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1 Humphreys, E.; Schwartz, K.. 2018. In the shadow of the city: financing water infrastructure in small towns in Burkina Faso. Water Policy, 20(S1):69-83. (Special issue: Water Services in Small Towns - Experiences from the Global South). [doi:]
Water resources development ; Public finance ; Water supply ; Infrastructure ; Towns ; Rural areas ; Water institutions ; Corporate culture ; Water user associations ; Municipal governments ; Central government ; Expenditure ; Projects ; Partnerships ; Donors ; Funding ; Case studies / Burkina Faso / Hounde / Komsilga / Banfora / Moussodougou
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048708)
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The abundant praise awarded for the development of the urban water services sector in Burkina Faso stands in stark contrast with the development of the rural water services sector. This article examines the funding of water infrastructure in four small villages in Burkina Faso. The article finds that public funding for water infrastructure for these municipalities is largely nonexistent. First of all, central government makes very little funding available for rural areas. Funding that is made available is then also prioritized for regions that already are relatively well covered. Secondly, the municipalities themselves also prioritize other sectors over the water sector for the investment of locally generated revenue. As a result, these municipalities rely on donor funding for developing water supply in their villages. This dependence not only leaves these municipalities vulnerable to shifts in donor funding but can also lead to inequalities as some municipalities are better at attracting donor funds than others. Some small towns are thus confronted with a double bias. First an urban bias in which the majority of public finance goes to urban centres. Second, by a donor-bias in which some towns are favoured for project implementation due to favourable site characteristics.

2 Boakye-Ansah, A. S.; Schwartz, K.; Zwarteveen, M. 2019. Unravelling pro-poor water services: what does it mean and why is it so popular?. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 9(2):187-197. [doi:]
Water supply ; Less favoured areas ; Urban areas ; Poverty ; Financing ; Water users ; Small scale systems ; Appropriate technology ; Private sector ; Community involvement ; Social aspects ; Sanitation
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049303)
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In dealing with the challenge of providing water services to urban low-income areas, the concept of ‘pro-poor water services’ is popular in the policy literature. Based on an extensive literature review, this article examines the relation between the implementation of pro-poor water services and the equity of access. Pro-poor water services comprise a set of technological, financial and organisational measures employed by utilities in developing countries to improve service provision to low-income areas. In practice, the combination of low-cost technologies which limit consumption, measures to enforce payment for services, and the use of community-based and private suppliers, means that pro-poor service often entails the utility delegating part of the responsibilities, costs and risks of providing services to those living in low-income areas. Indeed, it is by partially withdrawing from these areas that utilities succeed in reconciling the objective of improving service delivery with the realisation of their commercial objectives. Our analysis shows that in implementing pro-poor service delivery strategies, there is a risk that concerns about cost recovery and risk reduction on the part of the utility prevail over those about the quantity, quality and affordability of the service for the poor.

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