Your search found 1 records
1 Mapa, R. B. (Ed.) 2020. The soils of Sri Lanka. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 128p. (World Soils Book Series) [doi:]
Soil types ; Soil surveys ; Soil sciences ; Geomorphology ; Geology ; Soil degradation ; Soil fertility ; Soil salinity ; Soil erosion ; Mineralogical soil types ; Tropical soils ; Clay minerals ; Kaolinite ; Smectites ; Luvisols ; Acrisols ; Alluvial soils ; Rock ; Weathering ; Highlands ; Landslides ; Arid zones ; Lowland ; Climatic zones ; Agroecological zones ; Coastal plains ; Floodplains ; Plantation crops ; Land resources ; Land use planning ; Legislation ; Drainage systems ; Eutrophication ; Environmental effects ; Monsoon climate ; Rain ; Temperature ; Waterlogging / Sri Lanka
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