Your search found 3 records
1 Karimov, Akmal; Molden, David; Khamzina, T.; Platonov, Alexander; Ivanov, Y. 2012. A water accounting procedure to determine the water savings potential of the Fergana Valley. Agricultural Water Management, 108:61-72. (Special issue on "Irrigation efficiency and productivity: scales, systems and science" with contributions by IWMI authors). [doi:]
Water management ; Water accounting ; Water conservation ; Water productivity ; Water use ; Conjunctive use ; Water power ; Upstream ; Downstream ; River basins ; Water storage ; Groundwater recharge / Central Asia / Syrdarya River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: PER Record No: H044811)
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The Syrdarya River basin in Central Asia exhibits symptoms of scarcity because of growing competition between hydropower upstream and environment, cities and agriculture downstream. Different approaches to water management, based on water savings in agriculture could relieve the stress of competition, yet keep alive a vibrant agriculture. The Fergana Valley, a highly productive area within the upstream of the Syrdarya River, was analyzed to determine the water savings potential of agriculture. This paper used a water accounting procedure to identify both the scope for savings and the strategies to realize those gains. Signi cant nonproductive depletion of water at 681–4164millionm3 (Mm3) was identi ed in the formof evaporation, ows to sinks and pollution. Thewater-saving potential is estimated at 2823Mm3 annually, which is about 10% of the total in ow into the area, through a range of practical approaches. This strategy would bring regional bene ts by reallocation of surplus winter ow from the upstream for summer use in the downstream.

2 Karimov, Akmal; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Mavlonov, A.; Borisov, V.; Gracheva, I.; Miryusupov, F.; Djumanov, J.; Khamzina, T.; Ibragimov, R.; Abdurahmanov, B. 2013. Managed aquifer recharge: the solution for water shortages in the Fergana Valley. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 51p. (Also in Russian). (IWMI Research Report 151) [doi:]
Water management ; Aquifers ; Recharge ; Water shortage ; Valleys ; River basins ; Flow discharge ; Upstream ; Downstream ; Groundwater irrigation ; Canals ; Groundwater development ; Groundwater extraction ; Water storage ; Wells ; Reservoirs ; Artificial recharge ; Infiltration ; Irrigated land ; Soil profile ; Models / Central Asia / Fergana Valley / Syrdarya River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H046061)
Doubling of population, since the 1970s, in the Aral Sea Basin of Central Asia led to the increased demand for water and energy. The shift of the key upstream reservoir on the Naryn River, main tributary of the Syrdarya River, from irrigation to hydropower generation reduced available water for irrigation in the summer and created excessive flows in the winter. The downstream reservoirs do not have free capacities for storing the excessive winter flows. This report examines the possibility of additional subsurface storages of water in a part of the Syrdarya River Basin, the Fergana Valley. The report aims to bring the attention of policymakers to alternative development of basin water management, which requires cooperation of riparian states in the use of water and energy.

3 Karimov, Akmal; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Mavlonov, A.; Borisov, V.; Gracheva, I.; Miryusupov, F.; Djumanov, J.; Khamzina, T.; Ibragimov, R.; Abdurahmanov, B. 2013. Managed aquifer recharge: the solution for water shortages in the Fergana Valley. In Russian. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 62p. (Also in English). (IWMI Research Report 151) [doi:]
Water management ; Aquifers ; Recharge ; Water shortage ; Valleys ; River basins ; Flow discharge ; Upstream ; Downstream ; Groundwater irrigation ; Canals ; Groundwater development ; Groundwater extraction ; Water storage ; Wells ; Reservoirs ; Artificial recharge ; Infiltration ; Irrigated land ; Soil profile ; Models / Central Asia / Fergana Valley
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H046102)
Doubling of population, since the 1970s, in the Aral Sea Basin of Central Asia led to the increased demand for water and energy. The shift of the key upstream reservoir on the Naryn River, main tributary of the Syrdarya River, from irrigation to hydropower generation reduced available water for irrigation in the summer and created excessive flows in the winter. The downstream reservoirs do not have free capacities for storing the excessive winter flows. This report examines the possibility of additional subsurface storages of water in a part of the Syrdarya River Basin, the Fergana Valley. The report aims to bring the attention of policymakers to alternative development of basin water management, which requires cooperation of riparian states in the use of water and energy.

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