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1 Kumar, P.; Herath, S.; Avtar, R.; Takeuchi, K. 2016. Mapping of groundwater potential zones in Killinochi area, Sri Lanka, using GIS and remote sensing techniques. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 2(4):419-430. [doi:]
Groundwater potential ; Groundwater table ; Mapping ; Remote sensing ; GIS ; Arid zones ; Geology ; Geomorphology ; Soil types ; Slope ; Land use ; Land cover ; Rain / Sri Lanka / Killinochi
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047907)
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Groundwater is a vital natural capital for the consistent and economic provision of potable water supply for both rural and urban environments. There is now a strong consensus that climate change poses a fundamental challenge to the well-being of all countries, with potential of being the harshest on countries already suffering from water scarcity. Dry zone of Killinochi basin in Northern Sri Lanka, which was devastated by civil war for last 25 years, is again being revitalized by human settlement and urbanization in last couple of years. However, the decreasing trend in the rainfall regime of the dry zones and the increase in population size (temporary inflow) and, hence, the demand for water for irrigation and other livelihood requirements, calls for a sustainable exploitation of the groundwater resources in the region. The development of a reasonable model for groundwater potential is need for the present time. This work strives to generate groundwater potential zonation map using integrated use of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) for Killinochi area, Northern Sri Lanka. Five different themes of information, such as geomorphology, geology, soil type (extracted from existing topo sheet); slope [generated from shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM)]; and land use/land cover (extracted from digital processing of AVNIR satellite data) were integrated with weighted overlay in GIS to generate groundwater potential zonation map of the area. The final map of the area was demarcated by four different zones of groundwater prospects, viz., good (5.32 % of the area), moderate (61.90 % of the area) poor (26.61 % of the area), and very poor (6.17 % of area). The hydrogeomorphological units, such as alluvial plain, low slope area, and land occupied by forest, are prospective zones for groundwater occurrence in the study area.

2 Akale, A. T.; Dagnew, D. C.; Belete, M. A.; Tilahun, S. A.; Mekuria, Wolde; Steenhuis, T. S. 2017. Impact of soil depth and topography on the effectiveness of conservation practices on discharge and soil loss in the Ethiopian Highlands. Land, 6(4):1-17. [doi:]
Soil depth ; Soil conservation ; Slope ; Water conservation ; Gully erosion ; Runoff ; Discharges ; Sediment ; Highlands ; Agricultural production ; Watersheds ; Infiltration ; Wet season ; Land degradation / East Africa / Ethiopia / Blue Nile River Basin / Lake Tana
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048458)
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Restoration of degraded landscapes through the implementation of soil and water conservation practices is considered a viable option to increase agricultural production by enhancing ecosystems. However, in the humid Ethiopian highlands, little information is available on the impact of conservation practices despite wide scale implementation. The objective of this research was to document the effect of conservation practices on discharge and sediment concentration and load in watersheds that have different soil depths and topography. Precipitation, discharge, and sediment concentration were measured from 2010 to 2012 in two watersheds in close proximity and located in the Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia: Tikur-Wuha and Guale watersheds. The Tikur-Wuha watershed has deep soils and a gentle slope stream channel. The Guale watershed has shallow soils and a steep slope stream channel. In early 2011, the local community installed upland conservation measures consisting of stone and soil bunds, waterways, cutoff drains, infiltration furrows, gully rehabilitation, and enclosures. The results show that conservation practices marginally decreased direct runoff in both watersheds and increased base flow in the Tikur-Wuha watershed. Average sediment concentration decreased by 81% in Tikur-Wuha and 45% in Guale. The practices intended to increase infiltration were most effective in the Tikur-Wuha watershed because the deep soil could store the infiltrated water and release it over a longer period of time after the rainy season than the steeper Guale watershed with shallow soils.

3 International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2018. Dams and malaria in Africa: time for action. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) 8p. (IWMI Water Policy Brief 40) [doi:]
Mosquito-borne diseases ; Malaria ; Water storage ; Water level ; Water security ; Water management ; Reservoir operation ; Dam construction ; Health hazards ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Irrigation ; Disease transmission ; Disease control ; River basins ; Slope / Africa / Ethiopia / Zambia / Zimbabwe
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H048781)
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4 Addisie, M. B.; Langendoen, E. J.; Aynalem, D. W.; Ayele, G. K.; Tilahun, S. A.; Schmitter, Petra; Mekuria, Wolde; Moges, M. M.; Steenhuis, T. S. 2018. Assessment of practices for controlling shallow valley-bottom gullies in the sub-humid Ethiopian Highlands. Water, 10(4):1-15.
Gully erosion ; Assessment ; Best practices ; Rehabilitation ; Sediment ; Highlands ; Valleys ; Vegetation ; Slope ; Farmers ; Watersheds ; Dams ; Grasses ; Soil conservation ; Water conservation / Africa / Ethiopia / Ethiopian Highlands
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048964)
Rehabilitation of large valley bottom gullies in developing countries is hampered by high cost. Stopping head cuts at the time of initiation will prevent large gullies from forming and is affordable. However, research on practices to control shallow gully heads with local materials is limited. The objective of this research was therefore to identify cost-effective shallow gully head stabilization practices. The four-year study was conducted on 14 shallow gullies (<3 m deep) in the central Ethiopian highlands. Six gullies were used as a control. Heads in the remaining eight gullies were regraded to a 1:1 slope. Additional practices implemented were adding either riprap or vegetation or both on the regraded heads and stabilizing the gully bed downstream. Gully heads were enclosed by fencing to prohibit cattle access to the planted vegetation. The median yearly head retreat of the control gullies was 3.6 m a-1 with a maximum of 23 m a-1. Vegetative treatments without riprap prevented gully incision by trapping sediments but did not stop the upslope retreat. The gully heads protected by riprap did not erode. Regrading the slope and adding riprap was most effective in controlling gully head retreat, and with hay grown on the fenced-in areas around the practice, it was profitable for farmers.

5 Worqlul, A. W.; Dile, Y. T.; Jeong, J.; Adimassu, Zenebe; Lefore, Nicole; Gerik, T.; Srinivasan, R.; Clarke, N. 2019. Effect of climate change on land suitability for surface irrigation and irrigation potential of the shallow groundwater in Ghana. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 157: 110-125. [doi:]
Climate change ; Land suitability ; Land use ; Irrigation methods ; Surface irrigation ; Groundwater management ; Water resources ; Surface water ; GIS ; Slope ; Soils ; Socioeconomic environment ; Population density ; Rainfall ; Temperature ; Evapotranspiration / Ghana
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049052)
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Estimating the potential land resources suitable for irrigation and evaluating the possible impact of climate change on land suitability is essential for planning a sustainable agricultural system. This study applied a GIS-based Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) technique to evaluate the suitability of land for irrigation in Ghana for a baseline period (1990 to 2010) and future time horizons 2050s (2041 to 2060) and 2070s (2061 to 2080). Key factors considered to evaluate the suitability of the land for irrigation include biophysical features (such as climate, land use, soil, and slope) and socioeconomic factors (such as proximity to roads and population density). These factors were weighted using a pairwise comparison matrix then reclassified and overlaid on a 30 m grid to estimate the irrigation potential of the country. Groundwater data from the British Geological Survey (BGS) were superimposed onto the land suitability map layer to evaluate the irrigation potential and the accessibility of shallow groundwater with simple water lifting technologies. Downscaled and bias-corrected future climate data from HadGEM2-ES under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 4.5 emission scenario were used to represent the future climate horizon. Due to climate change, on average, rainfall will increase by 15 mm and 20 mm from the baseline period in the 2050s and 2070s, respectively. The average temperature shows a consistent increase in the majority of Ghana and a higher rate of increase is expected in the 2070s. Consequently, the rising temperature will increase the potential evapotranspiration by 6.0% and 7.6% in the 2050s and 2070s, respectively. The suitability analysis indicates that approximately 9% of the country is suitable for surface irrigation under the baseline period. A large portion of the potential land is located in the southwestern part of the country. The potential suitable land has an average groundwater access of 12 m from the surface with an average borehole potential yield of 2.5 L/second, which makes it favorable for utilization of simple water lifting technologies. Due to climate change, 9.5% of the suitable land will become unfavorable for irrigation in 2050s, and it is expected to reach 17% in 2070s.

6 Ma, X.; Lacombe, Guillaume; Harrison, R.; Xu, J.; van Noordwijk, M. 2019. Expanding rubber plantations in southern China: evidence for hydrological impacts. Water, 11(4): 1-15. [doi:]
Rubber industry ; Hydrological factors ; Agroforestry ; Catchment areas ; Humid tropics ; Impact assessment ; Land cover change ; Water balance ; Watershed management ; Rainfall ; Farmland ; Grasslands ; Slope / Southeast Asia / Southern China
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049180)
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While there is increasing evidence concerning the detrimental effects of expanding rubber plantations on biodiversity and local water balances, their implications on regional hydrology remain uncertain. We studied a mesoscale watershed (100 km2) in the Xishuangbanna prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. The influence of land-cover change on streamflow recorded since 1992 was isolated from that of rainfall variability using cross-simulation matrices produced with the monthly lumped conceptual water balance model GR2M. Our results indicate a statistically significant reduction in wet and dry season streamflow from 1992 to 2002, followed by an insignificant increase until 2006. Analysis of satellite images from 1992, 2002, 2007, and 2010 shows a gradual increase in the areal percentage of rubber tree plantations at the watershed scale. However, there were marked heterogeneities in land conversions (between forest, farmland, grassland, and rubber tree plantations), and in their distribution across elevations and slopes, among the studied periods. Possible effects of this heterogeneity on hydrological processes, controlled mainly by infiltration and evapotranspiration, are discussed in light of the hydrological changes observed over the study period. We suggest pathways to improve the eco-hydrological functionalities of rubber tree plantations, particularly those enhancing dry-season base flow, and recommend how to monitor them.

7 Nyagumbo, I.; Nyamadzawo, G.; Madembo, C. 2019. Effects of three in-field water harvesting technologies on soil water content and maize yields in a semi-arid region of Zimbabwe. Agricultural Water Management, 216:206-213. [doi:]
Water harvesting ; Technology ; Soil water content ; Crop yield ; Maize ; Semiarid zones ; Dry farming ; Water conservation ; Drought ; Rain ; Soil moisture ; Slope / Zimbabwe / Shurugwi / Mukandabvute / Takara / Kuchicha
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049202)
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Climate change and recurring mid-season dry spells have resulted in perennial droughts and poor yields in most smallholder farming areas located in marginal arid to semi-arid lands (ASAL) of Zimbabwe where they are dependent on rainwater for agricultural crop production. One approach that can be used to adapt to changing climatic pattern is in-field water harvesting. This study evaluated the soil profile water content and maize yields of 3 infield water harvesting technologies namely infiltration pits (IF), fanya juus (FJ) and contour ridges with cross ties (CRCT) in comparison to standard contour ridges (SC). The three systems are currently the focus of extension recommendations for water conservation in semi-arid regions of the country. Soil water content was measured on a regular basis using gravimetric methods at locations upslope and down slope of each structure. The average volumetric water content was signifcantly different between treatments, and it varied with increasing distance from the water harvesting structures. The average profile soil moisture content, over the three seasons were 8.3, 8.2, 8.1 and 7.8% for CRCT, FJ, IF and SC repectively. CRCT, FJ and IF retained more water for a greater distance from the harvesting structures compared to the SC. Maize yields were significantly higher in the water harvesting technologies compared to SC. Maize yields were 1196, 1164, 1250 and 749 kg ha-1 for CRCT, FJ, IF and SC respectively. There as a good correlation between water content and maize yields (R2 = 0.80). It was concluded that improved water harvesting structures when compared to SC have the potential to increase maize yields in areas with water shortages, hence they can be a useful strategy for climate change adaptation.

8 Fayas, C. M.; Abeysingha, N. S.; Nirmanee, K. G. S.; Samaratunga, D.; Mallawatantri, A. 2019. Soil loss estimation using RUSLE model to prioritize erosion control in Kelani River Basin in Sri Lanka. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 7(2):130-137. [doi:]
Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation ; Estimation ; Soil erosion models ; Erosion control ; Land degradation ; Land use mapping ; Land cover mapping ; River basins ; Slope ; Rain ; Runoff / Sri Lanka / Kelani River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049211)
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Soil erosion contributes negatively to agricultural production, quality of source water for drinking, ecosystem health in land and aquatic environments, and aesthetic value of landscapes. Approaches to understand the spatial variability of erosion severity are important for improving landuse management. This study uses the Kelani river basin in Sri Lanka as the study area to assess erosion severity using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model supported by a GIS system. Erosion severity across the river basin was estimated using RUSLE, a Digital Elevation Model (15 15 m), twenty years rainfall data at 14 rain gauge stations across the basin, landuse and land cover, and soil maps and cropping factors. The estimated average annual soil loss in Kelani river basin varied from zero to 103.7 t ha-1 yr1 , with a mean annual soil loss estimated at 10.9 t ha1 yr1 . About 70% of the river basin area was identified with low to moderate erosion severity (o12 t ha1 yr1 ) indicating that erosion control measures are urgently needed to ensure a sustainable ecosystem in the Kelani river basin, which in turn, is connected with the quality of life of over 5 million people. Use of this severity information developed with RUSLE along with its individual parameters can help to design landuse management practices. This effort can be further refined by analyzing RUSLE results along with Kelani river sub-basins level real time erosion estimations as a monitoring measure for conservation practices.

9 Kibret, S.; Lautze, Jonathan; McCartney, Matthew; Nhamo, Luxon; Yan, G. 2019. Malaria around large dams in Africa: effect of environmental and transmission endemicity factors. Malaria Journal, 18:1-12. [doi:]
Malaria ; Vector-borne diseases ; Dams ; Environmental effects ; Disease transmission ; Endemics ; Mosquitoes ; Anopheles ; Breeding habitats ; Water reservoirs ; Slope ; Topography ; Climatic data ; Communities ; Health hazards / Africa South of Sahara
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049330)
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Background: The impact of large dams on malaria has received widespread attention. However, understanding how dam topography and transmission endemicity influence malaria incidences is limited.
Methods: Data from the European Commission’s Joint Research Center and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission were used to determine reservoir perimeters and shoreline slope of African dams. Georeferenced data from the Malaria Atlas Project (MAP) were used to estimate malaria incidence rates in communities near reservoir shorelines. Population data from the WorldPop database were used to estimate the population at risk of malaria around dams in stable and unstable areas.
Results: The data showed that people living near (< 5 km) large dams in sub-Saharan Africa grew from 14.4 million in 2000 to 18.7 million in 2015. Overall, across sub-Saharan Africa between 0.7 and 1.6 million malaria cases per year are attributable to large dams. Whilst annual malaria incidence declined markedly in both stable and unstable areas between 2000 and 2015, the malaria impact of dams appeared to increase in unstable areas, but decreased in stable areas. Shoreline slope was found to be the most important malaria risk factor in dam-affected geographies, explaining 41–82% (P < 0.001) of the variation in malaria incidence around reservoirs.
Conclusion: Gentler, more gradual shoreline slopes were associated with much greater malaria risk. Dam-related environmental variables such as dam topography and shoreline slopes are an important factor that should be considered in efforts to predict and control malaria around dams.

10 Leh, Mansoor; Vongsathien, Xayyasone; McCartney, Matthew; Lacombe, Guillaume. 2019. Erosion study as a contribution to the CAWA [Climate Change Adaptation in Wetlands Areas] project. Final report submitted to FAO and CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 45p.
Soil erosion models ; Universal Soil Loss Equation ; Estimation ; Rivers ; Watersheds ; Land use ; Land cover ; Rain ; Climate change adaptation ; Wetlands ; Projects ; Spatial distribution ; Slope ; Forecasting / Lao People's Democratic Republic / Xe Champone Watershed
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049437)
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11 Mukherjee, I.; Singh, U. K. 2020. Delineation of groundwater potential zones in a drought-prone semi-arid region of East India using GIS and analytical hierarchical process techniques. Catena, 194:104681. (Online first) [doi:]
Groundwater potential ; Semiarid zones ; Geographical information systems ; Drought ; Remote sensing ; Groundwater recharge ; Aquifers ; Land use ; Land cover ; Rain ; River basins ; Slope ; Soil types ; Sensitivity analysis ; Multicollinearity ; Topography ; Techniques / India / West Bengal / Birbhum
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049780)
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Over-extraction of groundwater has compromised its climatic resilience properties and the arid/semi-arid rural tracts are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the risks of groundwater scarcity. This study has employed a combination of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) techniques to delineate the Groundwater Potential Zones (GPZs) of the semi-arid Birbhum district in eastern India which suffers from seasonal drought during lean periods. For a reliable evaluation, a large number of thematic layers (N = 12) including geology, geomorphology, Land Use/Land Cover (LULC), fault and lineament density, drainage density, rainfall, soil type, slope, roughness, topographic wetness index, topographic position index and curvature were considered for this assessment. Multicollinearity and consistency checks were performed prior integrating the layers to avoid a non-trivial degree of accuracy in prediction output. The GPZ map was obtained with an accuracy of 80.49% with respect to the observation tube well data. Based on the obtained output, 38.24%, 24.24% and 11.14% of areas of the district classified as moderate, poor, and very poor GPZs, respectively, whereas only 26.38% of the district classified as high to very high GPZs. Cross-validation using the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve revealed a good prediction accuracy of 71.50%. Furthermore, map removal and single parameter sensitivity analysis was also performed which revealed geology, geomorphology, soil types, rainfall, LULC and lineament density as the most influential parameters for the prediction model where exclusion of any thematic layer significantly changes the prediction accuracy and area of each GPZ class. The most convincing GPZs are recorded in some parts of the Mayurakshi and Ajay river basins and certain alluvial aquifer regions. Nonetheless, the study recommends the adaptation of Managed Aquifer Recharge techniques including rainwater harvesting, alternative cropping patterns and irrigation techniques such as sprinklers, drips and micro irrigations to increase the groundwater potential of the water crisis zones.

12 Durand, M.; Chen, C.; Frasson, R. P. D. M.; Pavelsky, T. M.; Williams, B.; Yang, X.; Fore, A. 2020. How will radar layover impact SWOT [Surface Water and Ocean Topography] measurements of water surface elevation and slope, and estimates of river discharge? Remote Sensing of Environment, 247:111883. (Online first) [doi:]
Surface water ; Rivers ; Discharges ; Estimation ; Slope ; Digital elevation models ; Uncertainty ; Topography ; Hydrology ; Interferometry ; Radar imagery
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049831)
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Water surface elevation (WSE), slope and width measurements from the forthcoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission will enable spaceborne estimates of global river discharge. WSE will be measured by interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). InSAR measurements are vulnerable to contamination from layover, a phenomenon wherein radar returns from multiple locations arrive at the sensor simultaneously, rendering them indistinguishable. This study assesses whether layover will significantly impact the precision of SWOT estimates of global river discharge. We present a theoretical river layover uncertainty model at the scale of nodes and reaches, which constitute nominal 200 m and 10 km averages, respectively, along river centerlines. The model is calibrated using high-resolution simulations of SWOT radar interaction with topography covering a total of 41,233 node observations, across a wide range of near-river topographic features. We find that height uncertainty increases to a maximum value at relatively low values of topographic standard deviation and varies strongly with position in the swath. When applied at global scale, the calibrated model shows that layover causes expected height uncertainty to increase by only a modest amount (from 9.4 to 10.4 cm at the 68th percentile). The 68th percentile of the slope uncertainty increases more significantly, from 10 to 17 mm/km. Nonetheless, the 68th percentile discharge uncertainty increases only marginally. We find that the impact of layover on SWOT river discharge is expected to be small in most environments.

13 Gonfa, B. G.; Hatiye, S. D.; Finssa, M. M. 2021. Land suitability and surface water resources potential for irrigation in Becho Plain, Upper Awash Basin, Ethiopia. Irrigation and Drainage, 22p. (Online first) [doi:]
Land suitability ; Surface water ; Water resources ; Irrigation water ; Surface irrigation ; Water availability ; Irrigated farming ; Land use ; Land cover ; Water supply ; Water demand ; Soil properties ; Slope ; Assessment ; Decision making ; River basins ; Geographical information systems / Ethiopia / Upper Awash Basin / Becho Plain
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050251)
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In this study, an assessment of the land and surface water resources potential of the Becho Plain was conducted. Land suitability for irrigated agriculture was evaluated by considering the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) criteria. The land suitability parameters such as soil properties, slope, land use and land cover were used to identify the suitable irrigable land. The analytical hierarchy process was employed to obtain parameter weights, and later the weighted overlay analysis in the geographic information system was employed to obtain the overall suitability of land resources for irrigation. The surface water availability and amount were evaluated by using the calibrated Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. The water requirement of dominant crops was estimated following the FAO procedure and compared with the available water. Nearly 70% of the land area is identified as suitable for surface irrigation, while the remaining 30% of the land area is restricted for irrigation development. The water supply and demand analysis revealed that there is sufficient water available in the Becho Plain for irrigation development. The physically possible irrigation area and diversion sites were also identified. The Becho Plain has ample land and water resources for irrigation development. However, future developments shall also consider downstream water use to implement sustainable irrigation development.

14 Desta, G.; Abera, W.; Tamene, L.; Amede, T. 2021. A meta-analysis of the effects of land management practices and land uses on soil loss in Ethiopia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 322:107635. (Online first) [doi:]
Land management ; Land use ; Land cover ; Soil loss ; Soil erosion ; Erosion control ; Environmental factors ; Soil texture ; Land degradation ; Soil conservation ; Slope ; Drainage ; Rain ; Farmland / Ethiopia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050596)
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Over the last three decades, land management practices have been extensively implemented in Ethiopia. Different attempts have been made to assess the effects of land management practices on soil loss at plot scales under a range of climatic and land use conditions. However, the plot-level studies were mostly focused on limited sites and were inadequate to show the effects of land management and land cover practices across a range of practices and under various environmental contexts. A meta-analysis of 82 plot-level experiments in 59 sites was conducted to assessing the effects of land management practices and land use/cover types on soil loss relative to control practice. Random effects were accounted for the association of soil loss and environmental factors including mean annual rainfall, soil texture, and slope length. The results showed that there were significant mean soil loss differences among the categories of land management and land cover practices (p < 0.049). A large amount of residual heterogeneity (I2 = 92%) suggests that the groups of practices are heterogeneous. Mechanical erosion control and agronomic practices with the largest number of studies and somewhat area closure showed large heterogeneity across experiments.The overall mean soil loss ratio of mechanical (0.086, R2 = 81%), agronomic (0.21, R2 = 85%), and area closure (0.09, R2 = 52%) practices were significant to reduce soil loss. There was no residual heterogeneity exhibited across studies for the rest of four groups of practices. The mean soil loss ratio of mechanical practices under non-cropland, annual cropland cover, drainage, and non-cropland cover types were 0.12, 0.14, 0.27, and 0.29, respectively. Yet, with a certain level of inconsistency, the overall effects of all groups of land management and land cover practices were positive. In general, the sensitivity of environmental factors and their magnitude of association with soil loss ratio could imply that the effects of the range of land management practices and land cover types on soil loss are very contextual.

15 Das, M.; Parveen, T.; Ghosh, D.; Alam, J. 2021. Assessing groundwater status and human perception in drought-prone areas: a case of Bankura-I and Bankura-II blocks, West Bengal (India). Environmental Earth Sciences, 80(18):636. [doi:]
Groundwater assessment ; Groundwater recharge ; Drought ; Water supply ; Water availability ; Drinking water ; Land use ; Land cover ; Geomorphology ; Petrology ; Slope ; Geographical information systems ; Models ; Sustainability ; Agricultural practices ; Vegetation / India / West Bengal / Bankura-I / Bankura-II
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050636)
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Ground water is a precious natural resource in every aspect of human life from natural to artificial environment. Ground water is an indicator of regional development by improving the economic domain through intensive agricultural practices, and aesthetic value through sufficient ground water supply as drinking water, fertile soil, and healthy vegetation. However, ground water availability and associated human perceptions were the main themes of the present study. In this study, both primary and secondary data were incorporated to understand the human adaptation behaviour in drought-prone areas of the fringe of Chhotanagpur plateau region (Bankura-I and II blocks) to ground water storage. GWPZ mapping is a very important exposure to knowing the ground reality. So, the MCDM-AHP method has been developed based on the eight dominant conditioning factors viz. geomorphology, lithology, lineament density, soil, drainage density, LULC, average slope, and slope aspect using GIS analytics with field expertise. The output result was validated with comparing 105 inventory stations where 0.850 AUC value was good for accepting the GWPZ model. As a result, a major portion of the study area is dominated by poor to moderate possibilities of ground water level (ground water level drops 1–2 m during the pre-monsoon) due to Proterozoic granite gneiss formation over the study area. With comparing demographic status, it was not favourable for a healthy lifestyle. Agriculture dominated rural environment of Bankura-I and II blocks is far away from the modern digital environment that is why ground water has played a very crucial role in the field of development. Moreover, to build up a good level of ground water recharge zone through rainfall harvesting, and sustainable land use planning will be the best management practices. So, availability of ground water should be a positive sign of development in the field of the economic sector and sustainable human society.

16 Chisadza, B.; Mashakani, B.-L.; Gwate, O.; Chiwara, P.; Choruma, D.; Gumindoga, W. 2022. Determination of groundwater potential zones using geographic information systems and remote sensing in Lupane District, Zimbabwe. Irrigation and Drainage, 13p. (Online first) [doi:]
Groundwater potential ; Geographical information systems ; Remote sensing ; Groundwater recharge ; Boreholes ; Energy ; Foods ; Nexus approaches ; Land cover ; Land use ; Soil types ; Slope ; Drainage ; Geology ; Models / Zimbabwe / Lupane
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051288)
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Groundwater is a vital natural resource for agricultural, domestic and industrial uses. Understanding the spatial distribution of groundwater resources is critical to improving the relationship between water, food and energy. This article uses GIS and remote sensing and the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique to map the potential groundwater zones in the Lupane district. Lineaments, drainage density, slope, soil type, geology and land use land cover (LULC) were used to create thematic maps in ArcMap. The thematic maps were weighted and ranked according to their influence on the movement and occurrence of groundwater. To validate the groundwater potential zones (GWPZs) model, we used LULC and 675 perennial and seasonal boreholes in the Lupane district. The LULC and borehole maps were overlaid on the modelled GWPZ map to highlight their distribution. The GWPZ results show that areas with good potential make up the majority of the district (41%), followed by areas with moderate potential (30%), poor potential (14%), very good potential (13%) and very poor potential (2%). The results showed that 74% (499) of perennial boreholes overlapped the zones with good, moderate and/or very good groundwater potential. The GWPZ map can therefore be used as a preliminary reference when selecting suitable sites for the exploitation of groundwater resources. Further testing of the model using both seasonal and year-round yields and depths from boreholes is recommended.

17 Guduru, J. U.; Jilo, N. B. 2022. Groundwater potential zone assessment using integrated analytical hierarchy process-geospatial driven in a GIS environment in Gobele Watershed, Wabe Shebele River Basin, Ethiopia. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 44:101218. [doi:]
Groundwater potential ; Geographical information systems ; Groundwater recharge ; Watersheds ; River basins ; Land use ; Land cover ; Remote sensing ; Drainage ; Rain ; Geology ; Slope ; Analytical methods / Ethiopia / Wabe Shebele River Basin / Gobele Watershed
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051563)
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Study region: Gobele watershed, Wabe Shebelle River Basin, Ethiopia.
Study focus: Recently, extremely increasing population numbers, and irrigation demand have imposed water problems in the study area. Hence, this study aimed to delineate groundwater potential zones through an integrated approach of remote sensing, geographical information system (GIS), and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the Gobele watershed. Numerous factors like rainfall, geology, land use/land cover, slope, soil types, drainage density, lineament density, and topographic wetness index were considered to demarcate groundwater recharge. The relative weight of each factor was determined using AHP. Ultimately, all thematic layers were aggregated by a weighted sum overly analysis in a GIS environment to map groundwater potential zones using relative weights derived from the AHP. Finally, to verify the result, of the model was validated with 30 observed springs and well yield.
New hydrological insights: The distribution of groundwater potential zones was spatially varied in that a high groundwater recharge zone covers 2.4 % of the watershed, a moderate (93.7 %) and a low (3.9 %). The validation analysis revealed a 90 % agreement between the groundwater inventory data and the developed groundwater potential zone. Hence, the results are reliable and enable water users and decision-makers to sustainably utilize the available groundwater in the study area. Furthermore, this study is one of the rare groundwater investigations in the hydrogeological setting of the study area.

18 Edamo, M. L.; Bushira, K.; Ukumo, T. Y. 2022. Flood susceptibility mapping in the Bilate Catchment, Ethiopia. H2Open Journal, 5(4):691-712. [doi:]
Flooding ; Climate change ; Land use ; Land cover ; Soil types ; Slope ; Sediment transport ; Rain ; Risk management ; Models ; Remote sensing ; Geographical information systems ; Decision making ; Watersheds ; Infiltration ; Geomorphology ; Population density ; Drainage ; Downstream ; Case studies / Ethiopia / Bilate River / Rift Valley Lake Basin / Abaya-Chamo Catchment / Bilate Catchment
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051591)
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Flood susceptibility mapping plays a key role in planning flood mitigation. Floods may not be avoidable due to the future climate changes. The Bilate catchment in Ethiopia is vulnerable to flood disasters and it is used as case study in this project. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) under multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is used to develop the flood susceptibility map of the Bilate catchment. It was accordingly found that factors such as slope, rainfall, land use/land cover (LULC), elevation, topographic wetness index (TWI), soil type (ST), sediment transport index (STI), drainage density (DD), stream power index (SPI), and distance from the river (DR) have significant effects on the flood intensity in Bilate catchment. Each factor was evaluated by AHP, and an output map was developed in ARCGIS. The prepared flood susceptibility map was classified into five classes such as very low, low, moderate, high, and very high 9.3%, 32.6%, 41.2%, 10.8%, and 6.1% areas respectively. The flood susceptibility map reported in this research is a great resource for relevant parties, including government and non-governmental organizations, to evaluate the impacts of flooding in the Bilate catchment and throughout the nation. The flood identified in this research may also be used as a reference to flood-related studies.

19 Mabhaudhi, Tafadzwanashe; Haileslassie, Amare; Magidi, J.; Nhamo, L. 2022. Irrigation suitability mapping examples from Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi and Kenya. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on Diversification in East and Southern Africa. 52p.
Irrigation management ; Land suitability ; Mapping ; Planning ; Soil texture ; Land use ; Land cover ; Rain ; Surface water ; Groundwater ; Slope ; Diversification ; Socioeconomic aspects / Zimbabwe / Zambia / Malawi / Kenya / Balaka / Nkhotakota / Monze / Chipata / Nakuru / Makueni / Masvingo / Makonde / Murehwa
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051676)
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The irrigation suitability classification was achieved by using physical factors that include slope, rainfall, landuse, closeness to waterbodies (surface and groundwater) and soil characteristics for selected districts in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, and Kenya, some of the UU target countries. As cereals form the main food basket of the selected countries, and cereals are not tolerant to saline conditions, the report also provides maps showing high soil salinity areas of Makueni and Nakuru of Kenya, where soils are highly saline. However, soil salinity is insignificant in the other study districts and therefore not mapped. This report provides (a) a conceptual framework and detailed methodology for irrigation suitability mapping, including details of identified boundary maps and geospatial data, and (b) a synthesis model and maps on irrigation suitability mapping for the selected districts in the four target countries.

20 Birhanu, B. Z.; Sanogo, K.; Traore, S. S.; Minh, Thai; Kizito, F. 2023. Solar-based irrigation systems as a game changer to improve agricultural practices in Sub-Sahara Africa: a case study from Mali. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7:1085335. [doi:]
Solar powered irrigation systems ; Agricultural practices ; Climate-smart agriculture ; Technology ; Smallholders ; Farmers ; Land suitability ; Land use ; Land cover ; Slope ; Soil types ; Sustainable intensification ; Water management ; Water use ; Groundwater ; Solar energy ; Rainfall ; Rural areas ; Households ; Socioeconomic aspects ; Case studies / Africa South of Sahara / Mali / Sikasso / Bougouni / Koutiala
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051767)
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Introduction: In rainfed agricultural systems, sustainable and efficient water management practices are key to improved agricultural productivity and natural resource management. The agricultural system in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) relies heavily on the availability of rainfall. With the erratic and unreliable rainfall pattern associated with poor and fragile soils, agricultural productivity has remained very low over the years. Much of the SSA agricultural land has been degraded with low fertility as a result of ongoing cultivation and wind and water erosion. This has resulted in an increased food shortage due to the ever-increasing population and land degradation. Better agricultural and nutritional security are further hampered by the lack of reliable access to the available water resources in the subsurface hydrological system.
Methods: This study used socio-economic data from 112 farm households and Boolean and Fuzzy methods to understand farmers' perceptions and identify suitable areas to implement Solar Based Irrigation Systems (SBISs) in the agro-ecologies of Bougouni and Koutiala districts of southern Mali.
Results and discussion: Results revealed that the usage of SBISs has been recent (4.5 years), majorly (77%) constructed by donor-funded projects mainly for domestic water use and livestock (88%). With regards to irrigation, vegetable production was the dominant water use (60%) enabling rural farm households to gain over 40% of extra household income during the dry season. Results further showed that 4,274 km2 (22%) of the total land area for the Bougouni district, and 1,722 km2 (18%) of the Koutiala district are suitable for solar-based irrigation. The affordability of solar panels in many places makes SBISs to be an emerging climate-smart technology for most rural Malian populations.

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