Your search found 1 records
1 Raucher, R. S.; Chapman, D.; Henderson, J.; Hagenstad, M. L.; Rice, J.; Goldstein, J.; Huber-Lee, A.; DeOreo, W.; Mayer, P.; Hurd, B.; Linsky, R.; Means, E.; Renwick, M. 2005. The value of water: concepts, estimates, and applications for water managers. Denver, CO, USA: Awwa Research Foundation. 286p.
Water management ; Decision making ; Water allocation ; Water use ; Water costs ; Water market ; Pricing ; Irrigated farming ; Domestic water ; Electricity generation ; Economic analysis ; Recycling ; Case studies / USA / Verde River
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H044122)
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This report on the value of water covers a broad range of concepts, empirical measures, and possible applications to water management decisions. Most people understand that water is essential to life and livelihoods and , accordingly, that water has a very high value. However, there is ambiguity and confusion about what the term 'value' really means, how it can be measured for water, and why something as valuable and essential to life as water can be purchased at the tap at a price of less than a penny per gallon. This report attempts to shed light on these and related questions, and to provide insights to water sector professionals on how the concepts and measures of value can be applied to help inform and improve water resource management decisions. The ultimate objective of this report is to help water professionals identify and promote water resource strategies or options that provide the greatest amount of total well-being for all members of society combined. This is what economists refer to as trying to "maximize social welfare." This entails applying water resources in a manner that promotes sustainability and the highest and best uses of the resource.

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