Your search found 9 records
1 Garg, S. L.; Preeti, B.; Rama, B.; Sharma, R.; Jindal, M.; Joshi, K.; Vyas, S. 2000. Pollution studies on the Khan River at Indore. In Trivedy, R. K. (Ed.), Pollution and biomonitoring of Indian Rivers. Jaipur, India: ABD Publishers. pp.154-158.
Rivers ; Water pollution ; Wastewater ; Urbanization ; Water quality ; Effluents ; Alkalinity / India / Khan River / Indore
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 574.526323 G635 TRI Record No: H028420)

2 Sharma, R.; Poleman, T. T. 1993. The new economics of India’s green revolution: Income and employment diffusion in Uttar Pradesh. Ithaca, NY, USA: Cornell University Press. xix, 272p.
Green revolution ; Poverty ; Income distribution ; Households ; Villages ; Agrarian reform ; Irrigated farming ; Dairy farms ; Case studies / India / Uttar Pradesh / Walidpur / Rampur / Izarpur / Jamalpur / Meerut / Sitapur
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.1 G635 SHA Record No: H038557)

3 Savean, M.; Delclaux, F.; Chevallier, P.; Wagnon, P.; Gonga-Saholiariliva, N.; Sharma, R.; Neppel, L.; Arnaud, Y. 2015. Water budget on the Dudh Koshi River (Nepal): uncertainties on precipitation. Journal of Hydrology, 531(Part 3):850-862. [doi:]
Water budget ; Water resources ; River basins ; Precipitation ; Uncertainty ; Snow cover ; Glaciers ; Hydrology ; Models ; Satellite observation ; Air temperature ; Evapotranspiration ; Discharges ; Hydrometeorology ; Mountains / Nepal / Central Himalaya / Dudh Koshi River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047603)
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Although vital for millions of inhabitants, Himalayan water resources remain currently poorly known, mainly because of uncertainties on hydro-meteorological measurements. In this study, the authors propose a new assessment of the water budget components of the Dudh Koshi River basin (3720 km2 , Eastern Nepal), taking into account the associated uncertainties. The water budget is studied through a cross analysis of field observations with the result of a daily hydrological conceptual distributed snow model. Both observed datasets of spatialized precipitations, interpolated with a co-kriging method, and of discharge, provided by the hydrological agency of Nepal, are completed by reanalysis data (NCEP/NCAR) for air temperature and potential evapotranspiration, as well as satellite snow products (MOD10A2) giving the dynamics of the snow cover area. According to the observation, the water budget on the basin is significantly unbalanced; it is attributed to a large underestimation of precipitation, typical of high mountain areas. By contrast, the water budget simulated by the modeling approach is well balanced; it is due to an unrealistic overestimation of the glacier melt volume. A reversing method led to assess the precipitation underestimation at around 80% of the annual amount. After the correction of the daily precipitation by this ratio, the simulated fluxes of rainfall, icemelt, and snowmelt gave 63%, 29%, and 8% of the annual discharge, respectively. This basin-wide precipitation correction is likely to change in respect to topographic or geographic parameters, or in respect to seasons, but due to an insufficient knowledge of the precipitation spatial variability, this could not be investigated here, although this may significantly change the respective proportions for rain, ice or snow melt.

4 Ghosh, S.; Thakur, P. K.; Sharma, R.; Nandy, S.; Garg, V.; Amarnath, Giriraj; Bhattacharyya, S. 2017. The potential applications of satellite altimetry with SARAL [Satellite with ARGOS and ALTIKA]/AltiKa for Indian inland waters. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A-Physical Sciences, 19p. (Online first). [doi:]
Earth observation satellites ; Inland waters ; Surface water ; Monitoring ; Satellite observation ; Radar ; Water levels ; River basins ; Flow discharge ; Reservoirs ; Sedimentation ; Measurement ; Hydrology ; Models ; Calibration / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048445)
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The satellite radar altimetry datasets are now extensively used for continental water monitoring although it was primarily designed for oceanic surface and ice cap studies. Water level estimated from satellite altimetry can help to assess many hydrological parameters like river discharge and reservoir volume. These parameters can be employed for calibration and validation purposes of hydrological and hydrodynamic models, rating curve (stage-discharge relationship) generation, near real-time flood forecasting, reservoir operations and transboundary water related issues. Satellite with Argos and AltiKa (SARAL/AltiKa), a joint venture of Indian Space Research Organisation and Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, is one of the pioneer missions in the history of satellite radar altimetry. It is first high-frequency (Ka-band, 35.75 GHz) mission with the highest sampling rate (40 Hz). The applications of radar altimetry to inland hydrology have been significantly increased in recent years in India. Major studies have been carried out in Ganga, Brahmaputra, Tapi and Godavari river basins with AltiKa data. AltiKa datasets have been successfully used for retrieving water level in reservoir and river, estimating river discharge and calculating reservoir sedimentation. Considering the stress on India’s fresh water resources and the importance of SARAL/AltiKa mission, this work was carried out. The present review paper may be helpful to understand the working principle of altimetry, altimetry waveform, waveform retracking methods, water stage, river discharge and changes in reservoir’s water storage calculation, and the status of altimetry applications to inland hydrology, specifically solicitation of SARAL/AltiKa in the Indian context.

5 Chaudhary, A.; Agarwal, N.; Sharma, R.; Ojha, S. P.; Kumar, R. 2021. Nadir altimetry vis-a-vis swath altimetry: a study in the context of SWOT mission for the Bay of Bengal. Remote Sensing of Environment, 252:112120. [doi:]
Satellite observation ; Altimeters ; Oceans ; Sea level ; Models ; Simulation ; SAR (radar) ; Interferometry ; Mapping / South Asia / Bay of Bengal
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050098)
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Conventional nadir looking altimeters make along track measurements on a line and mapped sea level anomaly (SLA) information is obtained using a combination of several such altimeters (Jason, SARAL, Cryosat etc.). Mapping techniques, in general, introduce a lot of uncertainties in sea level representation and sub-mesoscale variability. Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission, based on radar interferometry, will measure SLA along wide swath thus providing detailed ocean information. This study aims to evaluate the advantages of SWOT measurements over nadir looking altimeters by making use of SWOT-simulator tool in the Bay of Bengal (BoB) region. Although, BoB is a small basin but interestingly it is full of mesoscale and sub-mesoscale features. The study performs several sensitivity experiments to allow a comparison of gridded SLA product from SWOT with the product from a constellation of nadir altimeters. Space-time scales for mapping the SLA from SWOT were obtained by performing a series of sensitivity experiments involving different spatial resolutions and temporal sampling. Sensitivity to different type of errors on the quality of mapped SLA fields from nadir-altimeters and SWOT is also carried out. In case of SWOT, mapped SLA fields generated using correlated noise were better as compared to the maps that were generated by making an assumption that the noise is uncorrelated. It is found that gridded SLA from SWOT have less error in the eddy dominant (high variability) regions as compared to the mapped SLA field from nadir altimeters, which perform better in the regions of low SLA variability. Apart from this, the position and strength of mesoscale eddies is well resolved by SWOT-mapped SLA fields as compared to nadir-altimeter mapped fields.

6 Croeser, T.; Garrard, G.; Sharma, R.; Ossola, A.; Bekessy, S. 2021. Choosing the right nature-based solutions to meet diverse urban challenges. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 65:127337. (Online first) [doi:]
Urban planning ; Decision support ; Decision making ; Decision analysis ; Nature conservation ; Forestry ; Ecosystem services ; Cities ; Sensitivity analysis ; Uncertainty
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050640)
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Increasing focus on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in cities has significantly expanded the range of applications in which urban nature is considered useful, as well as the range of NBS available. Traditional parks, gardens and street trees now sit alongside innovative approaches including rooftop pollinator habitats, constructed wetlands and hydroponic green facades, each of which has its own particular challenges and benefits. This variety of solutions introduces an important new decision-making challenge for cities wishing to implement NBS: choosing the right set of specific NBS interventions.
Decision support tools such as Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) can help navigate complex decisions, but their application to urban NBS selection decisions has been limited. Current NBS assessment frameworks tend to either give highly aggregated results, or are tailored to only one specific ecosystem service. Here we demonstrate a novel application of MCDA to the practical challenge of selecting a set of NBS to address multiple urban challenges. The MCDA tool developed here was used in seven cities participating in the European Union project ‘Urban GreenUP’. We describe the development and use of the MCDA tool, and explore how cities used the tool to guide NBS selection. We also evaluate the tool using sensitivity analysis and feedback from users.
We find that participating cities are seeking to balance a large number of possible benefits from NBS solutions, and the tool proved useful for navigating the selection decision. Users identified opportunities to improve the tool’s usability and clarity. They also noted a key strength of the tool as a prompt for co-production of knowledge and decisions. Collectively, these findings advance the design and application of tools to support complex decisions about selecting NBS to address diverse urban challenges.

7 Thakur, P. K.; Garg, V.; Kalura, P.; Agrawal, B.; Sharma, V.; Mohapatra, M.; Kalia, M.; Aggarwal, S. P.; Calmant, S.; Ghosh, Surajit; Dhote, P. R.; Sharma, R.; Chauhan, P. 2021. Water level status of Indian reservoirs: a synoptic view from altimeter observations. Advances in Space Research, 68(2):619-640. [doi:]
Water levels ; Estimation ; Reservoirs ; Lakes ; Inland waters ; Water resources ; Satellite observation ; Altimeters ; Time series analysis / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050798)
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Most of the part of India is already under water-stressed condition. In this regard, the continuous monitoring of the water levels (WL) and storage capacity of reservoirs, lakes, and rivers is very important for the estimation and utilization of water resources effectively. The long term ground observed WL of many of the water bodies is not easily available, which may be very critical for proper water resources management. Satellite radar altimetry is the remote sensing technique, which is being used to study sea surface height for the last three decades. The advancement in radar technology with time has provided the opportunity to exploit the technique to retrieve the WL of inland water bodies. In the current study, an attempt has been made to generate long term time series on WL of around 29 geometrically complicated inland water bodies in India. These water bodies are mainly large reservoirs namely Ban Sagar, Balimela, Bargi, Bhakra, Gandhi Sagar, Hasdeo, Indravati, Jalaput, Kadana, Kolab, Mahi Bajaj, Maithon, Massanjore, Pong, Ramganga, Ranapratap Sagar, Rihand, Sardar Sarovar, Shivaji Sagar, Tilaiya, Ujjani, and Ukai. The WL of these water bodies was retrieved for around two decades using the European Remote-Sensing Satellite – 2 (ERS-2), ENVISAT Radar Altimeter – 2 (ENVISAT RA-2), and Saral-AltiKa altimeters data through Ice-1 retracking algorithm. Further, an attempt has also been made to estimate the WL of gauged/ungauged lakes namely Mansarovar, Pangong, Chilika, Bhopal, and Rann of Kutch over which Saral-AltiKa pass was there. As after July 2016, the SARAL-AltiKa is operating in the drifting orbit, systematic repeated observation of WL data of all reservoirs was not possible. The data of drifted tracks of Saral-AltiKa were tested for WL estimation of Ban Sagar reservoir. As the ERS-2, ENVISAT RA-2 and Saral-AltiKa all were having almost the same passing tracks, a long term WL series of these lakes could be generated from 1997 to 2016. However, at present only Sentinel – 3 is in orbit, the continuous altimeter based WL monitoring of some of these reservoirs (Gandhi Sagar, Nathsagar, Ranapratap, Ujjani, and Ukai) was attempted through Sentinel-3A satellite data from 2016 to 2018. The accuracy of the retrieved WL was than validated against the observed WL. In most of the reservoirs, a systematic bias was found due to the different characteristics and geoid height of each reservoir. The coefficient of determination, R2 , value for a majority of reser voirs was as good as 0.9. In the case of ERS-2, the values of R2 varied for 0.44–0.97 with root mean square error (RMSE) in the range of 0.63–2.72 m. These statistics improved with the ENVISAT RA-2 data analysis, the R2 value reached more than 0.90 for around 11 reservoirs. The highest, 0.99, for Hasdeo and Shivaji Sagar Reservoirs with RMSE of 0.44 and 0.56, respectively. Further, the accuracy improved with the analysis of Saral-AltiKa data. The R2 was always more than 0.9 for each reservoir and the lowest RMSE reduced to 0.03. Therefore, it can be said that the accuracy and consistency of WL retrieval through satellite altimetry has improved with time. Furthermore, the altimeter based retrieved WL may be used in hydrological studies and can contribute to better water resources management.

8 Biswas, R. R.; Sharma, R.; Gyasi-Agyei, Y. 2022. Urban water crises: making sense of climate change adaptation barriers and success parameters. Climate Services, 27:100302. [doi:]
Water scarcity ; Urban areas ; Climate change adaptation ; Barriers ; Parameters ; Indicators ; Local government ; Water authorities ; Political aspects ; Water supply ; Case studies ; Uncertainty / Australia / Queensland
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051425)
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In this article, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to investigate why urban water organisations are still lacking climate change adaptation in their water security management and planning, the key barriers and how they could be solved and enabled. In addition, urban water crises in the last decade have been examined to emphasise what happened in recent times due to ignorance of water policy makers and decision takers to understand the significance of potential climate impacts on water, and to embark on adaptation measures. Barriers and success parameters in the literature were discussed with local water professionals of the Queensland tropics, Australia, to understand the applicability and importance of these parameters in the region. A selected group of 20 water professionals were interviewed to validate the climate change adaptation barriers and enablers in the broader context of the tropical Queensland. The study shows a strong need for case study-based research to capture in-depth understanding and challenges of climate change adaptation in the region. Lack of support from stakeholders, lack of holistic guidelines and ambiguous policy frameworks were identified as the most critical barriers for climate change adaptation in the Queensland tropics. Quantifiable terminologies to assess the success of climate change adaptation practice are preferred in the water sector, and calculable water security indicators, if correctly developed, can be valuable tools to measure and track the progress of climate change adaptation success in a local water sector.

9 Biswas, R. R.; Sharma, R.; Gyasi-Agyei, Y.; Rahman, A. 2023. Urban water security: water supply and demand management strategies in the face of climate change. Urban Water Journal, 20(6):723-737. [doi:]
Water security ; Water supply ; Strategies ; Climate change adaptation ; Water demand ; Surface water ; Water resources ; Policies ; Infrastructure ; Water conservation / Australia / Queensland
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051987)
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Understanding the knowledge of climate-change impacts on water-resources is a priority. This article goes a step further with the main objective of this study to explore water-practitioners’ viewpoints regarding the water supply-side and water demand-side management measures in coping with future climatic impacts to achieve urban water security. Interviews were conducted with water-professionals from regional urban water authorities of Queensland, Australia. From a water-practitioner’s viewpoint, surface water is perceived to remain a high-priority water resource for the region, although climate-change is projected to make this resource more vulnerable in the area. Climate-change risks have rarely been considered as a selection-criterion when long-term water solutions were investigated by water-practitioners. Although non-pricing water demand management policies were used to reduce water demand in the region, pricing-based water demand management tools are perceived by the water-professionals to be the most effective at reducing water demand in the study area, if implemented.

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