Your search found 3 records
1 Alfarra, A.; Turton, A.; Coates, D.; Connor, R.; De Souza, M.; Unver, O.; Payne, J.; McCartney, Matthew; Sonneveld, B.; Welling, R.; Fedotova, T.; Tsegai, D. 2018. NBS [Nature-based solutions] for managing water availability. In WWAP (United Nations World Water Assessment Programme); UN-Water. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2018: nature-based solutions for water. Paris, France: UNESCO. pp.38-50. (The United Nations World Water Development Report 2018)
Natural resources ; Water availability ; Water management ; Water supply ; Water storage ; Ecosystems ; Agriculture ; Landscape ; Infrastructure ; Case studies
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048848)
(31.02 MB)

2 Kjellen, M.; White, M.; Matthews, J.; Mauroner, A.; Timboe, I.; Burchi, S.; Dhot, N.; van Waeyenberge, T.; El Fenni, Y. R.; Lohani, A.; Newton, J.; Imamura, Y.; Miyamoto, M.; Moors, E.; de Oliveira, V. G.; Schmeier, S.; Crespo, C. C.; Gutierrez, M. T.; Welling, R.; Suhardiman, Diana; Hada, R.; Saji, M.; Jimenez, A.; Lymer, B. L.; Saikia, P.; Mathews, R.; Bernardini, F.; Koeppel, S.; Aureli, A.; Resende, T. C.; Avellan, T.; Hahn, A.; Kirschke, S. J.; Perera, D.; Loeffen, A.; Turner, R.; Pories, L.; Aldaco-Manner, L.; Daher, B.; Willemart, S.; Schillinger, J. 2020. Water governance for resilience to climate change. In UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP); UN-Water. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020: water and climate change. Paris, France: UNESCO. pp.150-159.
Water governance ; Climate change adaptation ; Climate change mitigation ; Resilience ; Integrated management ; Water resources ; Water management ; Water policy ; Disaster risk reduction ; Political aspects ; Institutions ; Legal aspects ; Public participation ; Decision making ; Monitoring ; Uncertainty ; Poverty
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049605)
(1.77 MB) (37.7 MB)
This chapter outlines legal, institutional and political means to support climate change adaptation and mitigation, to enhance resilience, and to reduce vulnerability through more inclusive water management, especially at the country level.

3 Welling, R.; Filz, P.; Dalton, J.; Smith, Douglas Mark; de Silva, J.; Manyara, P. 2021. Governing resilient landscapes across the source-to-sea continuum. Water International, 46(2):264-282. (Special issue: Source-to-Sea Management) [doi:]
Water governance ; Integrated management ; Water resources ; Water management ; Freshwater ; Marine environment ; Resilience ; Multi-stakeholder processes ; Decision making ; Learning ; Institutions ; Agencies ; Cooperation ; Benefits ; Coordination ; River basins ; Coastal areas ; International waters ; Ecosystem services ; Sustainable Development Goals
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050310)
(1.63 MB)
The source-to-sea continuum links the interconnected ecosystems of the water cycle with the associated socioeconomic processes, demands and pressures. Maximizing benefits and protecting existing resources through integrated water management and governance at scale capitalizes on existing institutional and governmental asymmetries by developing an outcome-driven management that builds on existing local, national and transboundary legal frameworks to enhance connectivity. This paper presents how to action this through focusing on three areas of governance: benefit-sharing dialogues for shared visioning; a multi-stakeholder platform to increase coordination in decision-making both up- and downstream; and improved agency coordination between basins and coasts.

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