Your search found 13 records
1 Tamene, L.; Adimassu, Zenebe; Ellison, J.; Yaekob, D.; Woldearegay, K.; Mekonnen, K.; Thorne, P.; Bao Le, Q. 2017. Mapping soil erosion hotspots and assessing the potential impacts of land management practices in the highlands of Ethiopia. Geomorphology, 292:153-163. [doi:]
Land management ; Land degradation ; Highlands ; Soils ; Erosion ; Sediment transport ; Erosion control ; Models ; Participatory approaches ; Soil conservation ; Water conservation ; Slopes ; Gully erosion ; Cultivated land ; Grazing lands ; Spatial distribution / Ethiopia / Basona District
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048134)
An enormous effort is underway in Ethiopia to address soil erosion and restore overall land productivity. Modelling and participatory approaches can be used to delineate erosion hotspots, plan site- and context-specific interventions and assess their impacts. In this study, we employed a modelling interface developed based on the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation adjusted by the sediment delivery ratio to map the spatial distribution of net soil loss and identify priority areas of intervention. Using the modelling interface, we also simulated the potential impacts of different soil and water conservation measures in reducing net soil loss. Model predictions showed that net soil loss in the study area ranges between 0.4 and 88 t ha- 1 yr- 1 with an average of 12 t ha- 1 yr- 1. The dominant soil erosion hotspots were associated with steep slopes, gullies, communal grazing and cultivated areas. The average soil loss observed in this study is higher than the tolerable soil loss rate estimated for the highland of Ethiopia. The scenario analysis results showed that targeting hotspot areas where soil loss exceeds 10 t ha- 1 yr- 1 could reduce net soil loss to the tolerable limit (< 2 t ha- 1 yr- 1). The spatial distribution of soil loss and the sediment yield reduction potential of different options provided essential information to guide prioritization and targeting. In addition, the results can help promoting awareness within the local community of the severity of the soil erosion problem and the potential of management interventions. Future work should include cost-benefit and tradeoff analyses of the various management options for achieving a given level of erosion reduction.

2 Tamene, L.; Adimassu, Zenebe; Aynekulu, E.; Yaekob, T. 2017. Estimating landscape susceptibility to soil erosion using a GIS-based approach in northern Ethiopia. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 5(3):221-230. [doi:]
Soil profiles ; Soil conservation ; Erosion ; Geographical information systems ; Landscape conservation ; Land degradation ; Sediment transport ; Sedimentation ; Watersheds ; Catchment areas ; Rain ; Reservoir storage / Ethiopia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048139)
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Soil erosion is a very critical form of land degradation resulting in the loss of soil nutrients and downstream sedimentation of water storages in the highlands of Ethiopia. As it is technically and financially impossible to conserve all landscapes affected by erosion, identification of priority areas of intervention is necessary. Spatially distributed erosion models can help map landscape susceptibility to erosion and identify high erosion risk areas. Integration of erosion models with geographic information systems (GIS) enables assessing evaluate the spatial variability of soil erosion and plan implementing conservation measures at landscape levels. In this study, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation adjusted for sediment delivery ratio was used in a GIS system to assess landscape sensitivity to erosion and identify hotspots. The approach was applied in three catchments with size being 10–20 km2 and results were compared against quantitative and semi-quantitative data. The model estimated mean soil loss rates of about 45 t ha-1 y-1 with an average variability of 30% between catchments. The estimated soil loss rate is above the tolerable limit of 10 t ha-1 y-1. The model predicted high soil loss rates at steep slopes and shoulder positions as well as along gullies. The results of the study demonstrate that knowledge of spatial patterns of high soil loss risk areas can help deploy site-specific conservation measures.

3 Mango, N.; Makate, C.; Tamene, L.; Mponela, P.; Ndengu, G. 2017. Awareness and adoption of land, soil and water conservation practices in the Chinyanja Triangle, southern Africa. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 5(2):122-129. [doi:]
Water conservation ; Soil conservation ; Land conservation ; Agricultural practices ; Farmers attitudes ; Awareness ; Technology ; Adoption ; Households ; Socioeconomic environment ; Models / Southern Africa / Mozambique / Malawi / Zambia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048162)
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The promotion of land, soil and water conservation measures has been a widespread development in sub-Saharan Africa in a bid to tackle degradation and improve productivity. As a result, several governments have launched various campaigns on soil, land and water conservation measures. The aim of this study is to determine some of the factors that influence farmers’ awareness (knowledge) and adoption of land, soil and water conservation practices. Data for this study was collected from 312 households using a questionnaire survey in the Chinyanja Triangle of Southern Africa. The study sites were sampled from Tete province of Mozambique, central and southern regions of Malawi and eastern Province of Zambia. We used t-tests to classify adopters and non-adopters of soil, land and water conservation measures and binomial logit models to identify the factors that influence farmers’ knowledge of conservation measures and adoption of land productivity practices. The results show that the household head's age, education, agricultural advice reception and farmer group membership are critical in raising awareness. While the household head's age, education, agricultural advice reception, farmer group membership, pieces of land owned or used in production and land-to-man ratio influenced adoption decisions. The study, therefore, concludes that in order to improve land productivity in the Chinyanja Triangle, there is a need to consider farmers’ heterogeneity in terms of household head's age, level of education, extension services outreach, and socio-economic characteristics. This suggests that governments’ policies in the region should be aimed at improving farmers’ level of education, extension delivery that will target the elderly and the youth, land ownership, credit access, and social capital such as group formation.

4 Adimassu, Zenebe; Alemu, G.; Tamene, L.. 2019. Effects of tillage and crop residue management on runoff, soil loss and crop yield in the humid highlands of Ethiopia. Agricultural Systems, 168:11-18. [doi:]
Conservation tillage ; Crop production ; Crop yield ; Crop residues ; Crop management ; Productivity ; Ecosystem services ; Mulching ; Soil conservation ; Soil degradation ; Erosion ; Runoff ; Humid zones ; Highlands / Ethiopia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048973)
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This study was conducted on Eutric Nitisols of Holeta Agricultural Research Center (HARC) in the humid highlands of Ethiopia. The main objective was to assess the effect of tillage and crop residue management on runoff, soil loss and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield over three years (2009–2011). Nine treatments combining three tillage practices (zero, minimum and conventional tillage) and three rates of crop residue (0, 1 and 2 t ha-1 yr-1) were used. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The result showed that average runoff was significantly higher (332 mm) in zero tillage without crop residue (T0C0) and lower (198 mm) in conventional tillage with 2 t ha-1 yr-1 crop residue (T2C2). The average soil loss was lower (16 t ha-1 yr-1) in zero tillage with 2 t ha-1 yr-1 crop residue (T0C2) and higher (30 t ha-1 yr-1) in conventional tillage without crop residue (T2C0). Although, zero and minimum tillage treatments reduced soil loss significantly as compared with conventional tillage practices, the annual soil loss (16 t ha-1 yr-1) is still much higher than the tolerable soil loss for the Ethiopian highlands (2–10 t ha-1 yr-1). This suggests the need to complement zero and minimum tillage practices with physical soil and water conservation practices. On average, highest grain (2 t ha-1) and biomass (6 t ha-1) yields of wheat were recorded in T2C2 while the lowest grain and biomass yields were recorded in T0C0. Based on the above observation, we argue that conventional tillage combined with sufficient crop residue is the most appropriate approach to reduce runoff and increase wheat yield in the short-term. However, zero tillage practices with crop residue are effective to reduce soil loss. As this study was based on results of three years data, long-term study is needed to figure out the long-term impacts of tillage and crop residue management in Ethiopia.

5 Tamene, L.; Yaekob, T.; Mekonnen, K.; Woldearegay, K.; Adimassu, Zenebe; Ellison, J.; Gurmessa, B.; Alene, T.; Dubale, W.; Kassie, G.; Thorne, P. 2019. Landscape management: Africa RISING [Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation] project R4D experiences in the Ethiopian highlands. In Mekonnen, K.; Yasabu, S.; Gebremedhin, B.; Woldemeskel, E.; Tegegne, A.; Thorne, P. (Eds.). Proceedings of a Workshop and Exhibition on Promoting Productivity and Market Access Technologies and Approaches to Improve Farm Income and Livelihoods in Ethiopia: Lessons from Action Research Projects, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 8-9 December 2016. Nairobi, Kenya: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). pp.55-59.
Landscape conservation ; Agricultural research for development ; Projects ; Highlands ; Land management ; Water management ; Technology ; Stakeholders / Africa / Ethiopia / Debre Birhan / Hosanna
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049336)
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6 Abera, W.; Tamene, L.; Tibebe, D.; Adimassu, Zenebe; Kassa, H.; Hailu, H.; Mekonnen, K.; Desta, G.; Sommer, R.; Verchot, L. 2020. Characterizing and evaluating the impacts of national land restoration initiatives on ecosystem services in Ethiopia. Land Degradation and Development, 31(1):37-52. [doi:]
Land restoration ; Ecosystem services ; Land degradation ; Landscape conservation ; Impact assessment ; Sustainable land management ; Projects ; Agroecological zones ; Soil erosion ; Highlands ; Case studies / Ethiopia / Tigray / Amhara
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049428)
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Land restoration is considered to be the remedy for 21st century global challenges of land degradation. As a result, various land restoration and conservation efforts are underway at different scales. Ethiopia is one of the countries with huge investments in land restoration. Tremendous land management practices have been implemented across the country since the 1970s. However, the spatial distribution of the interventions has not been documented, and there is no systematic, quantitative evidence on whether land restoration efforts have achieved the restoration of desired ecosystem services. Therefore, we carried out a meta-analysis of peer-reviewed scientific literature related to land restoration efforts and their impacts in Ethiopia. Results show that most of the large-scale projects have been implemented in the highlands, specifically in Tigray and Amhara regions covering about 24 agroecological zones, and land restoration impact studies are mostly focused in the highlands but restricted in about 11 agroecological zones. The highest mean effect on agricultural productivity is obtained from the combination of bunds and biological interventions followed by conservation agriculture practices with 170% and 18% increases, respectively. However, bunds alone, biological intervention alone, and terracing (fanya juu) reveal negative effects on productivity. The mean effect of all land restoration interventions on soil organic carbon is positive, the highest effect being from “bunds + biological” (139%) followed by exclosure (90%). Reduced soil erosion and runoff are the dominant impacts of all interventions. The results can be used to improve existing guidelines to better match land restoration options with specific desired ecosystem functions and services. Although the focus of this study was on the evaluation of the impacts of land restoration efforts on selected ecosystem services, impacts on livelihood and national socioeconomy have not been examined. Thus, strengthening socioeconomic studies at national scale to assess the sustainability of land restoration initiatives is an essential next step.

7 Yaekob, T.; Tamene, L.; Gebrehiwot, S. G.; Demissie, S. S.; Adimassu, Zenebe; Woldearegay, K.; Mekonnen, K.; Amede, T.; Abera, W.; Recha, J. W.; Solomon, D.; Thorne, P. 2022. Assessing the impacts of different land uses and soil and water conservation interventions on runoff and sediment yield at different scales in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 37(S1):S73-S87. (Special issue: Restoring Degraded Landscapes and Fragile Food Systems) [doi:]
Land use ; Soil conservation ; Erosion ; Water conservation ; Impact assessment ; Highlands ; Watersheds ; Runoff ; Sediment yield ; Discharges ; Soil loss ; Hydrological factors ; Rain / Ethiopia / Gudo Beret
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049533)
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To tackle the problem of soil erosion and moisture stress, the government of Ethiopia introduced a yearly mass campaign where communities get together and implement various soil and water conservation (SWC) and water harvesting (WH) practices. Although the interventions are believed to have reduced soil erosion/sediment yield and enhanced surface and ground water, quantitative information on the impacts of various options at different scales is scarce. The objective of this study was to assess the impacts different land uses, SWC and WH interventions on water and suspended sediment yield (SSY) at plot and watershed scales in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Standard erosion plot experiments and hydrological stations were used to monitor the daily water and SSY during 2014 to 2017. The results show differences between treatments both at plot and watershed scales. Runoff and soil loss were reduced by an average 27 and 37%, respectively due to SWC practices at the plot level. Overall, SWC practices implemented at the watershed level reduced sediment yield by about 74% (in the year 2014), although the magnitude of sediment reduction due to the SWC interventions reduced over time. At both scales it was observed that as the number of years since SWC measures have been in place increased, their effectiveness declined due to the lack of maintenance. This study also revealed that extrapolating of plot data to watershed scale causes over or under estimation of net erosion.

8 Adimassu, Zenebe; Tamene, L.; Degefie, D. T. 2020. The influence of grazing and cultivation on runoff, soil erosion, and soil nutrient export in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Ecological Processes, 9:23. [doi:]
Grazing lands ; Cultivated land ; Soil fertility ; Nutrients ; Erosion ; Runoff ; Soil loss ; Land degradation ; Sediment ; Total nitrogen ; Phosphorus ; Potassium ; Highlands ; Watersheds ; Tillage ; Rain / Ethiopia / Galesa Watershed
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049738)
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Background: Grazing by livestock and cultivation have been considered as two important causes of soil erosion and nutrient export. However, there has been limited evidence that grazing or cultivation matters to soil erosion and nutrient export in Ethiopia. Hence, this study was conducted in the Galesa watershed in Ethiopia to examine the effects of grazing and cultivation on runoff, soil loss, and nutrient export. Daily values of runoff, soil erosion, and nutrient outflow were measured for three consecutive years following standard procedures. Independent t test was performed to check if the means of runoff, soil loss, and nutrient loss from grazing and cultivated lands were significantly different. Moreover, repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test if mean values of runoff, soil loss, and nutrient export varied significantly over the study years.

Results: Although the average annual runoff depth was 7.8% higher in grazing land (GL), soil erosion was significantly lower (39%) in GL as compared to cultivated land (CL). Similarly, sediment and runoff-associated annual losses of total nitrogen (N), available phosphorus (P), exchangeable potassium (K), and organic carbon (OC) were low in the GL treatments. Lowest losses of total N (9.30 kg ha-1 year-1 ), available P (0.83 kg ha-1 year-1 ), and exchangeable K (1.84 kg ha-1 year-1 ) were recorded in GL treatment. Likewise, lowest losses of sediment-associated total N (32.8 kg ha-1 year-1 ), available P (0.39 kg ha-1 year-1 ), exchangeable K (0.23 kg ha-1 year-1 ), and soil organic carbon (630 kg ha-1 year-1 ) were recorded from GL over the 3 years of experimentation.

Conclusion: Our results indicate that cultivation increased soil erosion as compared to grazing. Although there were significant reductions in soil erosion and nutrient export from grazing lands compared with cultivated lands, the absolute losses were still high. This implies the need for grazing land management using appropriate physical and biological erosion control measures to increase productivity and reduce soil erosion as well as nutrient export.

9 Eshete, G.; Assefa, B.; Lemma, E.; Kibret, G.; Ambaw, G.; Samuel, S.; Seid, J.; Tesfaye, K.; Tamene, L.; Haile, A.; Asnake, A.; Mengiste, A.; Hailemariam, S. N.; Ericksen, P.; Mekonnen, K.; Amede, T.; Haileslassie, Amare; Hadgu, K.; Woldemeskel, E.; Solomon, D. 2020. Ethiopia climate-smart agriculture roadmap 2020-2030. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). 36p.
Climate-smart agriculture ; Climate change ; Vulnerability ; Food security ; Nutrition ; Agricultural practices ; Policies ; Strategies ; Institutions ; Greenhouse gas emissions ; Gender ; Capacity development ; Farmers / Ethiopia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050321)
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10 Gebreyes, M.; Mekonnen, K.; Thorne, P.; Derseh, M.; Adie, A.; Mulema, A.; Kemal, S. A.; Tamene, L.; Amede, T.; Haileslassie, Amare; Gebrekirstos, A.; Mupangwa, W. T.; Ebrahim, M.; Alene, T.; Asfaw, A.; Dubale, W.; Yasabu, S. 2021. Overcoming constraints of scaling: critical and empirical perspectives on agricultural innovation scaling. PLoS ONE, 16(5):e0251958. [doi:]
Agricultural innovation systems ; Scaling ; Strategies ; Agricultural research ; Development projects ; CGIAR ; Farming systems ; Farmers ; Constraints ; Social aspects / Africa / Ethiopia / Amhara / Oromia / Tigray / Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region (SNNPR)
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050439)
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Scaling is a ubiquitous concept in agricultural research in the global south as donors require their research grantees to prove that their results can be scaled to impact upon the livelihoods of a large number of beneficiaries. Recent studies on scaling have brought critical perspectives to the rather technocratic tendencies in the agricultural innovations scaling literature. Drawing on theoretical debates on spatial strategies and practical experience of agricultural innovation scaling in Ethiopia, this paper adds to the current debate on what constitutes scaling and how to overcome critical scaling constraints. The data for the paper came from a qualitative assessment using focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and document analysis on scaling work done in Ethiopia by a USAID-funded research for development project. The paper concludes with four broad lessons for the current understating of agricultural innovation scaling. First, scaling of agricultural innovations requires a balanced focus on technical requirements and associated social dynamics surrounding scaling targets, actors involved and their social relations. Second, appreciating the social dynamics of scaling emphasizes the fact that scaling is more complex than a linear rolling out of innovations towards diffusion. Third, scaling may not be strictly planned; instead, it might be an extension of the innovation generation process that relies heavily on both new and long-term relationships with key partners, trust, and continuous reflection and learning. Fourth, the overall implication of the above three conclusions is that scaling strategies need to be flexible, stepwise, and reflective. Despite the promises of flourishing scaling frameworks, scaling strategies it would appear from the Africa RISING experience that, if real impact is to be achieved, approaches will be required to be flexible enough to manage the social, processual and emergent nature of the practice of scaling.

11 Desta, G.; Abera, W.; Tamene, L.; Amede, T. 2021. A meta-analysis of the effects of land management practices and land uses on soil loss in Ethiopia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 322:107635. (Online first) [doi:]
Land management ; Land use ; Land cover ; Soil loss ; Soil erosion ; Erosion control ; Environmental factors ; Soil texture ; Land degradation ; Soil conservation ; Slope ; Drainage ; Rain ; Farmland / Ethiopia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050596)
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Over the last three decades, land management practices have been extensively implemented in Ethiopia. Different attempts have been made to assess the effects of land management practices on soil loss at plot scales under a range of climatic and land use conditions. However, the plot-level studies were mostly focused on limited sites and were inadequate to show the effects of land management and land cover practices across a range of practices and under various environmental contexts. A meta-analysis of 82 plot-level experiments in 59 sites was conducted to assessing the effects of land management practices and land use/cover types on soil loss relative to control practice. Random effects were accounted for the association of soil loss and environmental factors including mean annual rainfall, soil texture, and slope length. The results showed that there were significant mean soil loss differences among the categories of land management and land cover practices (p < 0.049). A large amount of residual heterogeneity (I2 = 92%) suggests that the groups of practices are heterogeneous. Mechanical erosion control and agronomic practices with the largest number of studies and somewhat area closure showed large heterogeneity across experiments.The overall mean soil loss ratio of mechanical (0.086, R2 = 81%), agronomic (0.21, R2 = 85%), and area closure (0.09, R2 = 52%) practices were significant to reduce soil loss. There was no residual heterogeneity exhibited across studies for the rest of four groups of practices. The mean soil loss ratio of mechanical practices under non-cropland, annual cropland cover, drainage, and non-cropland cover types were 0.12, 0.14, 0.27, and 0.29, respectively. Yet, with a certain level of inconsistency, the overall effects of all groups of land management and land cover practices were positive. In general, the sensitivity of environmental factors and their magnitude of association with soil loss ratio could imply that the effects of the range of land management practices and land cover types on soil loss are very contextual.

12 Child, K.; Desta, G.; Douthwaite, B.; Haileslassie, Amare; van Rooyen, A.; Tamene, L.; Uhlenbrook, Stefan. 2021. Impact tracking: a practitioner-developed approach to scaling agricultural innovation in Ethiopia. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 28p. (WLE Legacy Series 1) [doi:]
Agricultural innovation ; Scaling ; Impact assessment ; Agricultural research for development ; Project evaluation ; Policies ; Research programmes ; Funding ; Partnerships ; Community involvement ; Watershed management ; Irrigation equipment ; Taxes ; Landscape ; Data management ; Stakeholders ; Collaboration ; Case studies ; Innovation scaling / Ethiopia / Yewol Watershed
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050789)
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This paper argues for more creativity and flexibility in agricultural research for development (AR4D) scaling and impact evaluation in complex contexts. While acknowledging the importance of setting reasonable end-of-project targets and outcomes, we argue that the achievement of outcomes and impacts, particularly in complex contexts, requires adaptive management and acknowledgment that significant positive outcomes and impacts may occur after the project funding cycle is complete. The paper presents a practitioner-developed approach to scaling AR4D innovations called Impact Tracking (IT). We illustrate IT in practice by presenting three case studies from Ethiopia in which IT proved crucial to achieving impact. The paper concludes by drawing lessons from the case studies and discussing what implications IT may have for development practitioners.

13 Adimassu, Zenebe; Tamene, L.. 2023. Benefits of selected land management practices on ecosystem services: case studies in four watersheds of Ethiopia. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 20(2):1919-1936. [doi:]
Land management ; Ecosystem services ; Watersheds ; Agroecological zones ; Soil conservation ; Water conservation ; Crop yield ; Nutrients ; Soil properties ; Case studies / Ethiopia / Emba-Hasti Watershed / Alekit-Wonz Watershed / Borodo Watershed / Jawe-Gumbura Watershed
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051078)
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Investments in land management practices, such as stone and soil bunds, are a key strategy to recover degraded lands in Ethiopia. However, the benefits of these practices in relation to ecosystem services are not properly assessed and documented. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the benefits of land management practices in relation to provisioning, supporting and regulating ecosystem services. The study was conducted in four watersheds with selected indicators of provisioning, supporting and regulating ecosystem service. Generally, the results show that provisioning services (e.g. yield of crops), regulating services (e.g. organic matter accumulation) and supporting services (e.g. soil nutrient content) were improved with age of stone and soil bunds except in Jawe-gumbura watershed. Accordingly, in Alekit-wonz watershed, the grain yield of barley recorded from 4-year-old stone bunds was higher than the yield recorded from 2-year old soil bund. Similarly, in Borodo watershed, the grain yield of wheat from 5-year-old soil bunds was higher than the yield obtained from the control treatment. The results also showed that highest regulating and supporting ecosystem services were recorded in the accumulation zones in all watersheds compared with erosion zone. Similarly, the highest provisioning services were recorded at the accumulation zone in all watersheds. This shows that land management practices are effective to improve supporting, regulating and provisioning ecosystem services. Hence, more investments in land management are needed to enhance ecosystem services from degraded lands of Ethiopia.

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