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1 Nhamo, Luxon; Ebrahim, Girma Yimer; Mabhaudhi, T.; Mpandeli, S.; Magombeyi, Manuel; Chitakira, M.; Magidi, J.; Sibanda, M. 2020. An assessment of groundwater use in irrigated agriculture using multi-spectral remote sensing. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 115:102810. [doi:]
Groundwater assessment ; Crop water use ; Irrigated farming ; Remote sensing ; Climate change ; Resilience ; Water management ; Water productivity ; Evapotranspiration ; Estimation ; Irrigated land ; Satellite imagery ; Dry season / South Africa / Limpopo / Venda-Gazankulu
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049420)
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Declining water resources in dry regions requires sustainable groundwater management as trends indicate increasing groundwater use, but without accountability. The sustainability of groundwater is uncertain, as little is known about its extent and availability, a challenge that requires a quantitative assessment of its current use. This study assessed groundwater use for irrigated agriculture in the Venda-Gazankulu area of Limpopo Province in South Africa using crop evapotranspiration and irrigated crop area derived from the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI). Evapotranspiration data was derived from the Water Productivity through Open access of Remotely sensed Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception (WaPOR) dataset (250 m resolution), and irrigated areas were characterised using dry season NDVI data derived from Landsat 8. Field surveys were conducted for four years to assess accuracy and for post-classification correction. Daily ET for the dry season (May to September) was developed from the actual ET for the irrigated areas. The irrigated areas were overlaid on the ET map to calculate ET for only irrigated land parcels. Groundwater use during the 2015 dry period was 3627.49 billion m3 and the irrigated area during the same period was 26% of cultivated land. About 82 435 ha of cultivated area was irrigated using 44 million m3 /ha of water, compared to 186.93 million m3 /ha on a rainfed area of 237 847 ha. Groundwater management is essential for enhancing resilience in arid regions in the advent of water scarcity.

2 Chitakira, M.; Nhamo, L.; Torquebiau, E.; Magidi, J.; Ferguson, W.; Mpandeli, S.; Mearns, K.; Mabhaudhi, Tafadzwanashe. 2022. Opportunities to improve eco-agriculture through transboundary governance in transfrontier conservation areas. Diversity, 14(6):461. (Special issue: The Human Dimension of Biodiversity Protection) [doi:]
Eco-agriculture ; Conservation areas ; Governance ; Biodiversity conservation ; Ecosystems ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Resource conservation ; Poverty alleviation ; Sustainable livelihoods ; Policies ; Legislation ; Landscape approaches ; Local communities / Mozambique / Eswatini / South Africa / Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation Area / Usuthu-Tembe-Futi Transfrontier Conservation Area
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051227)
(0.89 MB) (906 KB)
Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) are critical biodiversity areas for the conservation and sustainable use of biological and cultural resources while promoting regional peace, cooperation, and socio-economic development. Sustainable management of TFCAs is dependent on the availability of an eco-agriculture framework that promotes integrated management of conservation mosaics in terms of food production, environmental protection or the conservation of natural resources, and improved human livelihoods. As a developmental framework, eco-agriculture is significantly influenced by existing legal and governance structures at all levels; this study assessed the impact of existing legal and governance frameworks on eco-agriculture implementation in the Lubombo TFCA that cuts across the borders between Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa. The assessment used a mixed research method, including a document review, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. Although the three countries have no eco-agriculture policies, biodiversity practices are directly or indirectly affected by some policies related to environmental protection, agriculture improvement, and rural development. The assessment found that South Africa has the most comprehensive policies related to eco-agriculture; Mozambican policies mainly focus on equity and involvement of disadvantaged social groups, while Eswatini is conspicuous for explicitly making it the responsibility of each citizen to protect and safeguard the environment. The protection of conservation areas is critical to preserving natural habitats and ensuring the continued provision of ecosystem services. The lack of transboundary governance structures results in the Lubombo TFCA existing as a treaty on paper, as there are no clear processes for transboundary cooperation and collaboration.

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