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1 Everard, M.; Johnston, P.; Santillo, D.; Staddon, C.. 2020. The role of ecosystems in mitigation and management of Covid-19 and other zoonoses. Environmental Science and Policy, 111:7-17. (Online first) [doi:]
Disease management ; Mitigation ; Coronavirus disease ; Zoonoses ; Ecosystem services ; Pandemics ; Disease transmission ; Risk reduction ; Water security ; Natural resources ; Biodiversity ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Sanitation ; Climate change ; Social aspects
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049755)
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There is rising international concern about the zoonotic origins of many global pandemics. Increasing human-animal interactions are perceived as driving factors in pathogen transfer, emphasising the close relationships between human, animal and environmental health. Contemporary livelihood and market patterns tend to degrade ecosystems and their services, driving a cycle of degradation in increasingly tightly linked socio-ecological systems. This contributes to reductions in the natural regulating capacities of ecosystem services to limit disease transfer from animals to humans. It also undermines natural resource availability, compromising measures such as washing and sanitation that may be key to managing subsequent human-to-human disease transmission. Human activities driving this degrading cycle tend to convert beneficial ecosystem services into disservices, exacerbating risks related to zoonotic diseases. Conversely, measures to protect or restore ecosystems constitute investment in foundational capital, enhancing their capacities to provide for greater human security and opportunity. We use the DPSIR (Drivers-Pressures-State change-Impact-Response) framework to explore three aspects of zoonotic diseases: (1) the significance of disease regulation ecosystem services and their degradation in the emergence of Covid-19 and other zoonotic diseases; and of the protection of natural resources as mitigating contributions to both (2) regulating human-to-human disease transfer; and (3) treatment of disease outbreaks. From this analysis, we identify a set of appropriate response options, recognising the foundational roles of ecosystems and the services they provide in risk management. Zoonotic disease risks are ultimately interlinked with biodiversity crises and water insecurity. The need to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic ongoing at the time of writing creates an opportunity for systemic policy change, placing scientific knowledge of the value and services of ecosystems at the heart of societal concerns as a key foundation for a more secure future. Rapid political responses and unprecedented economic stimuli reacting to the pandemic demonstrate that systemic change is achievable at scale and pace, and is also therefore transferrable to other existential, global-scale threats including climate change and the ‘biodiversity crisis’. This also highlights the need for concerted global action, and is also consistent with the duties, and ultimately the self-interests, of developed, donor nations.

2 Stoler, J.; Staddon, C.. 2023. Open access and the evolving academic publishing landscape of the water sector. Water International, 48(1):5-17. [doi:]
Water ; Research ; Landscape ; Open access ; Scientists ; Business models ; Institutions
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051619)
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3 Staddon, C.; Brewis, A. 2024. Household water containers: mitigating risks for improved modular, adaptive, and decentralized (MAD) water systems. Water Security, 21:100163. [doi:]
Water systems ; Water containers ; Water storage ; Risk ; Households ; Communities ; Infrastructure ; Waterway transport ; Musculoskeletal diseases ; Rainwater harvesting
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052750)
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While the literature on the design and operation of safe water sources in low-income communities is huge, little attention has been paid to the design of systems for the safe transportation and storage of water by households between source and point of use. The design of water containers like the near-ubiquitous “jerry can” in relation to how they are used and the potential risks incurred has received little attention. This is despite, as we explain, the strong influence that water container design has on hazards associated with fetching and storing water. This paper advances the argument that MAD (“modular, adaptive and decentralised”) approaches to rethinking water containers are possible and points to examples that have been trialled in different locations around the world. Placed in a broader theoretical framework, the objects that are used as water containers can even be viewed as “engines of history” through which human communities interact with the (water) environment and can create off-grid infrastructures. Key suggestions for design improvement include recognizing the role of water containers in heterogenous networks and in wider socio-technical systems that can reinforce marginalization, and the critical need for localized, community-collaborative co-production.

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