Your search found 2 records
1 Young, W. J.; Anwar, Arif; Bhatti, Tousif; Borgomeo, Edoardo; Davies, S.; Garthwaite, W. R. III; Gilmont, M.; Leb, C.; Lytton, L.; Makin, Ian; Saeed, B. 2019. Pakistan: getting more from water. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank. 191p. (Water Security Diagnostics)
Water security ; Water resources ; Water management ; Water governance ; Water policy ; Groundwater management ; Agricultural water use ; Water productivity ; Water availability ; Water allocation ; Water balance ; Water demand ; Water quality ; Water extraction ; Institutional reform ; Irrigation systems ; Irrigated sites ; Irrigated farming ; Water supply ; Hydropower ; Energy ; Nexus ; Environmental sustainability ; Legal frameworks ; Law reform ; Infrastructure ; Investment ; Economic aspects ; Financing ; Income ; Sanitation ; Climate change ; Flood control ; Risk reduction ; Planning ; Rivers ; Reservoirs ; Dams ; Sediment ; Political aspects ; Monitoring ; Models / Pakistan / Indus Basin / Punjab / Sindh / Khyber Pakhtunkhwa / Balochistan / Karachi
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049423)
(9.43 MB) (9.43 MB)
This report builds on prior work to provide a new, comprehensive, and balanced view of water security in Pakistan, stressing the importance of the diverse social, environmental, and economic outcomes from water. The report highlights the complex water issues that Pakistan must tackle to improve water security and sheds new light on conventional assumptions around water. It seeks to elevate water security as an issue critical for national development. The report assesses current water security and identifies important water-related challenges that may hinder progress in economic and human development. It identifies unmitigated water-related risks, as well as opportunities where water can contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction. The report analyzes how the performance and architecture of the water sector are related to broader economic, social, and environmental outcomes. It models alternative economic trajectories to identify where intervention can lead to a more water-secure future. A consideration of water sector architecture and performance and how these determine outcome leads to recommendations for improving aspects of sector performance and adjusting sector architecture for better outcomes. The sector performance analysis considers (a) management of the water resource, (b) delivery of water services, and (c) mitigation of water-related risks. The description of sector architecture considers water governance, infrastructure, and financing.

2 Banhoro, Y.; Debevec, Liza. 2020. Analyse de textes legislatifs et reglementaires concernant la reforme du systeme de gestion des infrastructures d’approvisionnement en eau potable en milieux rural et semi-urbain au Burkina Faso. In French. [Analysis of legislative and regulatory texts concerning the reform of the management system of drinking water supply infrastructures in rural and semi-urban areas in Burkina Faso]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 29p. (IWMI Working Paper 190 / Document de travail IWMI 190) [doi:]
Water supply ; Drinking water ; Infrastructure ; Water resources ; Water management ; Law reform ; Legislation ; Regulations ; Rural areas ; Periurban areas ; Water governance ; Water scarcity ; Gender ; Water user associations ; Participatory approaches ; Decision making / Africa / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H049718)
(0.98 MB)
Le Burkina Faso, pays enclave d'Afrique de l'Ouest, est confronte au defi de la penurie d'eau. Le pays s'est engage dans des reformes liees a l'eau, conformement a l’evolution a l’echelle mondiale en matiere de gestion des ressources en eau, et met en oeuvre la GIRE depuis le debut des annees 2000. Ce document passe en revue l’ensemble de la legislation passee et actuelle sur l'eau au Burkina Faso, en mettant particulierement l'accent sur l'approvisionnement en eau potable et les associations d’usagers de l'eau en milieu rural. Le document traite des lois et reglements adoptes entre 1960 et 2014, avec un suivi supplementaire en 2019 pour inclure tout nouveau texte. Il aborde les questions liees a la participation des usagers et a l'inclusion des femmes dans les processus decisionnels de l'approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural.

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