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1 Ghosal, U.; Sikdar, P. K.; McArthur, J. M.. 2015. Palaeosol control of arsenic pollution: the Bengal Basin in West Bengal, India. Groundwater, 53(4):588-599. [doi:]
Groundwater ; Arsenic ; Contamination ; Water pollution ; Water quality ; Palaeosols ; Sand ; Clay ; Aquifers ; Manganese ; Health hazards ; Hydrogeology ; Models ; Wells ; Drilling / India / West Bengal / Bengal Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047963)
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Groundwater in the Bengal Basin is badly polluted by arsenic (As) which adversely affects human health. To provide low-As groundwater for As mitigation, it was sought across 235 km2 of central West Bengal, in the western part of the basin. By drilling 76 boreholes and chemical analysis of 535 water wells, groundwater with <10 µg/L As in shallow aquifers was found under one-third of a study area. The groundwater is in late Pleistocene palaeo-interfluvial aquifers of weathered brown sand that are capped by a palaeosol of red clay. The aquifers form two N-S trending lineaments that are bounded on the east by an As-polluted deep palaeo-channel aquifer and separated by a shallower palaeo-channel aquifer. The depth to the top of the palaeo-interfluvial aquifers is mostly between 35 and 38 m below ground level (mbgl). The palaeo-interfluvial aquifers are overlain by shallow palaeo-channel aquifers of gray sand in which groundwater is usually As-polluted. The palaeosol now protects the palaeo-interfluvial aquifers from downward migration of As-polluted groundwater in overlying shallow palaeo-channel aquifers. The depth to the palaeo-interfluvial aquifers of 35 to 38 mbgl makes the cost of their exploitation affordable to most of the rural poor of West Bengal, who can install a well cheaply to depths up to 60 mbgl. The protection against pollution afforded by the palaeosol means that the palaeo-interfluvial aquifers will provide a long-term source of low-As groundwater to mitigate As pollution of groundwater in the shallower, heavily used, palaeo-channel aquifers. This option for mitigation is cheap to employ and instantly available.

2 McArthur, J. M.. 2018. Arsenic in groundwater. In Sikdar, P. K. (Ed.). Groundwater development and management: issues and challenges in South Asia. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing; New Delhi, India: Capital Publishing Company. pp.279-308. [doi:]
Groundwater ; Arsenic ; Contamination ; Water pollution ; Drinking water ; Water quality ; Toxicity ; Aquifers ; Sediment ; Wells ; Pumping ; Anthropogenic factors ; Iron ; Population ; Public health ; Models / India / Pakistan / Bangladesh / Nepal / Bengal Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049268)
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