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1 King-Okumu, C.; Jillo, B.; Kinyanjui, J.; Jarso, I. 2018. Devolving water governance in the Kenyan arid lands: from top-down drought and flood emergency response to locally driven water resource development planning. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 34(4):675-697. (Special issue: Urban Resilience to Droughts and Floods: Policies and Governance). [doi:]
Water resources development ; Water governance ; Arid lands ; Drought ; Flood control ; Resilience ; Water supply ; Water conservation ; Resource management ; Planning ; Policies ; Urban areas ; Local government ; Institutions ; Participation / Kenya / Isiolo County / Ewaso Ng’iro North Catchment Area
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048814)
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The Kenyan Constitution calls for a devolved response to the stewardship of water and other natural resources. A case study based on planners’ experiences illustrates the shift towards a governance approach that is inclusive, integrates available technologies to achieve resilience to both flood and drought, and works across scales from the settlement to the catchment. Devolution is a slow process, and the challenges are many. Recent observations show that increasing local agency in water resource development is helping alleviate drought and flood emergencies. Nevertheless, more concerted action is still needed from the centre.

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