Your search found 10 records
1 Ahmad, Q. K.. 2000. Promoting sustainable development in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) region through water-based regional cooperation. In Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), Proceedings - SIWI Seminar: Water Security for Multinational Water Systems: Opportunity for Development, Stockholm, August 19, 2000. Stockholm, Sweden: SIWI. pp.84-94.
River basin development ; International cooperation ; Hydroelectric schemes ; Flood control ; Water quality ; Water transport ; Catchment areas ; Climate / India / Bangladesh / Ganges / Brahmaputra / Meghna
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 STO Record No: H028153)

2 Ahmad, Q. K.. 2003. Regional cooperation in water management: Achievements and prospects. In Prasad, K. (Ed.), Water resources and sustainable development: Challenges of 21st Century. Delhi, India: Shipra Publications. pp.352-356.
Water management ; International cooperation ; Water law ; River basins / India / Bangladesh / Indus Basin / Ganges / Brahmaputra / Meghna
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 PRA Record No: H031079)

3 Ahmad, Q. K.. 2003. Towards poverty alleviation: The water sector perspectives. International Journal of Water Resources Development; Water Science and Technology, 19(2):263-277; 47(6):133-144.
Poverty ; Water users ; Climate ; Water management ; Developing countries ; Case studies ; Water policy / Bangladesh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H032197)

4 Ahmad, Q. K.; Karim, Zahurul; Haq, Azharul; Quasem, Abdul; Hussain, Intizar; Rahman, K.; Chakravorty, N.; Ali, Noajesh; Akhter, Rowshan; Hasan, Zubair; Younus, A. F.; Hossain, Afzal; Karim, M. A.; Siddiqui, S. M. H.; Ahmed, Khoshbu. 2004. Pro-poor intervention strategies in irrigated agriculture in Asia: poverty in irrigated agriculture: issues and options: Bangladesh. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). vi, 162p. (IWMI Country Report Bangladesh) [doi:]
Irrigated farming ; Poverty ; Irrigation management ; Water resource management ; Policy ; Planning ; Institutions ; Organizations ; Local government ; Non-governmental organizations ; Legislation ; Water users ; Participatory management ; Public sector ; Water allocation ; Cost recovery ; Households ; Income ; Expenditure ; Irrigation canals / Bangladesh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.3 G584 HUS Record No: H036149)
IWMI-ADB Project

5 Ahmad, Q. K.; Biswas, A. K.; Rangachari, R.; Sainju, M. M. (Eds.) 2001. Ganges – Brahmaputra – Meghna region: a framework for sustainable development. Dhaka, Bangladesh: The University Press Limited. 208p.
Water resources development ; River basins ; Treaties ; Water policy ; Socioeconomic development ; Flooding ; Flood control ; Water power ; Gender ; Dams ; Food security ; Water supply / Bangladesh / Bhutan / China / India / Nepal / Ganges / Brahmaputra / Barak / Meghna / Himalaya
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 333.9162 G570 AHM Record No: H040934)

6 Ahmad, Q. K.; Ahmed, A. U.; Khan, H. R.; Rasheed, K. B. S. 2001. GBM regional water vision: Bangladesh perspective. In Ahmad, Q. K.; Biswas, A. K.; Rangachari, R.; Sainju, M. M. (Eds.). Ganges – Brahmaputra – Meghna region: a framework for sustainable development. Dhaka, Bangladesh: The University Press Limited. pp.31-80.
Water resources development ; Planning ; Ecosystems ; Water policy ; Flood control ; Erosion ; Sedimentation ; Salinity ; Water availability ; Water demand ; Climate change ; Treaties ; River basins ; Water use / Bangladesh
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 333.9162 G570 AHM Record No: H040935)

7 Mirza, M. M. Q.; Ahmed, A. U.; Ahmad, Q. K.. (Eds.) 2008. Interlinking of rivers in India: issues and concerns. Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press. 298p.
Water resources development ; Water management ; Rivers ; Flow discharge ; Indigenous knowledge ; Water crisis ; Food security ; Water security ; Economic development ; Costs ; Simulation models ; Hydrology ; Water sharing ; Energy generation ; Environmental effects ; Social aspects ; Legal aspects ; Public health ; Waterborne diseases ; Water quality ; Water pollution ; Downstream ; Upstream ; Climate change ; Precipitation ; Rain ; Flooding ; Drought / South Asia / Central Asia / East Asia / South Asia / India / Nepal / Europe / Bangladesh / China / Latin America
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 363.6 G000 MIR Record No: H044957)
(0.50 MB)

8 Mirza, M. M. Q.; Ahmad, Q. K.. 2008. Interlinking of rivers in India: issues and concerns. In Mirza, M. M. Q.; Ahmed, A. U.; Ahmad, Q. K. (Eds.). Interlinking of rivers in India: issues and concerns. Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press. pp.1-16.
Water resources development ; Water crisis ; Rivers ; Water transfer ; Precipitation ; Irrigation canals ; Globalization ; Economic development ; Flooding ; Drought ; Health hazards / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 363.6 G000 MIR Record No: H045865)

9 Ahmad, Q. K.. 2008. Water-based cooperation in the GBM [Ganges, Brahmaputra, Meghna] region with particular focus on interlinking of rivers in India. In Mirza, M. M. Q.; Ahmed, A. U.; Ahmad, Q. K. (Eds.). Interlinking of rivers in India: issues and concerns. Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press. pp.253-260.
River basins ; Water resources ; Cooperation ; Water transfer ; Dams / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 363.6 G000 MIR Record No: H045880)

10 Mirza, M. M. Q.; Ahmad, Q. K.. (Eds.) 2005. Climate change and water resources in South Asia. Leiden, Netherlands: A. A. Balkema. 322p.
Climate change ; Water resources ; Water management ; Water availability ; Water demand ; Water supply ; Water policy ; Hydrology ; Models ; Impact assessment ; Rivers ; Discharges ; Glacial lakes ; Flooding ; Drought ; Risk assessment ; Adaptation ; Stakeholders ; Case studies / South Asia / India / Bangladesh / Nepal / Bhutan / Pakistan / Gujarat / Dhaka / Ganges Basin / Brahmaputra Basin / Meghna Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 577.22 G570 MIR Record No: H047179)
(0.35 MB)

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