Your search found 61 records
1 Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Zadeh, S. M.; Lamizana, B.; Drechsel, Pay. 2014. Water quality: the chance to avert a global crisis. In van der Bliek, Julie; McCornick, Peter; Clarke, James (Eds.). On target for people and planet: setting and achieving water-related sustainable development goals. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.39-41.
Water quality ; Water Pollution Control ; Wastewater treatment ; Resource management ; Sewage sludge
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H046800)
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2 Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Raschid-Sally, Liqa; Thebo, A. 2015. Global wastewater and sludge production, treatment and use. In Drechsel, Pay; Qadir, Manzoor; Wichelns, D. (Eds.). Wastewater: economic asset in an urbanizing world. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. pp.15-38.
Wastewater treatment ; Wastewater irrigation ; Water reuse ; Resource management ; Urban wastes ; Waste disposal ; Sanitation ; Sewage sludge
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H046959)

3 Keraita, Bernard; Medlicott, K.; Drechsel, Pay; Mateo-Sagasta, Javier. 2015. Health risks and cost-effective health risk management in wastewater use systems. In Drechsel, Pay; Qadir, Manzoor; Wichelns, D. (Eds.). Wastewater: economic asset in an urbanizing world. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. pp.39-54.
Public health ; Health hazards ; Risk management ; Wastewater irrigation ; Water use ; Water quality ; Pathogens ; Pollutants ; Cost benefit analysis ; WHO
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H046960)

4 Qadir, Manzoor; Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Jimenez, B.; Siebe, C.; Siemens, J.; Hanjra, Munir A. 2015. Environmental risks and cost-effective risk management in wastewater use systems. In Drechsel, Pay; Qadir, Manzoor; Wichelns, D. (Eds.). Wastewater: economic asset in an urbanizing world. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. pp.55-72.
Environmental impact assessment ; Risk management ; Cost benefit analysis ; Wastewater treatment ; Wastewater irrigation ; Water use ; Agriculture ; Water quality ; On-farm research ; Metals ; Semimetals ; Salinity ; Pollutants ; Nutrients
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H046961)

5 Hanjra, Munir A.; Drechsel, Pay; Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Otoo, Miriam; Hernandez-Sancho, F. 2015. Assessing the finance and economics of resource recovery and reuse solutions across scales. In Drechsel, Pay; Qadir, Manzoor; Wichelns, D. (Eds.). Wastewater: economic asset in an urbanizing world. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. pp.113-136.
Resource management ; Wastewater treatment ; Water reuse ; Economic analysis ; Finance ; Cost benefit analysis ; Public health ; Health hazards ; Renewable energy ; Nutrients ; Food security ; Poverty ; Natural resources management
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H046964)

6 Otoo, Miriam; Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Madurangi, Ganesha. 2015. Economics of water reuse for industrial, environmental, recreational and potable purposes. In Drechsel, Pay; Qadir, Manzoor; Wichelns, D. (Eds.). Wastewater: economic asset in an urbanizing world. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. pp.169-192.
Economic aspects ; Cost benefit analysis ; Investment ; Wastewater treatment ; Water reuse ; Recycling ; Water scarcity ; Landscape ; Industrial uses ; Industrial wastes ; Environmental effects ; Drinking water treatment
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H046967)

7 Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Drechsel, Pay. 2015. Improving water quality is an opportunity to avert a global crisis. New York, NY, USA: UN. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 3p. (Global Sustainable Development Report Brief (GSDR).)
Water quality ; Water pollution ; Wastewater treatment ; Sustainable development ; Sanitation ; Public health ; Sewage sludge ; Developing countries
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047237)
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8 Hernandez-Sancho, F.; Lamizana-Diallo, B.; Mateo-Sagasta, Javier. 2015. Economic valuation of wastewater: the cost of action and the cost of no action. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 72p.
Economic analysis ; Wastewater treatment ; Wastewater irrigation ; Water management ; Water pollution ; Water reuse ; Water quality ; Water supply ; Public health ; Sanitation ; Waterborne diseases ; Environmental impact ; Rice ; Industrial uses ; Sewage sludge ; Valuation ; Cost benefit analysis ; Drinking water ; Developing countries ; Periurban areas ; Resource management ; Case studies / Syria / Vietnam / Spain / Pakistan / Aleppo / Haroonabad
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H047349)
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9 Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Drechsel, Pay. 2015. Water reuse in Africa and the sustainable development goals. Construction Review, 3p.
Sustainable development ; Water reuse ; Wastewater treatment ; Recycling ; Water quality ; Water pollution ; Sanitation / Africa
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047397)
(0.18 MB)

10 Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Tare, V. 2016. Ganga water quality: dirty past, promising future? In Bharati, Luna; Sharma, Bharat R.; Smakhtin, Vladimir (Eds.). The Ganges River Basin: status and challenges in water, environment and livelihoods. Oxon, UK: Routledge - Earthscan. pp.222-237. (Earthscan Series on Major River Basins of the World)
Water quality ; Water pollution ; Surface water ; Industrial wastewater ; Agricultural wastes ; Pesticides ; Urban wastes ; Solid wastes ; Sewage ; Public health ; Sanitation ; Ecosystems ; Fishes ; Economic impact ; Flow discharge ; River basin management ; Action plans ; Development programmes ; Appropriate technology ; Institutional development ; Stakeholders ; Financing / India / Ganga River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H047816)

11 Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Zadeh, S. M.; Turral, H.; Burke, J. 2017. Water pollution from agriculture: a global review. Executive summary. Rome, Italy: FAO; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 35p.
Water pollution ; Water quality ; Agriculture ; Environmental health ; Livestock production ; Food production ; Food consumption ; Intensification ; Farming systems ; Cropping systems ; Crop production ; Inorganic fertilizers ; Pesticides ; Aquaculture ; Nutrients ; Pollutants ; Salts ; Sediment ; Organic matter ; Pathogens ; Food wastes
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048244)
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12 Zadeh, S. M.; Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Antoniou, A.; Qadir, M.; Chilton, J.; Carrion-Crespo, C.; de Souza, M.; Zandaryaa, S.; Medlicot, K. 2017. Agriculture. In United Nations World Water Assessment Programme. The United Nations world water development report. Wastewater: the untapped resource. Paris, France: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. pp.69-77.
Agricultural production ; Pollution by agriculture ; Water pollution ; Pollutants ; Pollution control ; Pollution prevention ; Wastewater irrigation ; Wastewater treatment ; Nutrients ; Pesticides ; Sediment ; Soil organic matter ; Pathogens ; On-farm training ; Aquaculture ; Livestock ; Health hazards ; Environmental impact assessment ; Groundwater ; Water quality ; Food chains
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048258)
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This chapter reviews the main pollutants from agriculture, its associated impacts, and offers some key pollution mitigation options. The chapter also discusses how agriculture can be a beneficial user of wastewater, and how the practice can become safe.

13 Mateo-Sagasta, Javier. (Ed.) 2017. Reutilizacion de aguas para agricultura en America Latina y el Caribe: estado, principios y necesidades. In Spanish. [Safe and productive use of wastewater in Latin America and the Caribbean: principles, status and needs]. Santiago, Chile: FAO. 133p.
Wastewater treatment ; Urban wastes ; Water reuse ; Water productivity ; Water security ; Wastewater irrigation ; Irrigation systems ; Environmental effects ; Contamination ; Water quality ; Health hazards ; Risk reduction ; Capacity building ; Economic aspects ; Corporate culture ; Case studies / Latin America / Caribbean / Argentina / Bolivia / Brazil / Chile / Colombia / Ecuador / El Salvador / Haiti / Honduras / Mexico / Paraguay / Peru / Dominican Republic / Saint Kitts and Nevis / Uruguay
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048421)
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14 Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Gonzalez, G.; Liebe, J. 2017. Contexto de la reutilizacion de aguas residuales municipales en America Latina y el Caribe. In Spanish. [Context of municipal wastewater reuse in Latin America and the Caribbean]. In Mateo-Sagasta, Javier (Ed.). Reutilizacion de aguas para agricultura en America Latina y el Caribe: estado, principios y necesidades. Santiago, Chile: FAO. pp.1-8.
Wastewater ; Water reuse ; Urban wastes ; Water shortage ; Water stress ; Population growth ; Urban agriculture ; Suburban agriculture ; Contamination / Latin America / Caribbean
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048422)
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15 Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Gonzalez, G.; Thebo, A. 2017. Produccion, tratamiento y reutilizacion de aguas residuales municipales en America Latina y el Caribe. In Spanish. [Municipal wastewater production, treatment and reuse in Latin America and the Caribbean]. In Mateo-Sagasta, Javier (Ed.). Reutilizacion de aguas para agricultura en America Latina y el Caribe: estado, principios y necesidades. Santiago, Chile: FAO. pp.9-20.
Wastewater treatment ; Water reuse ; Urban wastes ; Wastewater irrigation ; Agriculture ; Urban areas ; Sewerage ; Chemical compounds ; Sanitation / Latin America / Caribbean
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048423)
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16 Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Gonzalez, G.; Moscoso, J. 2017. Los beneficios de la reutilizacion de aguas y ejemplos en America Latina y el Caribe. In Spanish. [Benefits of water reuse and examples in Latin America and the Caribbean]. In Mateo-Sagasta, Javier (Ed.). Reutilizacion de aguas para agricultura en America Latina y el Caribe: estado, principios y necesidades. Santiago, Chile: FAO. pp.21-27.
Wastewater ; Water reuse ; Benefits ; Agricultural production ; Urban areas ; Environmental effects / Latin America / Caribbean / Peru / Mexico
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048424)
(1.32 MB) (8.55 MB)

17 Keraita, B.; Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Qadir, M.; Medlicott, K.; Drechsel, Pay; Lamizana, B. 2017. Mitigacion de riesgos en los sistemas de uso agricola de aguas residuales y ejemplos en America Latina y el Caribe. In Spanish. [Risk mitigation in wastewater irrigation systems and examples in Latin America and the Caribbean]. In Mateo-Sagasta, Javier (Ed.). Reutilizacion de aguas para agricultura en America Latina y el Caribe: estado, principios y necesidades. Santiago, Chile: FAO. pp.29-42.
Wastewater irrigation ; Irrigation systems ; Water reuse ; Risk reduction ; Public health ; Health hazards ; Indicator organisms ; Environmental Impact Assessment ; Risk assessment ; Wastewater treatment ; Appropriate technology ; Agricultural production ; On-farm research ; Agronomic practices ; Urban wastes / Latin America / Caribbean / Peru
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048425)
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18 Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Qadir, M.; Drechsel, Pay; Hanjra, M. A. 2017. Aspectos economicos e institucionales en la reutilizacion de aguas y ejemplos en America Latina y el Caribe. In Spanish. [Economic and institutional aspects of water reuse and examples in Latin America and the Caribbean]. In Mateo-Sagasta, Javier (Ed.). Reutilizacion de aguas para agricultura en America Latina y el Caribe: estado, principios y necesidades. Santiago, Chile: FAO. pp.43-55.
Waste water treatment plants ; Water reuse ; Economic aspects ; Corporate culture ; Project evaluation ; Cost benefit analysis ; Investment ; Budgets ; Strategies ; Political aspects ; Case studies ; Urban areas / Latin America / Caribbean / Chile / Peru
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048426)
(0.88 MB) (8.55 MB)

19 Liebe, J.; Mateo-Sagasta, Javier. 2017. Desarrollo de capacidades para un uso mas seguro y productivo de aguas residuales en agricultura en America Latina y el Caribe. In Spanish. [Capacity development for a safer and more productive use of wastewater in Latin America and the Caribbean]. In Mateo-Sagasta, Javier (Ed.). Reutilizacion de aguas para agricultura en America Latina y el Caribe: estado, principios y necesidades. Santiago, Chile: FAO. pp.57-65.
Capacity building ; Wastewater Management ; Water security ; Water productivity ; Water reuse ; Resource recovery ; Economic aspects ; Institutional development ; Policy ; Risk management ; WHO ; Guidelines ; Awareness raising / Latin America / Caribbean / Bolivia / Brazil
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048427)
(0.88 MB) (8.55 MB)

20 Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Zadeh, S. M.; Turral, H. (Eds.) 2018. More people, more food, worse water?: a global review of water pollution from agriculture. Rome, Italy: FAO; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 224p.
Water pollution ; Agricultural waste management ; Agricultural wastewater ; Food consumption ; Population growth ; Surface water ; Groundwater ; Risk management ; Pollutants ; Organic matter ; Pathogens ; Food wastes ; Water quality ; Models ; Farming systems ; Intensification ; Fertilizer application ; Pesticide application ; Aquaculture ; Livestock production ; Nutrient management ; Nitrogen ; Phosphorus ; Salts ; Soil salinization ; Irrigation water ; Freshwater ; Public health ; Environmental health ; Water policy ; Sediment ; Erosion control ; Eutrophication ; Lakes ; Reservoirs ; Good agricultural practices ; Economic aspects
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048855)
(6.85 MB)
Current patterns of agricultural expansion and intensification are bringing unprecedented environmental externalities, including impacts on water quality. While water pollution is slowly starting to receive the attention it deserves, the contribution of agriculture to this problem has not yet received sufficient consideration.
We need a much better understanding of the causes and effects of agricultural water pollution as well as effective means to prevent and remedy the problem. In the existing literature, information on water pollution from agriculture is highly dispersed. This repost is a comprehensive review and covers different agricultural sectors (including crops, livestock and aquaculture), and examines the drivers of water pollution in these sectors as well as the resulting pressures and changes in water bodies, the associated impacts on human health and the environment, and the responses needed to prevent pollution and mitigate its risks.

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