Your search found 7 records
1 Pathmarajah, S.; Mapa, R. B.. 1990. Changes in soil physical properties along a reddish brown earth soil catena: A challenge for irrigation planning. In Gunawardena, E. R. N. (Ed.) Irrigation and water resources: Proceedings of a symposium. Peradeniya, Sri Lanka: University of Peradeniya, Faculty of Agriculture. pp.40-45.
Soil properties ; Irrigation programs ; Red soils / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7 G744 GUN Record No: H09286)

2 Pathmarajah, S.; Mapa, R. B.. 1990. Characterization of soil water movement in reddish brown earth soils (Alfisol) In Thattil, R. O. (Ed.) Tropical agricultural research: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Congress of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, Peradeniya, 8-9 November 1990. Vol.2. Peradeniya, Sri Lanka: Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture. pp.101-113.
Red soils ; Soil water movement ; Soil properties
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 630.72 G744 THA Record No: H010099)

3 Nayakekorala, H. B.; Mapa, R. B.; Madduma Bandara C M. 1998. Hydrological implications of soil water dynamics under an alley cropping system in the mid country intermediate zone of Sri Lanka. In Marambe, B. (Ed.), Tropical agricultural research. Vol. 10, 1998. Peradeniya, Sri Lanka: PGIA. pp.117-133.
Hydrology ; Soil water ; Cropping systems ; Watersheds ; Rainfall-runoff relationships ; Catchment yield ; Soil properties / Sri Lanka / Kandy District / Pallekelle
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 630.72 G744 MAR Record No: H023378)

4 Mapa, R. B.; Somasiri, S.; Nagarajah, S. (Eds.) 1999. Soils of the wet zone of Sri Lanka: Morphology, characterization and classification. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Soil Science Society of Sri Lanka. xv, 184p. + 1 fold. map. (Special publication no.1)
Soil properties ; Soil structure ; Soil classification ; Soil surveys ; Climate ; Soil management ; Soil analysis / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.4 G744 MAP Record No: H025500)

5 Keerthisena, R. S. K.; Mapa, R. B.; Yapa, P. A. J. 2001. Soil water dynamics in alley cropping systems in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research, 13:123-133.
Cropping systems ; Soil water ; Soil properties / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7670 Record No: H039424)

6 Rajapaksha, K. L. N.; Mapa, R. B.; Dassanayake, A. R. 2001. Aggregate stability of soils of the intermediate zone of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research, 13:134-142.
Soil properties / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7670 Record No: H039425)

7 Mapa, R. B.. (Ed.) 2020. The soils of Sri Lanka. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 128p. (World Soils Book Series) [doi:]
Soil types ; Soil surveys ; Soil sciences ; Geomorphology ; Geology ; Soil degradation ; Soil fertility ; Soil salinity ; Soil erosion ; Mineralogical soil types ; Tropical soils ; Clay minerals ; Kaolinite ; Smectites ; Luvisols ; Acrisols ; Alluvial soils ; Rock ; Weathering ; Highlands ; Landslides ; Arid zones ; Lowland ; Climatic zones ; Agroecological zones ; Coastal plains ; Floodplains ; Plantation crops ; Land resources ; Land use planning ; Legislation ; Drainage systems ; Eutrophication ; Environmental effects ; Monsoon climate ; Rain ; Temperature ; Waterlogging / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H049945)

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