Your search found 3 records
1 Arasalingam, Sutharsiny; Pathmarajah, S.; Mikunthan, T.; Vithanage, M.; Manthrithilake, Herath. 2013. Impact of agricultural activities on groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking in Valikamam area, Jaffna Peninsula. In Sri Lanka Water Partnership (Lanka Jalani); International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Unilever-Pureit. Proceedings of the First Young Water Professionals Symposium, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 22-23 November 2012. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Water Partnership (Lanka Jalani); Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Colombo, Sri Lanka: Unilever-Pureit. pp.74-81.
Groundwater resources ; Drinking water ; Water quality ; Agricultural production ; Wells ; Aquifers ; Fluorides ; Nitrates ; Chlorides ; Calcium ; Magnesium ; Carbonates ; Bicarbonates ; Sodium ; Potassium / Sri Lanka / Jaffna Peninsula / Valikamam / Chunnakam aquifer
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 333.91 G744 SRI Record No: H046158)
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2 Sood, Aditya; Manthrithilake, Herath; Siddiqui, Salman; Rajah, Ameer; Pathmarajah, S. 2015. Managing shallow aquifers in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(7):1-16. [doi:]
Groundwater recharge ; Groundwater management ; Groundwater extraction ; Water balance ; Water resources ; Aquifers ; Arid zones ; Remote sensing ; Density ; Wells ; Rain / Sri Lanka / Jaffna Peninsula / Valikamam
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047699)
This study looks at the groundwater issues in the dry zone of Sri Lanka and shows how the use of remote sensing with high-resolution images can help in groundwater management. A new approach is developed for automatic extraction of the location of agrowells using high-spatial-resolution satellite imageries. As an example, three pilot sites in three different aquifer systems in the country are considered, and their highresolution images are analyzed over two temporal time periods. The analysis suggests that the well density in all three regions has increased over the last few years, indicating higher levels of groundwater extraction. Using the well inventory developed by this new approach, the water budgeting was prepared for the mainland of Jaffna Peninsula. The analysis shows a wide variation in well density in the Jaffna Peninsula, ranging from (as little as) less than 15 wells per square kilometer to (as high as) more than 200 wells per square kilometer. Calculations made for the maximum allowable water extraction in each administrative division of Jaffna show that less than 3 h of daily extraction per well is possible in some districts. This points to an increasing pressure on groundwater resources in the region and thus highlights the importance of understanding groundwater budgets for sustainable development of the aquifers.

3 Arasalingam, Sutharsiny; Manthrithilake, Herath; Pathmarajah, S.; Mikunthan, T.; Vithanage, M. 2020. Geo-statistical approach for prediction of groundwater quality in Chunnakam Aquifer, Jaffna Peninsula. Journal of Jaffna Science Association, 2(1):12-24.
Groundwater ; Water quality ; Aquifers ; Spatial distribution ; Forecasting ; Water properties ; Wells ; Geostatistics ; Models / Sri Lanka / Jaffna Peninsula / Valikamam / Chunnakam Aquifer
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050216)
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Chunnakam aquifer is the main limestone aquifer of Jaffna Peninsula. The population of the Jaffna Peninsula depends entirely on groundwater resources to meet all of their water requirements. Thus for protecting groundwater quality in Chunnakam aquifer, data on spatial and temporal distribution are important. Geostatistics methods are one of the most advanced techniques for interpolation of groundwater quality. In this study, Ordinary Kriging and IDW methods were used for predicting spatial distribution of some groundwater characteristics such as: Electrical Conductivity (EC), pH, nitrate as nitrogen, chloride, calcium, carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfate and sodium concentration. Forty four wells were selected to represent the entire Chunnakam aquifer during January, March, April, July and October 2011 to represent wet and dry season within a year. After normalization of data, variogram was computed. Suitable model for fitness on experimental variogram was selected based on less Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) value. Then the best method for interpolation was selected, using cross validation and RMSE. Results showed that for all groundwater quality, Ordinary Kriging performed better than IDW method to simulate groundwater quality. Finally, using Ordinary Kriging method, maps of groundwater quality were prepared for studied groundwater quality in Chunnakam aquifer. The result of Ordinary Kriging interpolation showed that higher EC, chloride, sulphate and sodium concentrations are clearly shown to be more common closer to the coast, and decreasing inland due to intrusion of seawater into the Chunnakam aquifer. Also higher NO3 - - N are observed in intensified agricultural areas of Chunnakam aquifer in Jaffna Peninsula.

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