cropping patterns, modifying energy tariffs, manipulating food diet, and reducing food waste, were discussed. Nexus-based strategies, which aim to achieve a balance between food production and water sustainability, are of high importance in reducing water consumption in the agricultural sector. While there has been a significant focus on improving water productivity and nexus-based measures, it is essential that policy-makers prioritize enhancing the water governance dimensions to effectively address water scarcity and its consequences in Iran. In other words, improving the water governance system is a prerequisite for adopting any strategy aimed at enhancing agricultural water management and coping with water security.

15 Lohrmann, A.; Farfan, J.; Lohrmann, C.; Kolbel, J. F.; Pettersson, F. 2023. Troubled waters: estimating the role of the power sector in future water scarcity crises. Energy, 282:128820. (Online first) [doi:]
Water scarcity ; Power plants ; Water use ; Cooling ; Technology ; Machine learning ; Climate change ; Freshwater ; Water demand ; Energy generation ; Drought stress ; Water footprint ; Seawater ; Water resources
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052145)
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One of the effects of climate change is on freshwater availability. The widespread drought in the summer of 2022 impeded access to freshwater, putting into question the reliability of the current and future energy generation and evoking concerns of competition of different industries for water. In response to climate change, energy transition scenarios represent pathways to a more sustainable energy system, but often overlook the water footprint of the energy sector. Therefore, this study uses machine learning for the identification of thermal power plants’ cooling systems to estimate the water footprint of the current and future energy system using six energy transition scenarios. It is built on published data on thermal power plants announced globally, with a total capacity of 3277 GW, which are planned to be installed between 2020 and 2050. The results demonstrate that the water consumption of the global power sector may increase by up to 50% until 2050, compared to the 2020 level. The findings also emphasize that every new thermal power plant installed in the future will be associated with a higher average water demand per unit of generated electricity. Hence, the rising stress on water systems becomes another argument supporting the transition towards renewables.

16 Bhattarai, N.; Lobell, D. B.; Balwinder-Singh; Fishman, R.; Kustas, W. P.; Pokhrel, Y.; Jain, M. 2023. Warming temperatures exacerbate groundwater depletion rates in India. Science Advances, 9(35):1-9. [doi:]
Groundwater depletion ; Groundwater table ; Groundwater irrigation ; Crop water use ; Water demand ; Farmers ; Crop production ; Precipitation ; Drought stress ; Aquifers ; Evapotranspiration ; Precipitation ; Models ; Policies / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052182)
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Climate change will likely increase crop water demand, and farmers may adapt by applying more irrigation. Understanding the extent to which this is occurring is of particular importance in India, a global groundwater depletion hotspot, where increased withdrawals may further jeopardize groundwater resources. Using historical data on groundwater levels, climate, and crop water stress, we find that farmers have adapted to warming temperatures by intensifying groundwater withdrawals, substantially accelerating groundwater depletion rates in India. When considering increased withdrawals due to warming, we project that the rates of net groundwater loss for 2041–2080 could be three times current depletion rates, even after considering projected increases in precipitation and possible decreases in irrigation use as groundwater tables fall. These results reveal a previously unquantified cost of adapting to warming temperatures that will likely further threaten India’s food and water security over the coming decades.

17 Neelofar, M. R.; Bhat, S. U.; Muslim, M. 2023. Water auditing and recycling as a tool for management of water resources: an Indian perspective. Applied Water Science, 13:176. [doi:]
Water auditing ; Recycling ; Water resources ; Water governance ; Government ; Water policies ; Water footprint ; Water availability ; Water demand ; Water use ; Drought stress ; Evaporation ; Water scarcity ; Water supply ; Water conservation ; Wastewater treatment ; Freshwater ; Water management / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052276)
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Water is limited and is unevenly distributed globally. India being home to approximately 18% of the global population accounts for only 4% of global renewable water resources, making it the world’s 13th most water-stressed country. The increase in human population coupled with accelerated economic activities and climate change has put enormous pressure on government and policymakers in India to find different innovative and smart ways to manage the demand–supply gap in the water sector. Despite having the largest water infrastructure in the world and concerns raised about increasing water crisis in national discourse at academic, policy and governance levels, the tangible outcome does not resonate adequately on the ground level. Identification of alternate tools, calibration and fine-tuning relevant policy and planning necessitate the need of implementing water auditing and water recycling to meet the ever-increasing water demand as far as the water footprint in India is concerned. Based on the principle of what gets measured gets managed, water auditing best caters to the water management needs and is yet to become a top priority to curb the water crisis. Public acceptance seems to be one of the major barriers in universalizing water recycling in India which is aggravated by the uneven and/or absence of a proper and adequate water governance approach and structure. This paper tries to highlight the major challenges water resources management is facing in India and aims to illustrate how well planned water auditing and water recycling as a tool can deliver in effective and rational utilization and distribution of water.

18 AbuEltayef, H. T.; AbuAlhin, K. S.; Alastal, K. M. 2023. Addressing non-revenue water as a global problem and its interlinkages with sustainable development goals. Water Practice and Technology, 18(12):3175-3202. [doi:]
Sustainable Development Goals ; Goal 3 Good health and well-being ; Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation ; Goal 7 Affordable and clean energy ; Goal 8 Decent work and economic growth ; Goal 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure ; Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities ; Goal 12 Responsible production and consumption ; Goal 13 Climate action ; Goal 14 Life below water ; Goal 15 Life on land ; Goal 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions ; Goal 17 Partnerships for the goals ; Palestine ; Drought stress ; Sanitation ; Evaporation ; Economic impact ; Drinking water ; Water supply ; Energy consumption ; Water management ; Water scarcity ; Water availability ; Infrastructure
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052450)
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By 2050, over 40% of the global population could face severe water stress. The 2030 Agenda explicitly integrates water resources, supply, and sanitation, emphasizing sustainability for present and future generations. Non-revenue water (NRW) creates a barrier to sustainability through energy, water loss, and money not collected through water bills. However, NRW is well recognized by water service providers, and a comprehensive solution is lacking. Addressing NRW is vital to sustainable operations and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This desk literature review investigates NRW's links with SDGs, highlighting global and local impacts, flameworking interconnections, and revealing economic, social, and environmental consequences. The study revealed that NRW not only aligns with various SDGs, particularly SDG 6 and SDG 13, but also has synergies with other goals related to energy and sustainable consumption. Reducing NRW can achieve more sustainable and resilient water systems, and contribute to the broader SDG. The cost of NRW extends beyond the financial implications for water utilities. It also encompasses the economic impacts on industries and businesses, which impacts exceeded water productivity, increased operational costs, and economic development constraints.

19 Dhawan, A.; Gundimeda, H. 2024. Assessing the spatial variation of water poverty determinants in Maharashtra, India. Water Policy, 26(2):131-153. [doi:]
Water scarcity ; Water poverty ; Water management ; Indicators ; Drought stress ; Water availability ; Socioeconomic aspects ; Drinking water ; Surface water / India / Maharashtra
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052626)
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Water scarcity is an emerging multidimensional issue concerning not only the physical availability of resources but also is linked with poverty. The existing literature has established a relationship between income poverty and water poverty. In the Indian context, various studies have explored such issues using the Water Poverty Index (WPI), but only a few have analyzed downscale spatial units. This paper constructs district-level water poverty measures and maps its spatial heterogeneity for Maharashtra, India. Using an indicator-based approach, we aggregate various dimensions of water poverty into a single index. This composite index is formulated by normalizing the indicators and assigning weights using principal component analysis. After rescaling, the aggregate WPI score varies from 0 to 1, denoting lower to higher water poverty. The overall WPI estimate of Maharashtra is 0.47, implying high water stress. The study presents district-wise WPI information by combining the results with Geographic Information System (GIS). Our findings suggest that along with the physical abundance and accessibility to water, improvement in the determinants of capacity and environment is essential to tackle water poverty. Results highlight the intra-district variations among components of water poverty, indicating the importance of local-scale policy-making for better water resource management.

20 Singh, J.; Angadi, S.; Begna, S.; VanLeeuwen, D.; Idowu, O. J.; Singh, P.; Trostle, C.; Gowda, P.; Brewer, C. 2024. Deficit irrigation strategy to sustain available water resources using guar. Industrial Crops and Products, 211:118272. (Online first) [doi:]
Water resources ; Water availability ; Irrigation water ; Rainfall ; Drought stress ; Irrigation management ; Biomass production ; Crop yield ; Aquifers ; Soil profiles
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052630)
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The gradual depletion of irrigation water is a major threat to the agricultural economy in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Drought–tolerant crops and improved irrigation management practices may help the sustainability of agriculture in the region. A three–year field experiment (2018–2020) was conducted to assess the effects of pre–and in–season irrigations on the physiology, biomass production, yield, and yield components of two diverse guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) cultivars. A split-split plot design was used, where the main plot was pre–irrigation, subplots consisted of in–season irrigation treatments, and sub-sub plots were cultivars. Each treatment was replicated four times each year. Pre–irrigation improved the averaged final seed yield by 32% compared to plots with no pre–irrigation. Seed yield was significantly affected by in–season growth stage based irrigation treatments. Averaged over the years, full irrigation achieved the highest seed yield, although not significantly different from no irrigation during the vegetative growth stage in any study year. Cultivar Kinman performed better than Monument in biomass production and seed yield. Overall, pre–irrigation improves guar growth and development, leading to greater seed yield and biomass production. The most sustainable strategy to utilize the available water resources will be to grow guar with restricted irrigation during the vegetative growth stage, save 22% of water, and maintain a similar seed yield to plots that received irrigation throughout the crop season.

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