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1 Djagba, J. F.; Kouyate, A. M.; Baggie, I.; Zwart, Sander J. 2019. A geospatial dataset of inland valleys in four zones in Benin, Sierra Leone and Mali. Data in Brief, 23:103699. [doi:]
Spatial data ; Datasets ; Agricultural development ; Farmers ; Socioeconomic environment ; Geographical distribution ; Valleys / West Africa / Benin / Sierra Leone / Mali
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049424)
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The dataset described in this data article represents four agricultural zones in West-Africa that are located in three countries: Benin, Mali and Sierra Leone. The dataset was created through a research collaboration between the Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute (SLARI) and the Institute for Rural Economy (IER). The dataset was compiled to investigate the potential for rice production in inland valleys of the three countries. The results of the investigation were published in Dossou-Yovo et al. (2017) and Djagba et al. (2018). The dataset describes the biophysical and socioeconomic conditions of 499 inland valleys in the four agricultural zones. In each inland valley data were collected through a focus group interview with a minimum of three farmers. In 499 interviews a total of 7496 farmers participated. The location of each inland valley was determined with handheld GPS devices. The geographic locations were used to extract additional parameters from digital maps on soils, elevation, population density, rainfall, flow accumulation, and distances to roads, market places, rice mills, chemical input stores, and settlements. The dataset contains 65 parameters in four themes (location, biophysical characteristics, socioeconomic characteristics, and inland valley land development and use). The GPS coordinates indicate the location of an inland valley, but they do not lead to the location of individual fields of farmers that were interviewed. The dataset is publicly shared as Supplementary data to this data article.

2 Zhou, G.; Wang, X.; Chen, W.; Li, X.; Chen, Z. 2020. Realization and application of geological cloud platform. Big Earth Data, 16p. (Online first) [doi:]
Geological data ; Technology ; Data processing ; Data analysis ; Spatial data ; Geographical information systems ; Models / USA / Nevada
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050029)
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In recent years, with the progress of computer technology, some traditional industries such as geology are facing changes in industrial structure and application mode. So we try to apply big data and virtualization technology in the field of geoscience. This study aims at addressing the existing problems in geological applications, such as data sharing, data processing and computing performance. A Geological Cloud Platform has been designed and realized preliminarily with big data and virtualization technology. The application of the Geological Cloud Platform can be divided into two parts: 1) to nest the geological computing model in cloud platform and visualize the results and 2) to use relevant software to conduct data analysis and processing in virtual machines of Windows or Linux system. Finally, we prospect Carlin-type deposits in Nevada by using the spatial data model ArcSDM in the virtual machine.

3 Nepal, S.; Tripathi, S.; Adhikari, H. 2021. Geospatial approach to the risk assessment of climate-induced disasters (drought and erosion) and impacts on out-migration in Nepal. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 59:102241. [doi:]
Climate change ; Disaster risk reduction ; Risk assessment ; Drought ; Soil erosion ; Vulnerability ; Migration ; Livelihoods ; Agricultural productivity ; Precipitation ; Spatial data ; Models ; Soil loss / Nepal / Ramechhap / Khaniyapani
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050406)
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Out-migration is one of the most recognized adaptation practices when dealing with scarce resources and disasters. With the general objective of exploring migration as an impact of climate-induced disasters, our study was conducted in Khaniyapani, in the Sunapati rural municipality of Ramechhap district, Nepal. Disaster prioritization was conducted using the pair-wise ranking method, with results suggesting that drought and soil erosion are the most severe disasters in the study area. The severity maps were prepared using remotely sensed data. A Normalized Difference Drought Index and the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation were used to produce the drought and erosion severity maps, respectively. Approximately 46.2% of the total study area was found to experience severe droughts, and almost 10% of the area had high soil erosion rates. In total, 100 out of 794 households were interviewed for a semi-structured questionnaire. Drought severity was found to directly impact livelihoods due to a decline in agricultural productivity, a decline in livestock, and drying of water sources. Out of 100 families, 64 practiced seasonal migration. A decline in agricultural productivity and livestock, and water scarcity were identified as the most influencing push factors. Excessive seasonal migration has reduced the resilience of these families. Drought-resistant land, water, and crop management techniques and practices, and alternative income-generating activities should be promoted to curb the seasonal migration.

4 Steinbach, S.; Cornish, N.; Franke, J.; Hentze, K.; Strauch, A.; Thonfeld, F.; Zwart, Sander J.; Nelson, A. 2021. A new conceptual framework for integrating earth observation in large-scale wetland management in East Africa. Wetlands, 41(7):93. [doi:]
Wetlands ; Environmental management ; Earth observation satellites ; Sustainable use ; Food security ; Environmental protection ; Surface water ; Land use ; Land cover ; Ecosystems ; Large scale systems ; Decision making ; Spatial data / East Africa / Rwanda
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050718)
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Wetlands are abundant across the African continent and provide a range of ecosystem services on different scales but are threatened by overuse and degradation. It is essential that national governments enable and ensure the sustainable use of wetland resources to maintain these services in the long run. As informed management decisions require reliable, up-to-date, and large coverage spatial data, we propose a modular Earth observation-based framework for the geo-localisation and characterization of wetlands in East Africa. In this study, we identify four major challenges in spatial data supported wetland management and present a framework to address them. We then apply the framework comprising Wetland Delineation, Surface Water Occurrence, Land Use/Land Cover classification and Wetland Use Intensity for the whole of Rwanda and evaluate the ability of these layers to meet the identified challenges. The layers’ spatial and temporal characteristics make them combinable and the information content, of each layer alone as well as in combination, renders them useful for different wetland management contexts.

5 Koppa, Nisha; Amarnath, Giriraj. 2021. Geospatial assessment of flood-tolerant rice varieties to guide climate adaptation strategies in India. Climate, 9(10):151. (Special issue: Climate Change and Food Insecurity) [doi:]
Flooding tolerance ; Rice ; Seeds ; Climate change adaptation ; Strategies ; Remote sensing ; Geographical information systems ; Spatial data ; Assessment ; Disaster risk management ; Rainfed farming ; Agricultural production ; Land use ; Farmers ; Livelihoods ; Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050735)
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Rice is the most important food crop. With the largest rain-fed lowland area in the world, flooding is considered as the most important abiotic stress to rice production in India. With climate change, it is expected that the frequency and severity of the floods will increase over the years. These changes will have a severe impact on the rain-fed agriculture production and livelihoods of millions of farmers in the flood affected region. There are numerous flood risk adaptation and mitigation options available for rain-fed agriculture in India. Procuring, maintaining and distributing the newly developed submergence-tolerant rice variety called Swarna-Sub1 could play an important role in minimizing the effect of flood on rice production. This paper assesses the quantity and cost of a flood-tolerant rice seed variety- Swarna-Sub1, that would be required during the main cropping season of rice i.e., kharif at a district level for 17 major Indian states. The need for SS1 seeds for rice production was assessed by developing a geospatial framework using remote sensing to map the suitability of SS1, to help stakeholders prepare better in managing the flood risks. Results indicate that districts of Bihar, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh will require the highest amount of SS1 seeds for flood adaptation strategies. The total estimated seed requirement for these 17 states would cost around 370 crores INR, less than 0.01 percent of Indian central government’s budget allocation for agriculture sector.

6 Mabhaudhi, Tafadzwanashe; Senzanje, A.; Modi, A.; Jewitt, G.; Massawe, F. (Eds.) 2022. Water - energy - food nexus narratives and resource securities: a global south perspective. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. 332p. [doi:]
Water resources ; Energy resources ; Food security ; Nexus ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Goal 2 Zero hunger ; Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation ; Goal 7 Affordable and clean energy ; Transboundary waters ; Catchment areas ; Public health ; Environmental health ; Ecosystems ; Financing ; Smallholders ; Farmers ; Capacity development ; SADC countries ; Spatial data ; Modelling ; Case studies / Southern Africa / Middle East / North Africa / Latin America / South Asia / South East Asia / United Republic of Tanzania / Malawi / Zimbabwe / Malaysia / Jordan / Morocco / Argentina / Brazil / Songwe River Basin / Tugwi-Mukosi Dam
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H051168)
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7 Gurung, Pabitra; Dhungana, Shashwat; Kyaw Kyaw, Aung; Bharati, Luna. 2022. Hydrologic characterization of the Upper Ayeyarwaddy River Basin and the impact of climate change. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 13(7):2577-2596. [doi:]
River basins ; Hydrology ; Climate change ; Water availability ; Water balance ; Precipitation ; Water yield ; Evapotranspiration ; Parameters ; Groundwater ; Datasets ; Spatial data ; Climatic data ; Models ; Forecasting ; Agroecological zones ; Mountains ; Plains / Myanmar / Ayeyarwaddy River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051307)
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This study characterizes the hydrological regime of the Upper Ayeyarwaddy River Basin (UARB) of Myanmar under current and future climate change scenarios by using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The model simulation results show that the annual precipitation, actual evapotranspiration and water yields are 1,578, 524 and 1,010 mm, respectively. These will increase by 13–28%, 11–24% and 42–198% under two representative concentration pathways (RCPs), RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5, for the future. There is seasonal variability across the cool, hot and rainy seasons in the agro-ecological regions – mountains, hills and inland plains. As in other Asian regions, the model shows that the wet (rainy) season is becoming wetter and the dry (cool) season is becoming drier in the UARB too.

8 Ghimire, M.; Regmi, T.; Kayastha, S. P.; Bhuiyan, C. 2023. Groundwater quality and community health risk in Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Nepal – a geospatial analysis. Geocarto International, 38(1):2168069. [doi:]
Groundwater ; Geochemistry ; Water quality ; Health hazards ; Risk assessment ; Spatial data ; Drinking water ; Irrigation water ; Water supply ; Sewage ; Aquifers ; Contamination ; Weathering / Nepal / Kathmandu Valley / Lalitpur / Bhaktapur
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051709)
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Groundwater is the main source of drinking water in the Kathmandu Valley (Nepal). To assess the groundwater quality of Lalitpur Metropolitan City (LMC) of this valley, samples were collected in winter and post-monsoon seasons from 35 shallow dug wells and 16 parameters: pH, TDS, EC, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Total hardness, Cl¯, HCO3¯, NO3¯, NH4+, Fe, PO43-, SO42-, and Total Coliform were analysed. Hydrochemical analysis and GIS-based mapping have revealed spatial and seasonal variations in water quality. The concentration of most of the parameters was higher in the winter samples compared to the post-monsoon. Comparison with the WHO and NDWQS guidelines has revealed anomalous water chemistry. Zones hosting groundwater, suitable and unsuitable for drinking and irrigation were demarcated. However, the presence of pathogens in all the groundwater samples put the entire population of LMC under high health risk. This study bears importance in groundwater exploration, management, and prevention of water-borne diseases.

9 De Keyser, J.; Hayes, D. S.; Marti, B.; Siegfried, T.; Seliger, C.; Schwedhelm, H.; Anarbekov, Oyture; Gafurov, Zafar; Lopez Fernandez, R. M.; Ramos Diez, I.; Alapfy, B.; Carey, J.; Karimov, B.; Karimov, E.; Wagner, B.; Habersack, H. 2023. Integrating open-source datasets to analyze the transboundary water–food–energy–climate nexus in Central Asia. Water, 15(19):3482. (Special issue: Water Management in Central Asia) [doi:]
Transboundary waters ; Food security ; Energy generation ; Climate change ; Nexus approaches ; Open data ; Datasets ; Spatial data ; Geographical information systems ; Hydropower ; Biodiversity ; Geomorphology ; Ecology ; Anthropogenic factors / Central Asia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052318)
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In today’s intrinsically connected world, the Water–Food–Energy–Climate Nexus (WFEC Nexus) concept provides a starting point for informed and transparent decision-making based on the trade-offs and synergies between different sectors, including aquatic ecosystems, food security, energy production, and climate neutrality. The WFEC Nexus approach is particularly applicable in regions requiring transboundary water management, such as Central Asia. Unfortunately, this region with unevenly distributed water resources—consisting of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan—is characterized by data scarcity, which limits informed decision-making. However, open-source geodata is becoming increasingly available. This paper aims to fill Central Asia’s WFEC Nexus data gap by providing an overview of key data. We collected geodata through an integrated survey of stakeholders and researchers, stakeholder consultation, and literature screening. Sixty unique datasets were identified, belonging to one of six thematic categories: (1) climate, (2) hydrology, (3) geography and topography, (4) geomorphology, (5) ecology, and (6) anthropogenic uses. For each dataset, a succinct description, including a link to the online source, is provided. We also provide possible applications of using the presented datasets, demonstrating how they can assist in conducting various studies linked to the WFEC Nexus in Central Asia and worldwide.

10 Amarnath, Giriraj; Ghosh, Surajit; Alahacoon, Niranga. 2023. Afghanistan Drought Early Warning Decision Support (AF-DEWS) Tool. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 53p. (IWMI Research Report 188) [doi:]
Drought indices ; Early warning systems ; Decision support systems ; Monitoring ; Earth observation satellites ; Remote sensing ; Extreme weather events ; Weather forecasting ; Precipitation ; Rainfall ; Temperature ; Snow cover ; Weather patterns ; Indicators ; Climate change mitigation ; Risk management ; Climate services ; Decision making ; Disaster preparedness ; Spatial data ; Datasets ; Maps ; Seasonal variation ; Institutions ; Finance ; State intervention ; Surface water ; Irrigated farming ; Crop yield ; Food insecurity / Afghanistan
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H052416)
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This report summarizes the development of the Afghanistan Drought Early Warning Decision Support (AF-DEWS) Tool, a cloud-based online platform with near real-time information on drought conditions, to provide decision-makers with maps and data to enable further analysis. The report provides an overview of how the AF-DEWS Tool was developed and how it can be used to systematically monitor, detect and forecast drought conditions in Afghanistan. The tool provides a wide range of indicators/indices to assess the severity of meteorological (rainfall anomaly, standardized precipitation index), hydrological (snow cover index, streamflow drought index, surface water supply index), and agricultural (vegetation health index, integrated drought severity index) droughts. The authors evaluated historical drought events, specifically the widespread drought event of 2018, to identify the precise impact of drought that has affected more than 13 million people across 22 of the 34 provinces in the severe to extreme drought category. Key drought indices were selected to undertake a detailed evaluation of the major drought events and their impacts on crop production. Satellite-derived (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer [MODIS]) Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) data and observed wheat production data provided by the National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) were used. This demonstrates the capabilities of the AF-DEWS Tool in supporting drought early warning and informing preparedness and risk reduction measures.

11 Glassic, H. C.; McGwire, K. C.; Macfarlane, W. W.; Rasmussen, C.; Bouwes, N.; Wheaton, J. M.; Al-Chokhachy, R. 2024. From pixels to riverscapes: how remote sensing and geospatial tools can prioritize riverscape restoration at multiple scales. WIREs Water, 11(3):e1716. [doi:]
Rivers ; Landscape ; Restoration ; Remote sensing ; Geographical information systems ; Spatial data ; Resilience ; Floodplains ; Normalized difference vegetation index ; Monitoring ; Ecosystem services ; Water storage ; Environmental management
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052782)
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Prioritizing restoration opportunities effectively across entire riverscape networks (i.e., riverine landscape including floodplain and stream channel networks) can be difficult when relying on in-channel, reach-scale monitoring data, or watershed-level summaries that fail to capture riverscape heterogeneity and the information necessary to implement restoration actions. Leveraging remote sensing and geospatial tools to develop spatially continuous information across nested hierarchical scales may support increased understanding of local riverscape reaches in their broader network context. Using riparian (vegetation) and geomorphic (elevation) indicators to assess status of riverscape health, along with a measure of restoration capacity (valley bottom area), could be adapted to fit specific management goals related to riverscape restoration. Frameworks using remotely sensed vegetation and elevation data to prioritize restoration continuously across riverscapes at restoration-relevant, reach-scales may uphold the ecosystem services provided by riverscapes. By incorporating local knowledge and identifying caveats for using these datasets, continuous inferences can be applied at network scales (watershed to regional extent and reach-scale resolution) to prioritize restoration over a wide variety of ecoregions.

12 Abera, W.; Getaneh, Y.; Balcha, Y.; Assefa, T.; Mulatu, C. A.; Ebrahim, Girma Yimer; Tesfaye, M.; Dawit, M.; Abebe, W. B.; Taye, Meron Teferi. 2024. Framing water–energy–food–ecosystem (WEFE) nexus interactions in the Tana-Beles Sub-basin of Ethiopia. Sustainability Nexus Forum, 32(1):2. [doi:]
Water availability ; Energy ; Food production ; Ecosystems ; Nexus approaches ; Indicators ; Spatial data ; Basins ; Systematic reviews ; Stakeholder analysis / Ethiopia / Tana-Beles Sub-Basin / Lake Tana
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H053005)
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The water–energy–food–ecosystems (WEFE) provide vital resources that are essential to human existence. Exploring synergies and trade-offs in these systems has been of interest in recent years to increase economic gain while sustaining the environment. The Tana-Beles Sub-basin of Ethiopia is challenged by population density, climate change, and ecosystem degradation that requires a WEFE Nexus thinking. To understand the current WEFE nexus interactions in the basin, a systematic review of 102 scientific research articles published from 1991 to 2021 was undertaken. Additionally, the systematic review is complemented by spatial data analysis to identify synergies and trade-offs among the WEFE nexus indicators. The analysis revealed the dominance of food–water–ecosystem interdependencies in WEFE nexus research for the Tana-Beles Sub-basin. This dominance is driven by extensive food production activities, which lead to substantial water abstraction and hydrological alterations to meet the intensive water demands of crop cultivation. Simultaneously, the energy-ecosystem interactions are critical due to excessive biomass utilization that exceeds the biomass production potential of the area. Furthermore, the available vegetation cover of the area is very limited to supplement the growing fuel wood demands, which is exerting extreme land degradation and threatening the ecosystem in the sub-basin. This study identifies gaps in WEFE understanding, highlights specific challenges and opportunities within the basin, and calls for coordinated stakeholder action for sustainable resource management through a Nexus approach.

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