Your search found 6 records
1 Rao, V. V. S. G.; Surinaidu, L.. 2012. Rain gardens – a new ecosystem in city landscape for in situ harvesting of rain water. In Pawar, N. J.; Das, S.; Duraiswami, R. A. Hydrogeology of Deccan Traps and associated formations in Peninsular India: memoir 80. Bangalore, India: Geological Society of India. pp.89-95.
Ecosystems ; Rainwater ; Water harvesting ; Runoff ; Water quality ; Irrigation water ; Biodiversity
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H046160)
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2 Amarasinghe, Upali Ananda; Muthuwatta, Lal; Surinaidu, L.; Anand, Sumit; Jain, S. K. 2016. Reviving the Ganges water machine: potential. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20(3):1085-1101. [doi:]
Monsoon climate ; Water resources ; Water use ; Water supply ; Water storage ; Groundwater management ; Surface water ; River basins ; Riparian zones ; Irrigated land ; Farmland ; Environmental flows ; Flooding ; Recharge ; Runoff / South East Asia / India / Nepal / Bangladesh / Tibet / Ganges River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047467)
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The Ganges River basin faces severe water challenges related to a mismatch between supply and demand. Although the basin has abundant surface water and groundwater resources, the seasonal monsoon causes a mismatch between supply and demand as well as flooding. Water availability and flood potential is high during the 3–4 months (June–September) of the monsoon season. Yet, the highest demands occur during the 8–9 months (October–May) of the non-monsoon period. Addressing this mismatch, which is likely to increase with increasing demand, requires substantial additional storage for both flood reduction and improvements in water supply. Due to hydrogeological, environmental, and social constraints, expansion of surface storage in the Ganges River basin is problematic. A range of interventions that focus more on the use of subsurface storage (SSS), and on the acceleration of surface–subsurface water exchange, has long been known as the Ganges Water Machine (GWM). The approach of the GWM for providing such SSS is through additional pumping and depleting of the groundwater resources prior to the onset of the monsoon season and recharging the SSS through monsoon surface runoff. An important condition for creating such SSS is the degree of unmet water demand. The paper shows that the potential unmet water demand ranging from 59 to 124 Bm3 year-1 exists under two different irrigation water use scenarios: (i) to increase irrigation in the Rabi (November–March) and hot weather (April–May) seasons in India, and the Aman (July–November) and Boro (December–May) seasons in Bangladesh, to the entire irrigable area, and (ii) to provide irrigation to Rabi and the hot weather season in India and the Aman and Boro seasons in Bangladesh to the entire cropped area. However, the potential for realizing the unmet irrigation demand is high only in 7 sub-basins in the northern and eastern parts, is moderate to low in 11 sub-basins in the middle, and has little or no potential in 4 sub-basins in the western part of the Ganges basin. Overall, a revived GWM plan has the potential to meet 45–84 Bm3year-1 of unmet water demand.

3 Amarasinghe, Upali Ananda; Muthuwatta, Lal; Surinaidu, L.; Anand, Sumit; Jain, S. K. 2015. Reviving the Ganges water machine: why? Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 12:8727-8759. [doi:]
Monsoon climate ; Water resources ; Water use ; Water supply ; Water storage ; Water demand ; Groundwater management ; Surface water ; River basins ; Riparian zones ; Irrigated land ; Environmental flows ; Flooding ; Recharge ; Runoff ; Rain / South East Asia / India / Nepal / Bangladesh / Tibet / Ganges River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047515)
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The Ganges River Basin may have a major pending water crisis. Although the basin has abundant surface water and groundwater resources, the seasonal monsoon causes a mismatch between supply and demand as well as flooding. Water availability and flood potential is high during the 3–4 months of the monsoon season. Yet, the highest demands occur during the 8–9 months of the non-monsoon period. Addressing this mismatch requires substantial additional storage for both flood reduction and improvements in water supply. Due to hydrogeological, environmental, and social constraints, expansion of surface storage in the Ganges River Basin is problematic. A range of in- terventions that focus more on the use of subsurface storage (SSS), and on the acceleration of surface–subsurface water exchange, have long been known as the “Ganges Water Machine”. One approach for providing such SSS is through additional pumping prior to the onset of the monsoon season. An important necessary condition for creating such SSS is the degree of unmet water demand. This paper highlights that an unmet water demand ranging from 59 to 119 Bm3 exists under two different irrigation water use scenarios: (i) to increase Rabi and hot weather season irrigation to the entire irrigable area, and (ii) to provide Rabi and hot weather season irrigation to the entire cropped area. This paper shows that SSS can enhance water supply, and provide benefits for irrigation and other water use sectors. In addition, it can buffer the inherent variability in water supply and mitigate extreme flooding, especially in the downstream parts of the basin. It can also increase river flow during low-flow months via baseflow or enable the re-allocation of irrigation canal water. Importantly, SSS can mitigate the negative effects of both flooding and water scarcity in the same year, which often affects the most vulnerable segments of society – women and children, the poor and other disadvantaged social groups.

4 Surinaidu, L.; Muthuwatta, Lal; Amarasinghe, Upali Ananda; Jain, S. K.; Kumar, S.; Singh, S. 2016. Reviving the Ganges water machine: accelerating surface water and groundwater interactions in the Ramganga sub-basin. Journal of Hydrology, 540:207-219. [doi:]
Surface water ; Monsoon climate ; Groundwater recharge ; Water storage ; Water use ; Water levels ; Water balance ; Pumping ; Aquifers ; River basins ; Seepage ; Hydrogeology ; Models ; Calibration ; Flow discharge ; Artificial recharge ; Rain / South East Asia / India / Nepal / Bangladesh / Tibet / Ganges River Basin / Ramganga Sub-basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047599)
Reviving the Ganges Water Machine (GWM), coined 40 years ago, is the most opportune solution for mitigating the impacts of recurrent droughts and floods in the Ganges River Basin in South Asia. GWM create subsurface storage (SSS) by pumping more groundwater from the aquifers before the monsoon for irrigation and other uses and recharge it during the monsoon. The present study uses fully processed and physically based numerical models, MODFLOW and SWAT, in a semi-coupled modelling framework to examine the technical feasibility of recharging the SSS. The aquifer was simulated as a two-layer system using hydrogeological and groundwater data, model was calibrated from 1999 to 2005 and validated from 2006 to 2010. It assesses the impacts of gradual increase of SSS in 10 years from the base year 2010 under two scenarios (increased rainfall or controlled pumping and recharge) to meet a potential unmet demand of 1.68 billion cubic meters (Bm3) in the Ramganga sub-basin with an area of 18,668 km2. The results show that 3–4 m of subsurface storage can be created by groundwater pumping of 0.25 Bm3/year by 2020. Under the controlled pumping and recharge scenario, groundwater recharge and river seepage could increase by 14% (4.21–4.80 Bm3) and 31% (1.10–1.44 Bm3), respectively. However, baseflow will decrease by 30% (0.18–0.12 Bm3) over the same time period. The results also show that recharge increased 44% (4.21–6.05 Bm3) under an increased rainfall scenario. Simultaneously, river seepage and baseflows would increase 36% (1.10–1.14 Bm3) and 11% (0.18–0.20 Bm3), respectively. A well-designed managed aquifer recharge program is required to eliminate the negative impact of river flows in the low flow season.

5 Surinaidu, L.; Nandan, M. J.; Prathapar, Sanmugam; Rao, V. V. S. G.; Natarajan, Rajmohan. 2016. Groundwater evaporation ponds: a viable option for the management of shallow saline waterlogged areas. Hydrology, 3(3):1-12. [doi:]
Groundwater management ; Groundwater level ; Evaporation ; Salinity ; Saline water ; Waterlogging ; Water balance ; Ponds ; Food security ; Flow discharge ; Land degradation ; Hydrogeology ; Aquifers ; Calibration / India / Punjab / Muktsar District
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048905)
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The province of Punjab is the main food basket of India. In recent years, many regions of Punjab are facing acute waterlogging problems and increased secondary salinity, which have negative impacts on food security of the nation. In particular, these problems are more pronounced in the Muktsar district of Punjab. The observed groundwater levels trend between 2005 and 2011 implies that groundwater levels are coming towards the land surface at the rate of 0.5 m/year in Lambi and Malout blocks. In this study, a groundwater flow model was constructed using MODFLOW to understand the groundwater table dynamics and to test the groundwater evaporation ponds to draw down the groundwater levels in the waterlogging areas of Muktsar district. The predicted flow model results indicate that groundwater levels could be depleted at the rate of 0.3 m/year between 2012 and 2018 after the construction of Groundwater Evaporation Ponds (GEP). In addition, the constructed ponds can be used for aquaculture that generates additional income. The proposed GEP method may be a promising tool and suitable for the reduction of waterlogging in any region if there is no proper surface drainage, and also for enhancement of agricultural production that improves the social and economic status of the farming community.

6 Surinaidu, L.; Amarasinghe, Upali; Maheswaran, R.; Nandan, M. J. 2020. Assessment of long-term hydrogeological changes and plausible solutions to manage hydrological extremes in the transnational Ganga River Basin. H2Open Journal, 3(1):457-480. [doi:]
River basins ; International waters ; Riparian zones ; Hydrogeology ; Extreme weather events ; Flooding ; Rain ; Climate change ; Sustainable development ; Water resources ; Water management ; Surface water ; Groundwater recharge ; Flow discharge ; Environmental flows ; International agreements ; International cooperation ; Conflicts ; Strategies ; Satellite observation ; Geomorphology ; Deltas ; Aquifers ; Modelling / India / Nepal / Bangladesh / Ganga River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050114)
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The Ganga is an international transboundary river that flows across three major riparian countries: India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, where India shares a significant proportion of the total basin area. The river system is highly dynamic and regularly floods in all three countries due to abundant rainfall in a short period of only four months each year that causes tremendous loss of both property and human life. In this study, we have done a synoptic review to synthesize the hydrology, hydrogeology, and modeling studies that have analyzed hydrological changes and their impacts in the Ganga basin. This review also identifies some of the knowledge gaps and discusses possible options for enhancing the understanding of sustainable water development and management. This review indicated that transparent data sharing, use of satellite-based observations along with in-situ data, integrated hydro-economic modeling linked to reliable coupled surface–groundwater models, a central shared decision support center for early warning systems to deal with hydrological extremes, joint river commissions and monitoring teams, and multilateral water sharing treaties (agreements) are required to promote sustainable and equitable distribution of water resources and to avoid water sharing conflicts in the Ganga basin.

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