Your search found 3 records
1 Blackmore, D.. 2003. The key to managing the Murray-Darling Basin: integrated catchment management. In Yellow River Conservancy Commission. Proceedings, 1st International Yellow River Forum on River Basin Management – Volume I. Zhengzhou, China: The Yellow River Conservancy Publishing House. pp.161-172.
River basins ; Catchment areas ; Water resource management ; Water storage ; Reservoirs ; Salinity / Australia / Murray-Darling Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G592 YEL Record No: H033785)

2 Sadoff, C.; Harshadeep, N. R.; Blackmore, D.; Wu, X.; O’Donnell, A.; Jeuland, M.; Lee, S.; Whittington, D. 2013. Ten fundamental questions for water resources development in the Ganges: myths and realities. Water Policy, 15(S1):147-164. [doi:]
Water resources development ; International waters ; Rivers ; Tributaries ; River basin management ; Integrated management ; Flooding ; Water power ; Water quality ; Water storage ; Reservoir storage ; Flow discharge ; Irrigation water ; Policy making ; Groundwater management ; Sediment ; Climate change ; Ecosystem services ; Economic aspects ; Upstream ; Downstream / South Asia / India / Bangladesh / Nepal / Ganges / Himalayas
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048102)
(0.64 MB)
This paper summarizes the results of the Ganges Strategic Basin Assessment (SBA), a 3-year, multi-disciplinary effort undertaken by a World Bank team in cooperation with several leading regional research institutions in South Asia. It begins to fill a crucial knowledge gap, providing an initial integrated systems perspective on the major water resources planning issues facing the Ganges basin today, including some of the most important infrastructure options that have been proposed for future development. The SBA developed a set of hydrological and economic models for the Ganges system, using modern data sources and modelling techniques to assess the impact of existing and potential new hydraulic structures on flooding, hydropower, low flows, water quality and irrigation supplies at the basin scale. It also involved repeated exchanges with policy makers and opinion makers in the basin, during which perceptions of the basin could be discussed and examined. The study’s findings highlight the scale and complexity of the Ganges basin. In particular, they refute the broadly held view that upstream water storage, such as reservoirs in Nepal, can fully control basinwide flooding. In addition, the findings suggest that such dams could potentially double low flows in the dry months. The value of doing so, however, is surprisingly unclear and similar storage volumes could likely be attained through better groundwater management. Hydropower development and trade are confirmed to hold real promise (subject to rigorous project level assessment with particular attention to sediment and seismic risks) and, in the near to medium term, create few significant tradeoffs among competing water uses. Significant uncertainties – including climate change – persist, and better data would allow the models and their results to be further refined.

3 Jeuland, M.; Harshadeep, N.; Escurra, J.; Blackmore, D.; Sadoff, C. 2013. Implications of climate change for water resources development in the Ganges basin. Water Policy, 15(S1):26-50. [doi:]
Water resources development ; Climate change ; Economic aspects ; Optimization ; Hydrological cycle ; Simulation models ; Precipitation ; Tributaries ; Water power ; Water storage ; Water availability ; Water use ; Dams ; Dry season ; Irrigation water ; Temperature / South Asia / India / Bangladesh / Nepal / Ganges Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048105)
(0.84 MB)
This paper presents the first basin-wide assessment of the potential impact of climate change on the hydrology and production of the Ganges system, undertaken as part of the World Bank's Ganges Strategic Basin Assessment. A series of modeling efforts – downscaling of climate projections, water balance calculations, hydrological simulation and economic optimization – inform the assessment. We find that projections of precipitation across the basin, obtained from 16 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change-recognized General Circulation Models are highly variable, and lead to considerable differences in predictions of mean flows in the main stem of the Ganges and its tributaries. Despite uncertainties in predicted future flows, they are not, however, outside the range of natural variability in this basin, except perhaps at the tributary or sub-catchment levels. We also find that the hydropower potential associated with a set of 23 large dams in Nepal remains high across climate models, largely because annual flow in the tributary rivers greatly exceeds the storage capacities of these projects even in dry scenarios. The additional storage and smoothing of flows provided by these infrastructures translates into enhanced water availability in the dry season, but the relative value of this water for the purposes of irrigation in the Gangetic plain, and for low flow augmentation to Bangladesh under climate change, is unclear.

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