Your search found 2 records
1 Silva, J. V.; Pede, V. O.; Radanielson, A. M.; Kodama, W.; Duarte, A.; de Guia, A. H.; Malabayabas, A. J. B.; Pustika, A. B.; Argosubekti, N.; Vithoonjit, D.; Hieu, P. T. M.; Pame, A. R. P.; Singleton, G. R.; Stuart, A. M. 2022. Revisiting yield gaps and the scope for sustainable intensification for irrigated lowland rice in Southeast Asia. Agricultural Systems, 198:103383. [doi:]
Irrigated rice ; Sustainable intensification ; Crop yield ; Yield gap ; Lowland ; Food security ; Smallholders ; Crop management ; Cropping systems ; Fertilizers ; Dry season ; Wet season ; Socioeconomic aspects ; Sustainability ; Crop modelling ; Stochastic models / South East Asia / Myanmar / Indonesia / Thailand / Vietnam / Mekong Delta / Bago / Can Tho / Nakhon Sawan / Yogyakarta
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051066)
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CONTEXT: Recent studies on yield gap analysis for rice in Southeast Asia revealed different levels of intensification across the main ‘rice bowls’ in the region. Identifying the key crop management and biophysical drivers of rice yield gaps across different ‘rice bowls’ provides opportunities for comparative analyses, which are crucial to better understand the scope to narrow yield gaps and increase resource-use efficiencies across the region.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to decompose rice yield gaps into their efficiency, resource, and technology components and to map the scope to sustainably increase rice production across four lowland irrigated rice areas in Southeast Asia through improved crop management.
METHODS: A novel framework for yield gap decomposition accounting for the main genotype, management, and environmental factors explaining crop yield in intensive rice irrigated systems was developed. A combination of crop simulation modelling at field-level and stochastic frontier analysis was applied to household survey data to identify the drivers of yield variability and to disentangle efficiency, resource, and technology yield gaps, including decomposing the latter into its sowing date and genotype components.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The yield gap was greatest in Bago, Myanmar (75% of Yp), intermediate in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (57% of Yp) and in Nakhon Sawan, Thailand (47% of Yp), and lowest in Can Tho, Vietnam (44% of Yp). The yield gap in Myanmar was largely attributed to the resource yield gap, reflecting a large scope to sustainably intensify rice production through increases in fertilizer use and proper weed control (i.e., more output with more inputs). In Vietnam, the yield gap was mostly attributed to the technology yield gap and to resource and efficiency yield gaps in the dry season and wet season, respectively. Yet, sustainability aspects associated with inefficient use of fertilizer and low profitability from high input levels should also be considered alongside precision agriculture technologies for site-specific management (i.e., more output with the same or less inputs). The same is true in Thailand, where the yield gap was equally explained by the technology, resource, and efficiency yield gaps. The yield gap in Indonesia was mostly attributed to efficiency and technology yield gaps and yield response curves to N based on farmer field data in this site suggest it is possible to reduce its use while increasing rice yield (i.e., more output with less inputs).
SIGNIFICANCE: This study provides a novel approach to decomposing rice yield gaps in Southeast Asia's main rice producing areas. By breaking down the yield gap into different components, context-specific opportunities to narrow yield gaps were identified to target sustainable intensification of rice production in the region.

2 Minten, B.; Goeb, J.; Win, K. Z.; Zone, P. P. 2023. Agricultural value chains in a fragile state: the case of rice in Myanmar. World Development, 167:106244. (Online first) [doi:]
Agricultural value chains ; Rice ; Food prices ; Political aspects ; Conflicts ; Models ; Indicators / Myanmar / Ayeyarwady / Bago / Yangon
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051861)
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The large majority of extreme poor in the world lives in fragile states. Yet, despite the enormous importance of these areas for global poverty and food insecurity, there is relatively little research examining how agricultural value chains, crucial for assuring food security, respond and adapt to such contexts. This paper analyzes Myanmar’s rice value chain – its most important staple and biggest value chain – during the economic collapse and political instability caused by a military coup in early 2021. It relies on unique data collected with a large sample of rice retailers and millers before and after the coup. Despite many challenges in the rice value chain after the coup – most importantly linked to banking and transport – rice processing and trade continued, assuring availability of rice in most retail markets and illustrating the resilience of the value chain to such major shock. While processing margins were mostly stable, an increased distribution margin (between rice millers and retailers) led to 11 percent higher average retail prices after the coup, implying welfare losses of almost USD 0.5 billion for the country. Using a market-pair regression method, we further find that localized violence near sellers and buyers, distances traveled, and distance of vendors from borders are associated with significantly increased rice price dispersion between rice retailers and mills. Despite the amalgam of problems to address in such settings, prioritizing the easing of transport restrictions and facilitating cheap and safe spatial arbitrage of food products would likely help prevent further food price inflation, assure higher farm prices, and therefore improve welfare.

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