Your search found 1 records
1 Siddiqui, Salman; Bharati, Luna; Pant, Menuka; Gurung, Pabitra; Rakhal, Biplov. 2012. Nepal: building climate resilience of watersheds in mountain eco-regions - climate change and vulnerability mapping in watersheds in middle and high mountains of Nepal. ADB Technical Assistance Consultant's Report for Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management (DSCWM), Government of Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal: Asian Development Bank (ADB). 96p.
Climate change ; Watersheds ; Mountains ; Ecological factors ; Rain ; Landslides ; Flooding ; Drought ; Risks ; Socioeconomic environment ; Adaptation ; Indicators ; Mapping ; Data ; Analytical methods ; Sensitivity analysis ; Models / Nepal / Middle Mountains Regions / High Mountains Regions
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Project Preparatory Technical Assistance 7883-NEP

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