Your search found 3 records
1 Phong, N.; Ngoc, N. V.; Tho, T. Q.; Dong, T. D.; Tuong, T. P.; Hoanh, Chu Thai; Hien, N. X.; Khoi, N. H.. 2013. Impact of sea level rise on submergence, salinity and agricultural production in a coastal province of the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam [Abstract only]. In German Aerospace Center (DLR); Germany. Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Mekong Environmental Symposium, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 5-7 March 2013. Abstract volume, Topic 09 - Mekong Delta: climate change related challenges. Wessling, Germany: German Aerospace Center (DLR); Bonn, Germany: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). 1p.
Water management ; Sea level ; Salinity ; Submergence ; Agricultural production ; Coastal area ; Rivers ; Deltas / Vietnam / Mekong River Delta
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H045825)
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2 Phong, N. D.; Hoanh, Chu Thai; Tho, T. Q.; van Ngoc, N.; Dong, T. D.; Tuong, T. P.; Khoi, N. H.; Hien, N. X.; Nam, N. T. 2015. Water management for agricultural production in a coastal province of the Mekong River Delta under sea-level rise. In Hoanh, Chu Thai; Johnston, Robyn; Smakhtin, Vladimir. Climate change and agricultural water management in developing countries. Wallingford, UK: CABI. pp.120-134. (CABI Climate Change Series 8)
Water management ; Agricultural production ; Coastal area ; Deltas ; Salinity ; Sea level ; Salt water intrusion ; Climate change ; Water levels ; Flow discharge ; Aquaculture ; Agriculture ; Flooding / Vietnam / Bac Lieu Province / Mekong River Delta
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H047375)
(2.46 MB)

3 Wassmann, R.; Phong, N. D.; Tho, T. Q; Hoanh, C. H.; Khoi, N. H.; Hien, N. X.; Vo, T. B. T.; Tuong, T. P. 2019. High-resolution mapping of flood and salinity risks for rice production in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Field Crops Research, 236: 111-120. [doi:]
Floodplains ; Salinity ; Agricultural production ; Paddy fields ; Rice ; Mapping ; Deltas ; Seasonal cropping ; Climate change ; Hydrological factors ; Risk analysis / Vietnam / Mekong Delta
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049182)
(3.98 MB)
The rationale for mapping hydrological risks in the Mekong River Delta (MRD) is the large extent of flood-affected and salinity-affected areas that severely constrain rice production. This new study on risk mapping expands previous approaches in depth (resolutions of 300 × 300 m and 1 h) and width (combining different types of maps). Data obtained with a hydrological model have been evaluated through four different methods of mapping individual attributes of risks that collectively comprise a comprehensive risk assessment for rice production: 1) Peak risk maps: These maps show the maximum water heights in a high-water year and maximum salinity concentrations in a low-water year. 2) Time-sequenced risk maps: The article provides hyperlinks to videos that encompass time-sequenced maps for the critical periods of floods (July-December in daily intervals) and salinity (March-April in hourly intervals) for all provinces. 3) Sustained risk maps (for rice): This approach is based on clearly defined thresholds of flood and salinity risks considering the duration of risk exposure at a given location. We have set thresholds for water heights exceeding 0.4 m and salinity concentrations above 2 g/l for 7 consecutive days to define start and end dates of sustained risks for rice. 4) Risk profile maps (for rice): The data on sustained risk have been aggregated at province level to calculate the geographic coverage of risk areas as compared with the total rice area. The rice area exposed to sustained flood risks in the MRD comprises 39% of the total rice area, which can be further subdivided into 24% with long (>three months), 12% with moderate (1–3 months), and 3% with short (1–4 weeks) risk duration. Likewise, the salinity-prone rice area accounts for 44% of the total rice area and can be subdivided into 31% with long, 8% with medium, and 5% with short risk duration. Finally, we have discussed the pros and cons of these different risk mapping methods in view of required adaptation strategies for rice production to cope with rapidly changing environmental conditions.

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