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1 Vigiak, Olga; Ribolzi, O.; Pierret, A.; Sengtaheuanghoung, O.; Valentin, Christian. 2008. Trapping efficiencies of cultivated and natural riparian vegetation of northern Laos. Journal of Environmental Quality, 37: 889–897.
Riparian vegetation ; Sedimentation ; Rivers ; Runoff ; Control methods ; Sloping land ; Cultivation ; Rice ; Vegetables ; Teak ; Bananas ; Bamboos / Laos / Houay Pano Catchment
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.5 G708 VIG Record No: H040503)
In northern Laos, intensification of cultivation on sloping land leads to accelerated erosion processes. Management of riparian land may counteract the negative impacts of higher sediment delivery rates on water quality. This study assessed water and sediment concentration trapping efficiencies of riparian vegetation in northern Laos and the effect of cultivation of riparian land on water quality. Runoff flowing in and out of selected riparian sites was monitored by means of open troughs. In 2005, two native grass, two bamboo, and two banana sites were monitored. In 2006, adjacent to steep banana, bamboo, and native grass sites, three upland rice sites were established and monitored. Water trapping efficiency (WTE) and sediment concentration trapping efficiency (SCTE) were calculated on an event basis; means and 95% confi dence intervals (CIs) were estimated with a bootstrapping approach. Confidence intervals were large and overlapping among sites. Seepage conditions severely limited trapping efficiency. Native grass resulted in the highest WTE (95% CI, -0.10 to 0.23), which was not significantly different from zero. Banana resulted in the highest SCTE (95% CI, 0.06–0.40). Bamboo had negative WTE and SCTE. Median outflow runoff from rice sites was nine times the inflow. Median outflow sediment concentration from rice sites was two to five times that of their adjacent sites and two to five times the inflow sediment concentration. Although lowtillage banana plantation may reduce sediment concentration of runoff, cultivation of annual crops in riparian land leads to delivery of turbid runoff into the stream, thus severely affecting stream water quality.

2 Ribolzi, O.; Evrard, O.; Huon, S.; de Rouw, A.; Silvera, N.; Latsachack, K. O.; Soulileuth, B.; Lefevre, I.; Pierret, A.; Lacombe, Guillaume; Sengtaheuanghoung, O.; Valentin, C. 2017. From shifting cultivation to teak plantation: effect on overland flow and sediment yield in a montane tropical catchment. Scientific Reports, 7:1-12. [doi:]
Teak ; Plantations ; Sediment ; Shifting cultivation ; Overland flow ; Erosion ; Slopes ; Land use ; Land management ; Flow discharge ; Vegetation ; Catchment areas ; Rainfall-runoff relationships ; Infiltration ; Soil sampling / Southeastern Asia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048176)
(2.73 MB)
Soil erosion supplies large quantities of sediments to rivers of Southeastern Asia. It reduces soil fertility of agro-ecosystems located on hillslopes, and it degrades, downstream, water resource quality and leads to the siltation of reservoirs. An increase in the surface area covered with commercial perennial monocultures such as teak plantations is currently observed at the expanse of traditional slash-andburn cultivation systems in steep montane environments of these regions. The impacts of land-use change on the hydrological response and sediment yields have been investigated in a representative catchment of Laos monitored for 13 years. After the gradual conversion of rice-based shifting cultivation to teak plantation-based systems, overland flow contribution to stream flow increased from 16 to 31% and sediment yield raised from 98 to 609 Mg km-2. This result is explained by the higher kinetic energy of raindrops falling from the canopy, the virtual absence of understorey vegetation cover to dissipate drop energy and the formation of an impermeable surface crust accelerating the formation and concentration of overland flow. The 25-to-50% lower 137Cs activities measured in soils collected under mature teak plantations compared to soils under other land uses illustrate the severity of soil erosion processes occurring in teak plantations.

3 Evrard, O.; Ribolzi, O.; Huon, S.; de Rouw. A.; Silvera, N.; Latsachack, K. O.; Soulileuth, B.; Lefevre, I.; Lacombe, Guillaume; Sengtaheuanghoung, O.; Valentin, C. 2017. Conversion of traditional cropland into teak plantations strongly increased soil erosion in montane catchments of Southeastern Asia [Abstract only] Paper presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (AGU), New Orleans, USA, 11-15 December 2017. 1p.
Erosion ; Sediment ; Land use ; Farmland ; Teak ; Plantations ; Catchment areas ; Stream flow ; Vegetation ; Local communities ; Agroforestry / Southeast Asia / Lao People's Democratic Republic
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048619)
Soil erosion delivers an excessive quantity of sediment to rivers of Southeastern Asia. Land use is rapidly changing in this region of the world, and these modifications may further accelerate soil erosion in this area. Although the conversion of forests into cropland has often been investigated, much fewer studies have addressed the replacement of traditional slash-and-burn cultivation systems with commercial perennial monocultures such as teak plantations. The current research investigated the impact of this land use change on the hydrological response and the sediment yields from a representative catchment of Northern Laos (Houay Pano, 0.6 km²) where longterm monitoring (2002-2014) was conducted ( The results showed a significant growth in the overland flow contribution to stream flow (from 16 to 31%). Furthermore, sediment yields strongly increased from 98 to 609 Mg km-2. These changes illustrate the severity of soil erosion processes occurring under teak plantations characterized by the virtual absence of understorey vegetation to dissipate raindrop energy, which facilitates the formation of an impermeable surface crust. This counter-intuitive increase of soil erosion generated by afforestation reflects the difficulty to find sustainable production solutions for the local populations of Southeastern Asia. To reduce soil loss under teak plantations, the development of extensive agro-forestry practices could be promoted.

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