Your search found 8 records
1 Kidd, M. 2017. Climate change, groundwater and the law: exploring the connections in South Africa. Water International, 42(6):678-690. (Special issue: Groundwater and Climate Change - Multi-Level Law and Policy). [doi:]
Climate change ; Groundwater management ; Water law ; Legislation ; Licences ; Water resources ; Assessment ; Water pollution ; Sewage ; Acid mine drainage ; Eutrophication ; Hydraulic fracturing / South Africa / Tosca Molopo
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048264)
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Projected impacts of climate change on water availability in South Africa are likely to result in the increasing use of groundwater, which is relatively underused at present. Several threats to groundwater, including acid mine drainage, pervasive water pollution (particularly from untreated sewage), and planned hydraulic fracturing will have to be addressed to protect the country’s groundwater reserves. This article considers the role that law can play in both managing groundwater and protecting it from these and other threats.

2 Jasechko, S.; Perrone, D. 2017. Hydraulic fracturing near domestic groundwater wells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(50):13138-13143. [doi:]
Hydraulic fracturing ; Groundwater ; Well construction ; Domestic water ; Chemical contamination ; Natural gas ; Oils ; Drinking water ; Water quality ; Monitoring ; Risk analysis / USA
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049213)
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Hydraulic fracturing operations are generating considerable discussion about their potential to contaminate aquifers tapped by domestic groundwater wells. Groundwater wells located closer to hydraulically fractured wells are more likely to be exposed to contaminants derived from on-site spills and well-bore failures, should they occur. Nevertheless, the proximity of hydraulic fracturing operations to domestic groundwater wells is unknown. Here, we analyze the distance between domestic groundwater wells (public and self-supply) constructed between 2000 and 2014 and hydraulically fractured wells stimulated in 2014 in 14 states. We show that 37% of all recorded hydraulically fractured wells stimulated during 2014 exist within 2 km of at least one recently constructed (2000–2014) domestic groundwater well. Furthermore, we identify 11 counties where most (>50%) recorded domestic groundwater wells exist within 2 km of one or more hydraulically fractured wells stimulated during 2014. Our findings suggest that understanding how frequently hydraulic fracturing operations impact groundwater quality is of widespread importance to drinking water safety in many areas where hydraulic fracturing is common. We also identify 236 counties where most recorded domestic groundwater wells exist within 2 km of one or more recorded oil and gas wells producing during 2014. Our analysis identifies hotspots where both conventional and unconventional oil and gas wells frequently exist near recorded domestic groundwater wells that may be targeted for further water-quality monitoring.

3 Esterhuyse, S. 2017. Developing a groundwater vulnerability map for unconventional oil and gas extraction: a case study from South Africa. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76(17):1-13. [doi:]
Groundwater assessment ; Gases ; Oils ; Extraction ; Mapping ; Water resources ; Aquifers ; Water quality ; Monitoring ; Indicators ; Water policy ; Hydraulic fracturing ; Geological process ; Environmental Impact Assessment ; Databases ; Case studies / South Africa
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049214)
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Some of the most important issues surrounding unconventional oil and gas (UOG) extraction are the possible impacts of this activity on potable groundwater resources and how to minimise and mitigate such impacts. A groundwater vulnerability map for UOG extraction has been developed as part of an interactive vulnerability map for South Africa in an effort to address such concerns and minimize possible future impacts linked to UOG extraction. This article describes the development of the groundwater theme of the interactive vulnerability map and highlights important aspects that were considered during the development of this map, which would also be of concern to other countries that may plan to embark on UOG extraction. The policy implications of the groundwater vulnerability map for managing UOG extraction impacts is also highlighted in this article.

4 Cook, M.; Webber, M. 2016. Food, fracking, and freshwater: the potential for markets and cross-sectoral investments to enable water conservation. Water, 8(2):1-21. [doi:]
Water market ; Hydraulic fracturing ; Freshwater ; Energy generation ; Nexus ; Agricultural sector ; Irrigation water ; Irrigation efficiency ; Irrigation practices ; Water availability ; Water allocation ; Water policy ; Water use ; Water rights ; Surface water ; Groundwater ; Water conservation ; Investment ; Transaction costs ; Oils ; Gases / USA / Texas / Lower Rio Grande Valley
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049215)
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Hydraulic fracturing-the injection of pressurized fluid, often water, to increase recovery of oil or gas-has become increasingly popular in combination with horizontal drilling. Hydraulic fracturing improves production from a well, but requires a significant amount of water to do so and could put pressure on existing water resources, especially in water-stressed areas. To supply water needs, some water rights holders sell or lease their water resources to oil and gas producers in an informal water market. These transactions enable the opportunity for cross-sectoral investments, by which the energy sector either directly or indirectly provides the capital for water efficiency improvements in the agricultural sector as a mechanism to increase water availability for other purposes, including oil and gas production. In this analysis, we employ an original water and cost model to evaluate the water market in Texas and the potential for cross-sectoral collaboration on water efficiency improvements through a case study of the Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas. We find that, if irrigation efficiency management practices were fully implemented, between 420 and 800 million m3 of water could be spared per year over a ten year period, potentially enabling freshwater use in oil and gas production for up to 26,000 wells, while maintaining agricultural productivity and possibly improving water flows to the ecosystem.

5 Esterhuyse, S.; Redelinghuys, N. 2014. Knowledge of unconventional gas mining among decision-makers in South Africa: exploring the requirements for fact-based water policy development. Water Policy, 16(6):1155-1171. [doi:]
Water policy ; Gas production ; Mining ; Regulations ; Water quality ; Decision making ; Knowledge level ; Resource management ; Environmental effects ; Hydraulic fracturing / South Africa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049216)
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Water policy and regulation are of vital importance for unconventional gas mining, which may have large impacts on water availability and water quality. However, various studies indicate that regulators have insufficient knowledge to make informed policy decisions on unconventional gas mining. Based on this observation we conducted a study on the availability of knowledge of unconventional gas mining of attendees at the 4th and 5th Orange River Basin symposiums that are held annually in South Africa. The study focused on knowledge and perceptions of unconventional gas mining over the 2-year period from 2012 to 2013 due to important developments with regard to unconventional gas mining that took place in South Africa over this period, which could affect decision-makers' policy decisions on unconventional gas mining. Our results indicate that knowledge of this mining technique among decision-makers is limited, primarily because fact-based research is not readily available. Reliable facts on unconventional gas mining are required in order to effectively regulate this activity in South Africa. This paper argues for fact-based regulation and adaptive management as the science and technology of shale gas mining evolves.

6 Thangarajan, M.; Singh, V. P. (Eds.) 2016. Groundwater assessment, modeling, and management. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press. 511p.
Groundwater assessment ; Groundwater management ; Models ; Water availability ; Water quality ; Water purification ; Water use ; Water resources ; Groundwater flow ; Groundwater recharge ; Alluvial aquifers ; Climate change ; Coastal area ; Water pollution ; Saline water ; Arsenic ; Contamination ; Freshwater ; Carbon dioxide ; Ion exchange ; Fluorides ; Hydraulic conductivity ; Geographical information systems ; Forecasting ; Optimization ; Food security ; Agricultural production ; Rice ; Rivers ; Hydrogeology ; Hydraulic fracturing ; Case studies / Africa South of Sahara / Southern Africa / East Africa / India / Brazil / Botswana / Okavango Delta / Cauvery River / Ganges River / Boro River Valley / Gangetic Plains / Maharashtra / Tamil Nadu
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H049342)

7 Otazo-Sanchez, E. M.; Navarro-Frometa, A. E.; Singh, V. P. (Eds.) 2020. Water availability and management in Mexico. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 516p. [doi:]
Water availability ; Water management ; Water resources ; Water allocation ; Water demand ; Water use ; Water supply ; Water security ; Drinking water ; Water quality ; Runoff ; Forecasting ; Water governance ; Climate change ; Water pollution ; Public health ; Health hazards ; Sanitation ; Aquaculture ; Wastewater irrigation ; Drainage systems ; Groundwater extraction ; Oil and gas industries ; Hydraulic fracturing ; Environmental impact ; Hydrology ; Ecology ; Wetlands ; Data mining ; Legal aspects ; Urban areas ; River basins ; Lakes ; Valleys ; Models ; Uncertainty ; Case studies / Mexico / Candelaria River / Nexapa River / Tulancingo Aquifer / Puebla Aquifer / Mezquital Valley / Lake Cajititlan / Hidalgo / Zacatecas / Nuevo Leon / Sinaloa / San Luis Potosi / Cuernavaca
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H049347)

8 Chen, C.-Y.; Wang, S.-W.; Kim, H.; Pan, S.-Y.; Fan, C.; Lin, Y. J. 2021. Non-conventional water reuse in agriculture: a circular water economy. Water Research, 199:117193. [doi:]
Water reuse ; Agriculture ; Irrigation water ; Wastewater treatment plants ; Technology ; Economic aspects ; Water use ; Water quality ; Sewage ; Public health ; Nutrients ; Hydraulic fracturing ; Stormwater runoff ; Cooling water ; Decentralization
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050454)
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Due to the growing and diverse demands on water supply, exploitation of non-conventional sources of water has received much attention. Since water consumption for irrigation is the major contributor to total water withdrawal, the utilization of non-conventional sources of water for the purpose of irrigation is critical to assuring the sustainability of water resources. Although numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate and manage non-conventional water sources, little research has reviewed the suitability of available water technologies for improving water quality, so that water reclaimed from non-conventional supplies could be an alternative water resource for irrigation. This article provides a systematic overview of all aspects of regulation, technology and management to enable the innovative technology, thereby promoting and facilitating the reuse of non-conventional water. The study first reviews the requirements for water quantity and quality (i.e., physical, chemical, and biological parameters) for agricultural irrigation. Five candidate sources of non-conventional water were evaluated in terms of quantity and quality, namely rainfall/stormwater runoff, industrial cooling water, hydraulic fracturing wastewater, process wastewater, and domestic sewage. Water quality issues, such as suspended solids, biochemical/chemical oxygen demand, total dissolved solids, total nitrogen, bacteria, and emerging contaminates, were assessed. Available technologies for improving the quality of non-conventional water were comprehensively investigated. The potential risks to plants, human health, and the environment posed by non-conventional water reuse for irrigation are also discussed. Lastly, three priority research directions, including efficient collection of non-conventional water, design of fit-for-purpose treatment, and deployment of energy-efficient processes, were proposed to provide guidance on the potential for future research.

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