Your search found 8 records
1 Patel, N.. 1988. Decision support systems for public administrators in developing countries: A package of teaching materials. London, UK: Commonwealth Secretariat. 117p.
Public sector ; Administration ; Training ; Computer software ; Developing countries ; Teaching materials
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 350 G000 PAT Record No: H07848)

2 Rajput, T. B. S.; Patel, N.. 2005. Enhancement of field water use efficiency in the Indo-Gangetic Plain of India. Irrigation and Drainage, 54(2):189-203.
Water use efficiency ; Participatory rural appraisal ; Farmer participation ; Irrigation scheduling ; Wheat ; Yields / India / Indo-Gangetic Plain
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H036958)
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3 Rajput, T. B. S.; Patel, N.. 2006. Water and nitrate movement in drip-irrigated onion under fertigation and irrigation treatments. Agricultural Water Management, 79(3):293-311.
Drip irrigation ; Onions ; Fertigation ; Leaching ; Soil water / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H038296)

4 Gitay, H.; Chambers, W. B.; Baste, I.; Carr, E. R.; ten Have, C.; Stabrawa, A.; Sharma, N.; De Oliveira, T.; Wilson, C.; Boyer, B.; Bruch, C.; Finlayson, Max; Fobil, J. N.; Garcia, K.; Galarza, E. P.; Kim, J. A.; Eamer, J.; Watson, R.; Bauer, S.; Gorobets, A.; Chazhong, G.; Perelet, R. A.; Manguiat, M. S. Z.; Moreda, B. I. G.; McCormick, S.; Namutebi, C.; Patel, N.; de Jong, A. 2007. Interlinkages: Governance for sustainability. In UNEP Global Environment Outlook 4: Environment for Development. Nairobi, Kenya: UNEP. pp.361-394.
Environmental effects ; Ecology ; Ecosystems ; Governance ; Globalization ; Population growth ; Climate change ; Biodiversity
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 363.7 G000 GIT Record No: H040573)
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5 Tripathi, V. K.; Rajput, T. B. S.; Patel, N.; Kumar, P. 2016. Effects on growth and yield of eggplant (Solanum melongema L.) under placement of drip laterals and using municipal wastewater. Irrigation and Drainage, 65(4):480-490. [doi:]
Wastewater irrigation ; Wastewater treatment ; Vegetable growing ; Solanum melongena ; Crop yield ; Periurban areas ; Irrigation systems ; Drip irrigation ; Groundwater irrigation ; Subsurface irrigation ; Irrigation equipment ; Performance evaluation ; Chemicophysical properties ; Soils ; Leaf Area Index ; Root length ; Dry matter content ; Models / India / New Delhi
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047798)
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This study was conducted to utilize municipal wastewater through surface and subsurface (15 and 30 cm) drip systems. Wastewater was treated though media type, disk type and combined media and disk type filters. The field experiment was conducted for two years with wastewater and groundwater. Root length density (RLD), leaf area index (LAI), and fruit yield with dry matter was recorded. LAI was lower under subsurface drip during the initial 55 days after transplantation, but in later stages it was significantly higher in comparison to surface drip. Highest RLD of 3.6 cm cm–3 was recorded under subsurface drip at 30 cm depth. RLD and LAI were related with a correlation coefficient value of 0.69. Highest dry matter content (8.75%) was recorded under surface drip but highest fruit yield was recorded under subsurface placement of drip at 15 cm depth. Subsurface drip at 15 and 30 cm depths resulted in 12.4 and 8.5% higher yields respectively, in comparison with surface drip. Utilization of wastewater through a drip irrigation system has given 6.2% increase in eggplant fruit yield in comparison to groundwater irrigation, with savings of 47, 18 and 40% of N, P2O5 and K2O nutrients respectively. The findings of the present study elucidate the potentials and constraints of wastewater utilization through a subsurface drip system.

6 Kumar, M.; Kumar, R.; Rajput, T. B. S.; Patel, N.. 2017. Efficient design of drip irrigation system using water and fertilizer application uniformity at different operating pressures in a semi-arid region of India. Irrigation and Drainage, 66(3):316-326. [doi:]
Irrigation systems ; Drip irrigation ; Water use ; Fertilizer application ; Performance evaluation ; Irrigation water ; Water distribution ; Nutrients ; Water quality ; Chemicophysical properties ; Discharges ; Uniformity coefficient ; Semiarid zones ; Experimentation / India / New Delhi
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048187)
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Performance evaluation of irrigation has been an important area of research for better management of water resources. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of drip lateral lengths and system operating pressures on water and fertilizer application uniformity at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, India. The following parameters of nutrients and water were studied to design and evaluate the performance of drip irrigation systems: (i) uniformity coefficient; (ii) discharge variation; (iii) distribution uniformity; (iv) statistical uniformity. Drip-line lengths and system operating pressures (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01) significantly affect the different parameters of fertilizer and water application. The highest values of uniformity coefficient (99.2%), statistical uniformity (99.2%) and distribution uniformity (97.4%) for irrigation water were observed at a pressure of 1.5 kg cm 2 with a 25 m long drip-line. Lower values of discharge variation (2.65%) and coefficient of variation (0.04) were observed at the same operating pressure (1.5 kg cm 2 ) and drip-line length. However, the lowest value of the uniformity coefficient (88.1%), statistical uniformity (93.7%) and distribution uniformity (93.2%) for irrigation water were recorded at 0.5 kg cm 2 pressure with a 100 m long drip-line length. The highest values of urea, potassium and phosphorus distribution uniformity were found to be 97.8, 97.1 and 98.2%, respectively, at 1.5 kg cm 2 pressure with 25 m long drip-line, and lower values of urea, potassium and phosphorus distribution uniformity (93.1, 92.6 and 93.2%, respectively) were recorded at 0.5 kg cm 2 pressure with a 100 m long drip-line. Water and fertilizer distribution uniformity decreased with increase in drip-line length, and increased with increase in system operating pressure.

7 Rajmohan, N.; Patel, N.; Amarasinghe, Upali A. 2017. Hydrochemical evaluation and identification of geochemical processes in the shallow and deep wells in the Ramganga Sub-Basin, India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24:21459-21475. [doi:]
Hydrology ; Chemical compounds ; Geochemical prospecting ; Wells ; Groundwater management ; Water quality ; River basins ; Aquifers ; Elements ; Minerals ; Ion exchange ; Contamination ; Carbonates ; Weathering / India / Ramganga Sub-Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048205)
Groundwater samples were collected from 44 wells in the Ramganga Sub-Basin (RSB), India, and analysed for major ions, nutrients and trace metals. The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the hydrochemistry and to identify the geochemical processes that govern the water chemistry in the shallow and deep tube wells in the study area using geochemical methods. The knowledge of changes in hydrochemistry of the aquifers is important for both groundwater recharge and use in the region. This study found that there are substantial differences of water chemistry between shallow and deep wells. In the shallow wells, the average concentrations of total dissolved solid (TDS), Na, K, Ca, Mg, HCO3, Cl, SO4, NO3, PO4, F, Cu, Mn, Fe and Cr are twofold higher than the deep wells. The concentrations of dissolved silica in the groundwater do not vary with the depth, which implies that the variation in the water chemistry is not due to mineral dissolution alone. Major ion ratios and saturation indices suggest that the water chemistry is predominantly controlled by dissolution of carbonate minerals, silicate weathering and ion exchange reactions. Thermodynamic evaluation (ion activity ratios and stability filed diagrams) indicates that the kaolinite and gibbsite controlled the water chemistry in the both shallow and deep wells. In addition, the groundwater chemistry in the shallow wells is affected by the vertical infiltration of contaminated water from surface contamination sources and nitrification process. In the deep wells, absence of NO3 and low concentrations of Cl, SO4, PO4 and F imply the role of regional flow and denitrification in the groundwater. Results concluded that proper management plan is necessary to protect the shallow aquifer in the RSB since shallow aquifer pumping is less expensive than the deeper one.

8 Rajurkar, G. B.; Patel, N.; Natarajan, Rajmohan; Rajput, T. B. S.; Prathapar, S. A.; Varghese, C. 2016. Irrigation application efficiency and uniformity of water distribution using multi-outlet pipe and resource conservation technologies. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(4):1868-1877.
Irrigation efficiency ; Irrigation systems ; Irrigation water ; Water distribution ; Water storage ; Pipe drainage ; Resource conservation ; Technology ; Zero tillage ; Crop production ; Seasonal cropping ; Planting ; Cultivation ; Wheat ; Farmers ; Soil water / India / Haryana State / Karnal District / Karnal
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048909)
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Irrigation experiments were conducted during November to April under wheat crop in the winter season of 2012-13 and 2013-14 in the farmer’s field at Galibkhedi village located in Karnal District, Haryana State, India. In the study, collapsible multi-outlet pipe (MOP) along with single outlets pipe (SOP) was tested in farmer’s field under wheat cultivation. Irrigation was carried out in five treatments including tillage (T) with SOP and MOP; zero-tillage (ZT) with SOP and MOP, and furrow irrigation with raised bed (FIRB). Iso-time profile of waterfront spreading and advance indicated that irrigation water distribution was uniform under the plot irrigated using MOP as compared to plot irrigated using SOP. In addition, water distribution was uniform under zero tilled plots as compared to tilled plot. Results implied that MOP has several advantages over SOP in terms of application efficiency (AE) and uniformity of water distribution. Average application efficiency for the first study year was found to be in the order of ZT-MOP (82.41%) > FIRB (76.79%) > ZT-SOP (75.25%) > T-MOP (74.85%) > T-SOP (69.79%). Average application efficien-cy for the second study year was found to be in the same order as first year with some deviation in values. In the second year values of mean application efficiencies were ZT-MOP (82.58%) > FIRB (77.13%) > ZT-SOP (73.04%) > T-MOP (69.65%) > T-SOP (66.13%). Overall, this study concludes that irrigation under wheat crop using collapsible multi-outlet pipe (MOP) with zero tillage practices is a suitable option for surface irrigation that accomplishes uniform distribution of water with higher application efficiency.

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