Your search found 2 records
1 Grau, Felix; Drechsel, Nikita; Haering, V.; Trautz, D.; Weerakkody, W. J. S. K.; Drechsel, Pay; Marschner, B.; Dissanayake, D. M. P. S.; Sinnathamby, V. 2017. Impact of fecal sludge and municipal solid waste co-compost on crop growth of Raphanus Sativus L. and Capsicum Anuum L. under stress conditions. Resources, 6(3):1-12. [doi:]
Faecal sludge ; Urban wastes ; Solid wastes ; Composting ; Crop improvement ; Raphanus sativus ; Capsicum annuum ; Stress conditions ; Agricultural practices ; Resource recovery ; Organic matter ; Waste management ; Waste treatment ; Inorganic fertilizers ; Drought ; Nutrients ; Cost benefit analysis / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048191)
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Co-composted dewatered faecal sludge (FS) with organic fractions of municipal solid waste (MSW) has a high potential to be used as an agricultural resource in Sri Lanka. In addition to options for cost recovery in waste management, closing the nutrient and carbon cycles between urban and rural areas, substitution of mineral fertilizers, reduced pollution. and the restoration of degraded arable land are possible with important benefits. Up to now little is known about the usage of FS-MSW as fertilizer and it needs to be studied in order to achieve a better understanding and generate application recommendations. The aim of these experiments has been to evaluate the possibility of substituting mineral fertilization. Two field experiments were conducted on sandy loam to assess the effects of MSW compost and FS-MSW co-compost, its pelletized forms, and mineral-enriched FS-MSW on crop growth. As a short-term crop Raphanus sativus “Beeralu rabu” (radish) was studied for 50 days in a randomized complete block design (RCDB). Results show that, under drought conditions, FS-MSW co-compost increased the yield significantly, while MSW and FS-MSW compost enabled the highest survival rate of the plants. Similarly, the second field trial with a long-term crop, Capsicum anuum “CA-8” (capsicum), was planted as RCBD, using the same treatments, for a cultivation period of 120 days. Results display that during a drought followed by water saturated soil conditions co-compost treatments achieved comparable yields and increased the survival rate significantly compared to the control, fertilized with urea, triple super phosphate, and muriate of potash. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) revealed that pelletizing decreased the monetary benefits if only fertilizer value is considered. It can be concluded that, under drought and water stress, co-compost ensures comparable yields and enables more resistance, but might not be economical viable as a one-crop fertilizer. These findings need to be validated with further trials under different climate regimes and soils.

2 Akoto-Danso, E. K.; Manka'abusi, D.; Steiner, C.; Werner, S.; Haering, V.; Lompo, D. J.-P.; Nyarko, G.; Marschner, B.; Drechsel, Pay; Buerkert, A. 2019. Nutrient flows and balances in intensively managed vegetable production of two West African cities. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 182(2):229-243. [doi:]
Wastewater irrigation ; Vegetable growing ; Nutrient balance ; Nutrient use efficiency ; Biochar ; Horticulture ; Leaching ; Volatilization ; Nitrogen fertilizers ; Phosphorus ; Potassium ; Soil fertility ; Irrigation water ; Emission ; Crop production / West Africa / Ghana / Burkina Faso / Tamale / Ouagadougou
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049077)
This study reports and analyzes nutrient balances in experimental vegetable production systems of the two West African cities of Tamale (Ghana) and Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) over a twoyear period comprising thirteen and eleven crops, respectively. Nutrient-use efficiency was also calculated. In Tamale and Ouagadougou, up to 2% (8 and 80 kg N ha–1) of annually applied fertilizer nitrogen were leached. While biochar application or wastewater irrigation on fertilized plots did not influence N leaching in both cities, P and K leaching, as determined with ion-absorbing resin cartridges, were reduced on biochar-amended plots in Tamale. Annual nutrient balances amounted to +362 kg N ha–1, +217 kg P ha–1, and –125 kg K ha–1 in Tamale, while Ouagadougou had balances of up to +692 kg N ha–1, +166 kg P ha–1, and –175 kg K ha–1 y–1. Under farmers’ practice of fertilization, agronomic nutrient-use efficiencies were generally higher in Tamale than in Ouagadougou, but declined in both cities during the last season. This was the result of the higher nutrient inputs in Ouagadougou compared to Tamale and relatively lower outputs. The high N and P surpluses and K deficits call for adjustments in local fertilization practices to enhance nutrient-use efficiency and prevent risks of eutrophication.

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