Your search found 55 records
1 Dickens, Chris. 2015. Ecosystem services mapping as a framework for integrated resource management. In Global Water Partnership (GWP); International Land Coalition (ILC); International Water Management Institute (IWMI). Proceedings of the Joint GWP-ILC-IWMI Workshop on Responding to the Global Food Security Challenge Through Coordinated Land and Water Governance, Pretoria, South Africa, 15-16 June 2015. Stockholm, Sweden: Global Water Partnership (GWP); Rome, Italy: International Land Coalition (ILC); Pretoria, South Africa: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 3p.
Ecosystem services ; Mapping ; Resource management ; GIS ; Economic aspects ; Incentives
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047291)
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2 Barlund, I.; da Costa, M. P.; Modak, P.; Mensah, A. M.; Gordon, C.; Babel, M. S.; Dickens, Chris; Jomaa, S.; Ollesch, G.; Swaney, D.; Alcamo, J. 2016. Water pollution in river basins. In United Nations Environment Programme. A snapshot of the world’s water quality: towards a global assessment. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme. pp.49-80.
Water pollution ; Water quality ; Water governance ; Water resources ; Surface water ; River basins ; Drinking water ; Watersheds ; Sewage ; Faecal coliforms ; Contamination ; Wastewater treatment ; Community involvement ; Sediment ; Catchment areas ; Nutrients ; Case studies / Latin America / Asia / Africa / Europe / North America / Brazil / India / West Africa / Thailand / Tunisia / Czech Republic / Sao Paulo State / Tryambakeshwar / Maharashtra / Johannesburg / Upper Tiete River Basin / Godavari River Basin / Volta River Basin / Chao Phraya River Basin / Vaal River Basin / Medjerda River Basin / Elbe River Basin / Hudson River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047585)
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3 Sood, Aditya; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Eriyagama, Nishadi; Villholth, Karen G.; Liyanage, Nirosha; Wada, Y.; Ebrahim, Girma; Dickens, Chris. 2017. Global environmental flow information for the sustainable development goals. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 37p. (IWMI Research Report 168) [doi:]
Environmental flows ; Environmental management ; Sustainable development ; Development policy ; Rivers ; River basins ; Stream flow ; Surface water ; Groundwater extraction ; Groundwater recharge ; Water resources ; Water management ; Water availability ; Aquifers ; Ecosystems ; Stakeholders ; Indicators ; Runoff ; Hydrology ; Models
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H048035)
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Environmental flows (EF) are an important component of Goal 6 (the ‘water goal’) of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yet, many countries still do not have well-defined criteria on how to define EF. In this study, we bring together the International Water Management Institute’s (IWMI’s) expertise and previous research in this area to develop a new methodology to quantify EF at a global scale. EF are developed for grids (0.1 degree spatial resolution) for different levels of health (defined as environmental management classes [EMCs]) of river sections. Additionally, EF have been separated into surface water and groundwater components, which also helps in developing sustainable groundwater abstraction (SGWA) limits. An online tool has been developed to calculate EF and SGWA in any area of interest.

4 O’Brien, G. C.; Dickens, Chris; Hines, E.; Wepener, V.; Stassen, R.; Landis, W. G. 2018. A regional scale ecological risk framework for environmental flow evaluations. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22(2):957-975. [doi:, 2017]
Environmental flows ; Environmental impact assessment ; Environmental sustainability ; Environmental management ; Risk assessment ; Ecological factors ; Water resources ; Water management ; Best practices ; Decision making ; Catchment areas ; Stakeholders ; Mapping ; Uncertainty ; Case studies / South Africa / Lesotho / Kenya / Tanzania / Senqu River Catchment / Mara River Catchment
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048063)
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Recent developments in Environmental Flow (E-flow) frameworks advocate holistic, regional scale, probabilistic E-flow assessments that consider flow and non-flow drivers of change in socio-ecological context as best practice. Regional Scale ecological risk assessments of multiple sources, stressors and diverse ecosystems that address multiple social and ecological endpoints, have been undertaken internationally at different spatial scales using the relative-risk model since the mid 1990's. With the recent incorporation of Bayesian belief networks into the relative-risk model, a robust regional scale ecological risk assessment approach is available that can contribute to achieving the best practice recommendations of E-flow frameworks. PROBFLO is a regional scale, holistic E-flow assessment method that incorporates the relative-risk model and Bayesian belief networks (BN-RRM) into a transparent probabilistic modelling tool that addresses uncertainty explicitly. PROBFLO has been developed to holistically evaluate the socio-ecological consequences of historical, current and future altered flows in the context of non-flow drivers and generate E-flow requirements on regional scales spatial scales. The approach has been implemented in two regional scale case studies in Africa where its flexibility and functionality has been demonstrated. In both case studies the evidence based outcomes facilitated informed environmental management decision making, in the context of social and ecological aspirations. This paper presents the PROBFLO approach as applied to the Senqu River catchment in Lesotho and further developments and application in the Mara River catchment in Kenya and Tanzania. The ten BN-RRM procedural steps incorporated in PROBFLO are demonstrated with examples from both case studies. Outcomes allowed stakeholders to consider sustainable social and ecological E-flow trade-offs between social and ecological endpoints. PROBFLO can be incorporated into adaptive management processes and contribute to the sustainable management of the use and protection of water resources.

5 Conallin, J. C.; Dickens, Chris; Hearne, D. 2017. Stakeholder engagement in environmental water management. In Horne, A. C.; Webb, J. A.; Stewardson, M. J.; Richter, B.; Acreman, M. (Eds.). Water for the environment: from policy and science to implementation and management. London, UK: Elsevier. pp.129-150.
Environmental management ; Water resources ; Water management ; Stakeholders ; Planning ; Conflicts ; Participatory approaches ; Social participation
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048242)

6 Dickens, Chris; Rebelo, Lisa-Maria; Nhamo, Luxon. 2017. Guidelines and indicators for Target 6.6 of the SDGs: “change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time” Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) 56p.
Sustainable development ; Ecosystem services ; Guidelines ; Indicators ; Monitoring ; Marshes ; Swamps ; Wetlands ; Forests ; Paddy fields ; Peatlands ; Mangroves ; Lakes ; Ponds ; Rivers ; Groundwater ; Earth observation satellites ; Remote sensing ; Water quality ; Flow discharge ; Stream flow ; Reservoirs ; Environmental health
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048340)

7 Nhamo, Luxon; Magidi, J.; Dickens, Chris. 2017. Determining wetland spatial extent and seasonal variations of the inundated area using multispectral remote sensing. Water SA, 43(4):543-552. [doi:]
Wetlands ; Flooding ; Remote sensing ; GIS ; Spatial planning ; Multispectral imagery ; Satellite imagery ; Sustainable development ; Ecosystems ; Dam construction ; Catchment areas / South Africa / Mpumalanga Province / Witbank Dam
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048390)
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Wetlands can only be well managed if their spatial location and extent are accurately documented, which presents a problem as wetland type and morphology are highly variable. Current efforts to delineate wetland extent are varied, resulting in a host of inconsistent and incomparable inventories. This study, done in the Witbank Dam Catchment in Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, explores a remote-sensing technique to delineate wetland extent and assesses the seasonal variations of the inundated area. The objective was to monitor the spatio-temporal changes of wetlands over time through remote sensing and GIS for effective wetland management. Multispectral satellite images, together with a digital elevation model (DEM), were used to delineate wetland extent. The seasonal variations of the inundated area were assessed through an analysis of monthly water indices derived from the normalised difference water index (NDWI). Landsat images and DEM were used to delineate wetland extent and MODIS images were used to assess seasonal variation of the inundated area. A time-series trend analysis on the delineated wetlands shows a declining tendency from 2000 to 2015, which could worsen in the coming few years if no remedial action is taken. Wetland area declined by 19% in the study area over the period under review. An analysis of NDWI indices on the wetland area showed that wetland inundated area is highly variable, exhibiting an increasing variability over time. An overlay of wetland area on cultivated land showed that 21% of the wetland area is subjected to cultivation which is a major contributing factor to wetland degradation.

8 Reinhardt, J.; Liersch, S.; Abdeladhim, M. A.; Diallo, M.; Dickens, Chris; Fournet, S.; Hattermann, F. F.; Kabaseke, C.; Muhumuza, M.; Mul, Marloes L.; Pilz, T.; Otto, I. M.; Walz, A. 2018. Systematic evaluation of scenario assessments supporting sustainable integrated natural resources management: evidence from four case studies in Africa. Ecology and Society, 23(1):1-34. [doi:]
Natural resources management ; Participatory research ; Sustainability ; Assessment ; Stakeholders ; Watersheds ; River basins ; Political aspects ; Case studies / South Africa / Tunisia / Uganda / Mali / Oum Zessar Watershed / Rwenzori Region / Inner Niger Delta / Upper Thukela Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048530)
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Scenarios have become a key tool for supporting sustainability research on regional and global change. In this study we evaluate four regional scenario assessments: first, to explore a number of research challenges related to sustainability science and, second, to contribute to sustainability research in the specific case studies. The four case studies used commonly applied scenario approaches that are (i) a story and simulation approach with stakeholder participation in the Oum Zessar watershed, Tunisia, (ii) a participatory scenario exploration in the Rwenzori region, Uganda, (iii) a model-based prepolicy study in the Inner Niger Delta, Mali, and (iv) a model coupling-based scenario analysis in upper Thukela basin, South Africa. The scenario assessments are evaluated against a set of known challenges in sustainability science, with each challenge represented by two indicators, complemented by a survey carried out on the perception of the scenario assessments within the case study regions. The results show that all types of scenario assessments address many sustainability challenges, but that the more complex ones based on story and simulation and model coupling are the most comprehensive. The study highlights the need to investigate abrupt system changes as well as governmental and political factors as important sources of uncertainty. For an in-depth analysis of these issues, the use of qualitative approaches and an active engagement of local stakeholders are suggested. Studying ecological thresholds for the regional scale is recommended to support research on regional sustainability. The evaluation of the scenario processes and outcomes by local researchers indicates the most transparent scenario assessments as the most useful. Focused, straightforward, yet iterative scenario assessments can be very relevant by contributing information to selected sustainability problems.

9 Dickens, Chris; Cox, A.; Johnston, Robyn; Henderson, D.; Henderson, PJ; Shinde, V. 2018. Monitoring the health of the Greater Mekong’s Rivers. Vientiane, Laos: CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 12p.
Sustainable Development Goals ; Environmental monitoring ; Environmental health ; Ecological factors ; River basins ; Ecosystems ; Aquatic animals ; Biomonitoring / Southeast Asia / China / Myanmar / Lao People's Democratic Republic / Thailand / Cambodia / Vietnam
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048845)

10 Bernhardt, E. M.; Zandaryaa, S.; Arduino, G.; Jimenez-Cisneros, B.; Payne, J.; Zadeh, S. M.; McClain, M.; Irvine, K.; Acreman, M.; Cudennec, C.; Amerasinghe, Priyanie; Dickens, Chris; Cohen-Shacham, E.; Fedotova, T.; Cox, C.; Bertule, M.; Coates, D.; Connor, R.; Simmons, E.; Gastelumendi, J.; Gutierrez, T. 2018. NBS [Nature-based solutions] for managing water quality. In WWAP (United Nations World Water Assessment Programme); UN-Water. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2018: nature-based solutions for water. Paris, France: UNESCO. pp.52-62.
Natural resources ; Water management ; Water quality ; Water pollution ; Water conservation ; Sustainable development ; Ecosystem services ; Environmental health ; Agriculture ; Socioeconomic environment ; Wetlands ; Land management ; Riparian zones ; Infrastructure
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048853)
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11 Yalew, S. G.; Pilz, T.; Schweitzer, C.; Liersch, S.; van der Kwast, J.; van Griensven, A.; Mul, Marloes L.; Dickens, Chris; van der Zaag, P. 2018. Coupling land-use change and hydrologic models for quantification of catchment ecosystem services. Environmental Modelling and Software, 109: 315-328. [doi:]
Ecosystem services ; Catchment areas ; Land use ; Hydrological factors ; Models ; Couplings ; Calibration ; Environmental assessment ; Stream flow ; Biomass ; Grasslands ; Grazing lands
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048890)
Representation of land-use and hydrologic interactions in respective models has traditionally been problematic. The use of static land-use in most hydrologic models or that of the use of simple hydrologic proxies in land-use change models call for more integrated approaches. The objective of this study is to assess whether dynamic feedback between land-use change and hydrology can (1) improve model performances, and/or (2) produce a more realistic quantification of ecosystem services. To test this, we coupled a land-use change model and a hydrologic mode. First, the land-use change and the hydrologic models were separately developed and calibrated. Then, the two models were dynamically coupled to exchange data at yearly time-steps. The approach is applied to a catchment in South Africa. Performance of coupled models when compared to the uncoupled models were marginal, but the coupled models excelled at the quantification of catchment ecosystem services more robustly.

12 Ringler, C.; Choufani, J.; Chase, C.; McCartney, Matthew; Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Mekonnen, D.; Dickens, Chris. 2018. Meeting the nutrition and water targets of the Sustainable Development Goals: achieving progress through linked interventions. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE); Washington, DC, USA: The World Bank. 24p. (WLE Research for Development (R4D) Learning Series 7) [doi:]
Research and development ; Learning ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Nutrition ; Integrated management ; Water resources ; Water management ; Water supply ; Water quality ; Water security ; Water pollution ; Water use ; Water availability ; Waterborne diseases ; Sanitation ; Food security ; Food production ; Diet ; Sustainable agriculture ; Agricultural systems ; Drinking water ; Climate change ; Policy making ; Economic aspects ; Equity ; Landscape ; Public health ; Wastewater treatment ; Ecosystem services ; Communities ; Risk management ; Irrigation water
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H048974)
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Water and nutrition are linked in multiple ways, but few of these interlinkages are well understood. What is, for example, the exact relationship between water pollution and health or between water resource management and nutrition? Even less is known about the interactions across these various linkages. The importance of better understanding these connections has been highlighted as we pursue the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which challenge mankind to meet both water security as well as food and nutrition security goals, while also improving water-based ecosystems. It has become increasingly clear that progress toward these goals can only be achieved if measures in the food and nutrition space (SDG 2) do not constrain progress on water (SDG 6) and if measures undertaken to support targets under one of these SGDs also support the outcomes of the other. This paper provides an overview of water–nutrition linkages as reflected in the SDGs, and it identifies key gaps in these linkages and suggests a way forward to support the achievement of both water and nutrition goals and targets.

13 Dickens, Chris; Smakhtin, V.; McCartney, Matthew; O’Brien, G.; Dahir, L. 2019. Defining and quantifying national-level targets, indicators and benchmarks for management of natural resources to achieve the sustainable development goals. Sustainability, 11(2): 1-15. [doi:]
Natural resources management ; Resource conservation ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Water resources ; Water quality ; Stakeholders ; Environmental monitoring ; Indicators ; Strategies
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049054)
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The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are high on the agenda for most countries of the world. In its publication of the SDGs, the UN has provided the goals and target descriptions that, if implemented at a country level, would lead towards a sustainable future. The IAEG (InterAgency Expert Group of the SDGs) was tasked with disseminating indicators and methods to countries that can be used to gather data describing the global progress towards sustainability. However, 2030 Agenda leaves it to countries to adopt the targets with each government setting its own national targets guided by the global level of ambition but taking into account national circumstances. At present, guidance on how to go about this is scant but it is clear that the responsibility is with countries to implement and that it is actions at a country level that will determine the success of the SDGs. Reporting on SDGs by country takes on two forms: i) global reporting using prescribed indicator methods and data; ii) National Voluntary Reviews where a country reports on its own progress in more detail but is also able to present data that are more appropriate for the country. For the latter, countries need to be able to adapt the global indicators to fit national priorities and context, thus the global description of an indicator could be reduced to describe only what is relevant to the country. Countries may also, for the National Voluntary Review, use indicators that are unique to the country but nevertheless contribute to measurement of progress towards the global SDG target. Importantly, for those indicators that relate to the security of natural resources security (e.g., water) indicators, there are no prescribed numerical targets/standards or benchmarks. Rather countries will need to set their own benchmarks or standards against which performance can be evaluated. This paper presents a procedure that would enable a country to describe national targets with associated benchmarks that are appropriate for the country. The procedure builds on precedent set in other countries but in particular on a procedure developed for the setting of Resource Quality Objectives in South Africa. The procedure focusses on those SDG targets that are natural resource-security focused, for example, extent of water-related ecosystems (6.6), desertification (15.3) and so forth, because the selection of indicator methods and benchmarks is based on the location of natural resources, their use and present state and how they fit into national strategies.

14 Dickens, Chris; Smakhtin, V.; Biancalani, R.; Villholth, Karen G.; Eriyagama, Nishadi; Marinelli, M. 2019. Incorporating environmental flows into "water stress" indicator 6.4.2: guidelines for a minimum standard method for global reporting. Rome, Italy: FAO. 32p.
Environmental flows ; Environmental management ; Water stress ; Water resources development ; Water management ; Guidelines ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Ecological factors ; Indicators ; Information systems ; Groundwater extraction
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049067)

15 Dickens, Chris; Nhlengethwa, Sibusiso; Ndhlovu, Brown. 2019. Mainstreaming the Sustainable Development Goals in developing countries. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 23p. [doi:]
Sustainable Development Goals ; Mainstreaming ; Developing countries ; UN ; Development indicators ; Multi-stakeholder processes ; Public-private cooperation ; Partnerships ; Awareness raising ; Economic development ; Development policies ; National planning ; Government agencies ; Institutions ; Governance ; Financing ; Budgeting ; Monitoring ; Impact assessment ; Accountability ; Adaptability ; Risk assessment ; Strategies / Southern Africa / South Africa / Botswana / Malawi / Namibia / Eswatini / Zimbabwe
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049245)
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The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development promises to achieve change in almost every aspect of life on Earth. Encompassing 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets, the Agenda marks the first time in history when all nations have agreed on how to chart their future. The SDGs are not just a global reporting exercise, however, but rather involve a global program that embraces country-led efforts. Guided by the ideas contained in the 2030 Agenda, each nation must seek to become more prosperous and sustainable, while contributing to the global effort at the same time. If all the countries achieve this, we will have a sustainable planet and a secure future for all.
This document offers guidance on how developing countries can adapt the SDGs to their own contexts and priorities. It indicates important areas for developing countries to consider when creating their own program to achieve the SDGs, and provides examples of success to demonstrate concrete possibilities for progress.

16 Anderson, E. P.; Jackson, S.; Tharme, R. E.; Douglas, M.; Flotemersch, J. E.; Zwarteveen, M.; Lokgariwar, C.; Montoya, M.; Wali, A.; Tipa, G. T.; Jardine, T. D.; Olden, J. D.; Cheng, L.; Conallin, J.; Cosens, B.; Dickens, Chris; Garrick, D.; Groenfeldt, D.; Kabogo, J.; Roux, D. J.; Ruhi, A.; Arthington, A. H. 2019. Understanding rivers and their social relations: a critical step to advance environmental water management. WIREs Water, 6(6):1-21. [doi:]
Rivers ; Environmental flows ; Water management ; Human relations ; Social conditions ; Freshwater ; Water allocation ; Water governance ; Indigenous peoples ; Living standards ; Cultural values ; Ecological factors ; Ecosystems ; Declarations ; Case studies / Honduras / India / Canada / New Zealand / Australia / Patuca River / Ganga River / Athabasca River / Murray-Darling Basin / Kakaunui River / Orari River
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049329)
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River flows connect people, places, and other forms of life, inspiring and sustaining diverse cultural beliefs, values, and ways of life. The concept of environmental flows provides a framework for improving understanding of relationships between river flows and people, and for supporting those that are mutually beneficial. Nevertheless, most approaches to determining environmental flows remain grounded in the biophysical sciences. The newly revised Brisbane Declaration and Global Action Agenda on Environmental Flows (2018) represents a new phase in environmental flow science and an opportunity to better consider the co-constitution of river flows, ecosystems, and society, and to more explicitly incorporate these relationships into river management. We synthesize understanding of relationships between people and rivers as conceived under the renewed definition of environmental flows. We present case studies from Honduras, India, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia that illustrate multidisciplinary, collaborative efforts where recognizing and meeting diverse flow needs of human populations was central to establishing environmental flow recommendations. We also review a small body of literature to highlight examples of the diversity and interdependencies of human-flow relationships—such as the linkages between river flow and human well-being, spiritual needs, cultural identity, and sense of place—that are typically overlooked when environmental flows are assessed and negotiated. Finally, we call for scientists and water managers to recognize the diversity of ways of knowing, relating to, and utilizing rivers, and to place this recognition at the center of future environmental flow assessments.

17 Dickens, Chris; O’Brien, G.; Stassen, R.; Eriyagama, Nishadi; Kleynhans, M.; Rowntree, K.; Graham, M.; Ross-Gillespie, V.; MacKenzie, J.; Wymenga, E.; Mapedza, Everisto; Burnet, M.; Desai, M.; Hean, J. 2018. E-flows for the Upper Niger River and Inner Niger Delta: synthesis report. [Project report prepared by the International Water Management Institute for Wetlands International]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 201p.
Environmental flows ; Rivers ; Deltas ; Water resources ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Monitoring ; Risk assessment ; Ecosystem services ; Habitats ; Invertebrates ; Birds ; Manatees ; Fisheries ; Floodplains ; Dams ; Sediment ; Water quality ; Flow discharge ; Vegetation ; Indicators ; Geomorphology ; Living standards ; Social aspects ; Ecological factors ; Hydrodynamics ; Modelling ; Case studies / West Africa / Mali / Niger / Upper Niger River / Inner Niger Delta / Bani River
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049434)
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18 Dickens, Chris; O’Brien, G.; Stassen, R.; Eriyagama, Nishadi; Kleynhans, M.; Rowntree, K.; Graham, M.; Ross-Gillespie, V. 2018. E-flows for the Upper Niger and Inner Niger Delta: specialist reports - hydrology, hydraulics, geomorphology and water quality. [Project report prepared by the International Water Management Institute for Wetlands International]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 210p.
Environmental flows ; Hydrology ; Hydraulics ; Geomorphology ; Water quality ; River basins ; Deltas ; Water resources ; Freshwater ; Surface water ; Groundwater ; Flow discharge ; Flooding ; Catchment areas ; Dams ; Sediment ; Habitats ; Risk assessment ; Climate change ; Hydrodynamics ; Land use ; Mining ; Population density ; Models / West Africa / Mali / Upper Niger River / Inner Niger Delta / Bani River / Sankarani River / Dialakoro / Gouala / Koulikoro / Ke Macina / Djenne / Koryoume
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049435)
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19 Dickens, Chris; O’Brien, G.; Stassen, R.; Eriyagama, Nishadi; Kleynhans, M.; Rowntree, K.; Graham, M.; Ross-Gillespie, V.; MacKenzie, J.; Wymenga, E.; Mapedza, Everisto; Burnet, M.; Desai, M.; Hean, J. 2018. E-Flows for the Upper Niger River and Inner Niger Delta: specialist response report for vegetation, fish, invertebrates and birds. [Project report prepared by the International Water Management Institute for Wetlands International]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 104p.
Environmental flows ; Vegetation ; Fisheries ; Invertebrates ; Birds ; Ecosystem services ; Aquatic environment ; Habitats ; Biodiversity ; Rivers ; Deltas ; Living standards ; Public health ; Waterborne diseases ; Risk assessment ; Malaria ; Onchocerciasis ; Parasites ; Pathogens ; Vectors ; Sanitation ; Water resources ; Water quality ; Floodplains ; Sediment ; Modelling / West Africa / Upper Niger River / Inner Niger Delta
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049436)
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20 Nhamo, L.; Mabhaudhi, T.; Mpandeli, S.; Dickens, Chris; Nhemachena, C.; Senzanje, A.; Naidoo, D.; Liphadzi, S.; Modi, A. T. 2020. An integrative analytical model for the water-energy-food nexus: South Africa case study. Environmental Science and Policy, 109:15-24. [doi:]
Decision support systems ; Water availability ; Energy ; Food security ; Nexus ; Water productivity ; Climate change adaptation ; Resilience ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Development indicators ; Living standards ; Agricultural productivity ; Cereals ; Models ; Performance evaluation ; Case studies / South Africa
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049710)
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The missing link between cross-sectoral resource management and full-scale adoption of the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus has been the lack of analytical tools that provide evidence for policy and decision-making. This study defined WEF nexus sustainability indicators, from where an analytical model was developed to manage WEF resources in an integrated manner using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The model established quantitative relationships among WEF sectors, simplifying the intricate interlinkages among resources, using South Africa as a case study. A spider graph was used to illustrate sector performance as related to others, whose management is viewed either as sustainable or unsustainable. The model was then applied to assess progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals in South Africa. The estimated integrated indices of 0.155 and 0.203 for 2015 and 2018, respectively, classify South Africa’s management of resources as marginally sustainable. The model is a decision support tool that highlights priority areas for intervention.

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