Your search found 15 records
1 Smakhtin, V. U.; Piyankarage, S. C. 2003. Simulating hydrological reference condition of coastal lagoons affected by irrigation flows in southern Sri Lanka. Wetlands, 23(4):827-834.
Coastal lagoons ; Hydrology ; Simulation models ; Reservoirs ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Irrigation effects ; Irrigation ; Water balance / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.1 G744 SMA Record No: H032000)
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2 Lynch, A. J.; Baumgartner, L. J.; Boys, C. A.; Conallin, J.; Cowx, I. G.; Finlayson, C. M.; Franklin, P. A.; Hogan, Z.; Koehn, J. D.; McCartney, Matthew P.; O’Brien, G.; Phouthavong, K.; Silva, L. G. M.; Tob, C. A.; Valbo-Jorgensen, J.; Vu, A. V.; Whiting, L.; Wibowo, A.; Duncan, P. 2019. Speaking the same language: can the Sustainable Development Goals translate the needs of inland fisheries into irrigation decisions? Marine and Freshwater Research, 70(9):1211-1228. [doi:]
Inland fisheries ; Irrigated farming ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Food security ; Irrigation systems ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Ecosystem services ; Ecological factors ; Social aspects ; Living standards ; Integrated management ; Decision making ; River basins ; Case studies / South East Asia / Australia / Lower Mekong Basin / Murray-Darling Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049308)
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Irrigated agriculture and inland fisheries both make important contributions to food security, nutrition, livelihoods and wellbeing. Typically, in modern irrigation systems, these components operate independently. Some practices, commonly associated with water use and intensification of crop production can be in direct conflict with and have adverse effects on fisheries. Food security objectives may be compromised if fish are not considered in the design phases of irrigation systems. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a framework that can serve as a backdrop to help integrate both sectors in policy discussions and optimise their contributions to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Inland fisheries systems do play an important role in supporting many SDG objectives, but these contributions can sometimes be at odds with irrigated agriculture. Using case studies of two globally important river catchments, namely the Lower Mekong and Murray–Darling basins, we highlight the conflicts and opportunities for improved outcomes between irrigated agriculture and inland fisheries. We explore SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) as a path to advance our irrigation systems as a means to benefit both agriculture and inland fisheries, preserving biodiversity and enhancing the economic, environmental and social benefits they both provide to people.

3 Shah, R. D. T.; Sharma, S.; Bharati, Luna. 2020. Water diversion induced changes in aquatic biodiversity in monsoon-dominated rivers of western Himalayas in Nepal: implications for environmental flows. Ecological Indicators, 108:105735. [doi:]
Water extraction ; River basins ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Biodiversity ; Monsoon climate ; Environmental flows ; Irrigation programs ; Hydropower ; Invertebrates ; Indicators / Nepal / Western Himalayas / Mahakali River Basin / Karnali River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049425)
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Water diversion projects across the world, for drinking water, energy production and irrigation, have threatened riverine ecosystems and organisms inhabiting those systems. However, the impacts of such projects on aquatic biodiversity in monsoon-dominated river ecosystems are little known, particularly in Nepal. This study examines the effects of flow reduction due to water diversion projects on the macroinvertebrate communities in the rivers of the Karnali and Mahakali basins in the Western Himalayas in Nepal. Macroinvertebrates were sampled during post-monsoon (November), baseflow (February) and pre-monsoon (May) seasons during 2016 and 2017. Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) was performed to visualize clustering of sites according to percentage of water abstractions (extraction of water for various uses) and Redundancy Analysis (RDA) was used to explore environmental variables that explained variation in macroinvertebrate community composition. A significant pattern of macroinvertebrates across the water abstraction categories was only revealed for the baseflow season. NMDS clustered sites into three clumps: “none to slight water abstraction (< 30% – Class 1)”, “moderate water abstraction (> 30% to < 80% – Class 2)” and “heavy water abstraction (> 80% – Class 3)”. The study also showed that water abstraction varied seasonally in the region (Wilk’s Lambda = 0.697, F(2, 28) = 4.215, P = 0.025, n2 = 0.23). The RDA plot indicated that taxa such as Acentrella sp., Paragenetina sp., Hydropsyche sp., Glossosomatinae, Elmidae, Orthocladiinae and Dimesiinae were rheophilic i.e. positively correlated with water velocity. Taxa like Torleya sp., Caenis sp., Cinygmina sp., Choroterpes sp., Limonidae and Ceratopogoniidae were found in sites with high proportion of pool sections and relative high temperature induced by flow reduction among the sites. Indicator taxonomic groups for Class 1, 2 and 3 water abstraction levels, measured through high relative abundance values, were Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Odonata and Lepidoptera, respectively. Macroinvertebrate abundance was found to be the more sensitive metric than taxonomic richness in the abstracted sites. It is important to understand the relationship between flow alterations induced by water abstractions and changes in macroinvertebrates composition in order to determine sustainable and sound management strategies for river ecosystems.

4 Dickens, Chris; O’Brien, G.; Stassen, R.; Eriyagama, Nishadi; Kleynhans, M.; Rowntree, K.; Graham, M.; Ross-Gillespie, V.; MacKenzie, J.; Wymenga, E.; Mapedza, Everisto; Burnet, M.; Desai, M.; Hean, J. 2018. E-flows for the Upper Niger River and Inner Niger Delta: synthesis report. [Project report prepared by the International Water Management Institute for Wetlands International]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 201p.
Environmental flows ; Rivers ; Deltas ; Water resources ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Monitoring ; Risk assessment ; Ecosystem services ; Habitats ; Invertebrates ; Birds ; Manatees ; Fisheries ; Floodplains ; Dams ; Sediment ; Water quality ; Flow discharge ; Vegetation ; Indicators ; Geomorphology ; Living standards ; Social aspects ; Ecological factors ; Hydrodynamics ; Modelling ; Case studies / West Africa / Mali / Niger / Upper Niger River / Inner Niger Delta / Bani River
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049434)
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5 Nguyen-Khoa, S.; McCartney, Matthew; Funge-Smith, S.; Smith, L.; Senaratna Sellamuttu, Sonali; Dubois, M. 2020. Increasing the benefits and sustainability of irrigation through the integration of fisheries: a guide for water planners, managers and engineers. Rome, Italy: FAO; Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 92p. [doi:]
Fishery production ; Sustainability ; Irrigation systems ; Integrated management ; Water resources ; Water management ; Guidelines ; Irrigation management ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Habitats ; Aquaculture ; Irrigated farming ; Infrastructure ; Livelihoods ; Food security ; Nutrition security ; Socioeconomic environment ; Monitoring and evaluation ; Environmental Impact Assessment ; Trends ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Community management ; Participatory approaches ; Water governance ; Institutions ; Stakeholders ; Conflicts ; Rural areas ; Water reservoirs ; Rivers ; Floodplains / Africa / Asia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050111)
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There is increasing recognition of the need to bring about changes across the full spectrum of agricultural practices to ensure that, in future, food production systems are more diverse, sustainable and resilient. In this context, the objectives of irrigation need to be much more ambitious, shifting away from simply maximizing crop yields to maximizing net benefits across a range of uses of irrigation water, including ecosystems and nature-based solutions. One important way to achieve this is by better integrating fisheries into the planning, design, construction, operation and management of irrigation systems. Irrigation – a major contributor to the Green Revolution – has significantly improved agricultural production worldwide, with consequent benefits for food security, livelihoods and poverty alleviation. Today, irrigated agriculture represents about 21 percent of cultivated land, but contributes approximately 40% of the total global crop production. Many governments continue to invest in irrigation as a cornerstone of food security and rural development. Investments in irrigation often represent a pragmatic form of adaptation to changing climatic conditions. This guide focuses on how to sustainably optimize and broaden the range of benefits from irrigation development - not only economic but also social and environmental benefits. It emphasizes the opportunities that fisheries could provide to increase food production and economic returns, enhance livelihoods and public health outcomes, and maintain key ecosystem services. The guide considers possible trade-offs between irrigation and fisheries, and provides recommendations on how these could be minimized.

6 Nava, V.; Leoni, B. 2021. A critical review of interactions between microplastics, microalgae and aquatic ecosystem function. Water Research, 188:116476. [doi:]
Microplastics ; Algae ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Phytoplankton ; Cyanobacteria ; Environmental factors ; Aquatic environment ; Biofouling ; Plastics ; Seasonal variation
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050110)
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With the widespread occurrence of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems having been firmly established, the focus of research has shifted towards the assessments of their influence on ecosystem functions and food webs. This includes interactions between microplastics and microalgae, as fundamental components at the base of aquatic food webs and pivotal organisms in a wide range of ecosystem functions. In this review, we present the current state of knowledge on microalgae–microplastic interactions and summarize the potential effect on their respective fate. Microplastics can and do interact with microalgae and the available literature has suggested that the epiplastic community of microalgae differs consistently from the surrounding aquatic communities; however, it is still not clear whether this different colonization is linked to the composition of the surface or more to the availability of a “hard” substrate on which organisms can attach and grow. Further studies are needed to understand to what extent the properties of different plastic materials and different environmental factors may affect the growth of microalgae on plastic debris. Biofouling may alter microplastic properties, especially increasing their density, consequently affecting the vertical fluxes of plastics. Moreover, microplastics may have toxic effects on microalgae, which could be physical or related to chemical interactions with plasticizers or other chemicals associated with plastics, with consequences for algal growth, photosynthetic activity, and morphology. Microplastics seems to have the potential to affect not only the quality (e.g., fatty acids and lipids composition, food dilution effect) but also the quantity of algal production, both positively and negatively. This may have consequences for energy fluxes, which may propagate throughout the whole food web and alter aquatic productivity. Even though experimental results have indicated reciprocal impacts between plastics and microalgae, it is currently difficult to predict how these impacts may manifest themselves at the ecosystem level. Therefore, further studies are needed to address this important topic.

7 Dickens, Chris; McCartney, Matthew. 2021. Water-Related Ecosystems. In Filho, W. L.; Azul, A. M.; Brandli, L.; Salvia, A. L.; Wall, T. (Eds.). Clean water and sanitation. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 10p. (Online first) (Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals) [doi:]
Freshwater ecosystems ; Ecosystem services ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation ; Goal 13 Climate action ; Goal 15 Life on land ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Biodiversity ; Environmental flows ; Wetlands ; Rivers ; Water quality ; Development indicators
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050496)
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8 Teklu, B. M.; Haileslassie, Amare; Mekuria, Wolde. 2022. Pesticides as water pollutants and level of risks to environment and people: an example from Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 24(4):5275-5294. [doi:]
Water pollution ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Pesticide toxicity ; Environmental impact ; Local communities ; Awareness ; Surface water ; Agrochemicals ; Aquatic animals / Ethiopia / Central Rift Valley
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050604)
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Sustainable agriculture focuses using agricultural resources with minimum possible negative environmental externality to produce more food. The present study reports the environmental and health risks associated with the use, management and handling of agrochemical in the Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia. Six Woredas (or districts) covering both upstream and downstream areas and major ecosystems were selected. Data were collected using focus group discussion, key informant interviews, field observation and literature review. Pesticide Risks in the Tropics for Man, Environment and Trade tool was used to analyse data. Results indicated that local community’s awareness on use, handling and management of pesticides was low. Applications of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides polluted surface water systems and affected aquatic animals and plants with different level of risk (i.e. from no or insignificant risk to acute and chronic levels). The level of risks of using agrochemical on aquatic animals, human and the environment increased when the agricultural practices changed from good to non-good practices (i.e. increasing frequency of application). The types of agrochemicals determined the levels of risks on aquatic animals, human and the environment. For example, copper hydroxide and Lambda pose high risk, whereas Chlorpyrifos poses possible risk on fish under good agricultural practices. Also, the results indicated that the level of risks of using agrochemicals on fish and aquatic vertebrates was high for few pesticides (e.g. Chlorpyrifos) under both good and bad agricultural practices. The results of the present study support decision makers, practitioners and farmers to put corrective measures when importing agrochemicals, provide targeted risk management schemes including training on safety measures and screen agrochemicals on the market, respectively.

9 Hoque, Md. M.; Islam, A.; Ghosh, S. 2022. Environmental flow in the context of dams and development with special reference to the Damodar Valley Project, India: a review. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 8(3):62. [doi:]
Environmental flows ; Dams ; Rivers ; Aquatic organisms ; Fishes ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Water pollution ; Water quality ; Water resources ; Freshwater ; Stream flow ; Downstream ; Hydropower ; Monsoons ; Socioeconomic aspects ; Sustainability / India / West Bengal / Damodar Valley Project / Damodar River
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051181)
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Environmental flow is the minimum flow required in a fluvial system to maintain its ecological health and to promote socio-economic sustainability. The present work critically examines the concept of the environmental flow in the context of dams and development using a systematic methodology to find out the previous works published during the last 3 decades (1990–2020) in different search engines and websites. The study reviews that structural interventions in the form of dams, barrages, weirs, etc. impede the natural flow of the rivers. Moreover, other forms of development such as industrialization, urbanization, and expansion of modern agriculture also exacerbate the problems of environmental flow across the world, especially in monsoon Asia. The present case of the environmental flow for the Damodar River portrays that the construction of dams and barrages under the Damodar Valley Project have significantly altered the flow duration, flood frequency, and magnitude (high-frequency low magnitude events in the post-dam period), while urban-industrial growth in the basin has polluted the river water (e.g., lower dissolved oxygen and higher biological oxygen demand). This typical alteration in the flow characteristics and water quality has threatened aquatic organisms, especially fish diversity and community structure. This review will make the readers aware of the long-term result of dam-induced fluvial metamorphosis in the environment through the assessment of environmental flow, species diversity, flow fluctuation, and river pollution. The study may be useful for policy-making for ushering in the sustainable development pattern that will attract future researchers, planners, and stakeholders.

10 Dickens, J.; Dickens, Chris; Eriyagama, Nishadi; Xie, H.; Tickner, D. 2022. Towards a global river health assessment framework. Project report submitted to the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 131p. [doi:]
River basins ; Environmental health ; Assessment ; Frameworks ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Freshwater ecosystems ; Ecological factors ; Monitoring ; Water quality ; Habitats ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051560)
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11 de Melo, M. C.; Fernandes, L. F. S.; Pissarra, T. C. T.; Valera, C. A.; da Costa, A. M.; Pacheco, F. A. L. 2023. The COP27 screened through the lens of global water security. Science of The Total Environment, 873:162303. (Online first) [doi:]
Water security ; Vulnerability ; Ecosystems ; River basins ; Aquifers ; Resilience ; Water resources ; Risk management ; Infrastructure ; Early warning systems ; Rainwater harvesting ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Surface water ; Water supply ; Water quality ; Drinking water ; Flooding / Egypt / Sharm El-Sheikh
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051783)
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Water security is an expression of resilience. In the recent past, scientists and public organizations have built considerable work around this concept launched in 2013 by the United Nations as “the capacity of a population to safeguard sustainable access to adequate quantities of acceptable quality water for sustaining livelihoods, human well-being, and socio-economic development, for ensuring protection against water-borne pollution and water-related disasters, and for preserving ecosystems in a climate of peace and political stability”. In the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27), held in Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt) in last November, water security was considered a priority in the climate agenda, especially in the adaption and loss and damage axes. This discussion paper represents the authors' opinion about how the conference coped with water security and what challenges remain to attend. As discussion paper, it had the purpose to stimulate further discussion in a broader scientific forum.

12 Kurki-Fox, J. J.; Doll, B. A.; Monteleone, B.; West, K.; Putnam, G.; Kelleher, L.; Krause, S.; Schneidewind, U. 2023. Microplastic distribution and characteristics across a large river basin: insights from the Neuse River in North Carolina, USA. Science of The Total Environment, 878:162940. [doi:]
Microplastics ; Pollution ; River basins ; Polyethylene ; Stream flow ; Urban development ; Sediment ; Watersheds ; Sampling ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Land cover ; Hydrology ; Degradation / United States of America / North Carolina / Neuse River
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051907)
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While microplastics (MP) have been found in aquatic ecosystems around the world, the understanding of drivers and controls of their occurrence and distribution have yet to be determined. In particular, their fate and transport in river catchments and networks are still poorly understood. We identified MP concentrations in water and streambed sediment at fifteen locations across the Neuse River Basin in North Carolina, USA. Water samples were collected with two different mesh sizes, a trawl net (>335 µm) and a 64 µm sieve used to filter bailing water samples. MPs >335 µm were found in all the water samples with concentrations ranging from 0.02 to 221 particles per m3 (p m-3) with a median of 0.44 p m-3. The highest concentrations were observed in urban streams and there was a significant correlation between streamflow and MP concentration in the most urbanized locations. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis indicated that for MPs >335 µm the three most common polymer types were polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene. There were substantially more MP particles observed when samples were analyzed using a smaller mesh size (>64 µm), with concentrations ranging from 20 to 130 p m-3 and the most common polymer type being polyethylene terephthalate as identified by Raman spectroscopy. The ratio of MP concentrations (64 µm to 335 µm) ranged from 35 to 375, indicating the 335 µm mesh substantially underestimates MPs relative to the 64 µm mesh. MPs were detected in 14/15 sediment samples. Sediment and water column concentrations were not correlated. We estimate MP (>64 µm) loading from the Neuse River watershed to be 230 billion particles per year. The findings of this study help to better understand how MPs are spatially distributed and transported through a river basin and how MP concentrations are impacted by land cover, hydrology, and sampling method.

13 Dickens, Chris; Mukuyu, Patience; Ndlovu, B.; O'Brien, G.; Stassen, R.; Magombeyi, Manuel. 2020. E-flows for the Limpopo River Basin: from vision to management. Project report prepared by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Washington, DC, USA: USAID. 104p. (E-flows for the Limpopo River Basin: Report 3) [doi:]
Environmental flows ; River basins ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Ecosystem services ; Water purification ; Cultural services ; Livelihoods ; Risk ; Ecological factors ; Habitats / Zimbabwe / South Africa / Mozambique / Botswana / Limpopo River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051952)
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14 Pinto, U.; Dickens, Chris; Babel, M.; Maheshwari, B. 2024. Urban river health assessment and management. In Shinde, V. R.; Mishra, R. R.; Bhonde, U.; Vaidya, H. (Eds.). Managing urban rivers: from planning to practice. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. pp.283-299. [doi:]
Rivers ; Environmental health ; Assessment ; Urban areas ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Freshwater ecosystems ; Water quality ; Indicators ; Biotic indices ; Monitoring ; Frameworks ; Ecological factors
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052317)
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River systems in the world are under enormous pressure due to urbanization together with agricultural and industrial development and the effects of climate variability and change. Especially the urban segments of river systems are prone to additional pressures due to multiple points and nonpoint source discharges and impervious catchments that lead to rapid stormwater runoff of generally polluted water, all of which leads to degradation of river health. River health has been defined in many ways, often focusing on environmental aspects and ignoring social, cultural, and economic dimensions. This is mainly because natural river systems are distributed over a large geographical space with unique biotic and abiotic characteristics, where socio-economic and cultural perspectives of communities change vastly. In an urban context, however, for rivers to be sustainable, management strategies need to consider the broader meaning of river health to include socio-cultural aspects with the physio-chemical and biological nature of the river water. This chapter reviews a wide range of single and multimetric indicators and overarching frameworks used in different jurisdictions to assess the health of river systems and provide best practice recommendations for urban river health management. The chapter proposes systematic and integrated monitoring to understand the system’s health better. It promotes the understanding of urban river systems and recommends implementing a transdisciplinary approach for river management by harmonizing policy, involving active and passive users, with targeted monitoring and research efforts to reduce pressures and improve the condition of urban rivers.

15 Eriyagama, Nishadi; Messager, M. L.; Dickens, Chris; Tharme, R.; Stassen, R. 2024. Towards the harmonization of global environmental flow estimates: comparing the Global Environmental Flow Information System (GEFIS) with country data. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 53p. (IWMI Research Report 186) [doi:]
Environmental flows ; Estimation ; Information systems ; Hydrological data ; Databases ; Comparisons ; Assessment ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation ; Freshwater ; Water resources ; Water stress ; Rivers ; Stream flow ; Runoff ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Habitats ; Ecological factors ; Catchment areas ; Land cover ; Drainage area ; Hydrological modelling ; Tools ; Time series analysis ; Heterogeneity ; Indicators ; Indexes
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H052596)
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The source of data used to estimate the e-flow requirement in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator 6.4.2 (level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources) is the Global Environmental Flow Information System (GEFIS), an online tool produced and managed by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). In addition to the GEFIS estimate, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as the custodians of the SDG indicator, encourages countries to put forward their locally determined e-flow estimates, especially if it differs from the GEFIS estimate. To date, however, only a few countries have taken up this opportunity. The aim of this report is to compare e-flows estimated by GEFIS with independent e-flow assessments performed at the local level to gauge the level of agreement between the two sets of estimates. We compared e-flow estimates from GEFIS to local e-flow estimates at 533 river sites.

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