Your search found 8 records
1 Kameri-Mbote, P.. 2007. The use of the public trust doctrine in environmental law: comment. Law, Environment and Development Journal, 3(2): 195-201.
Water law ; Water resources ; Natural resources ; Ownership / South Africa
(Location: IWMI HQ Record No: H041218)

2 Kameri-Mbote, P.. 2005. From conflict to cooperation in the management of transboundary waters: the Nile experience. In Linking environment and security: conflict prevention and peace making in East and Horn of Africa. Washington, DC, USA: Heinrich Boell Foundation. 12p.
River basin management ; Watercourses ; International cooperation ; Treaties / Africa / Egypt / UK / Nile
(Location: IWMI HQ Record No: H041229)

3 Brauch, H. G.; Spring, U. O.; Grin, J.; Mesjasz, C.; Kameri-Mbote, P.; Behera, N. C.; Chourou, B.; Krummenacher, H. (Eds.) 2009. Facing global environmental change: environmental, human, energy, food, health and water security concepts. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. 1586p. (Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace Vol. 4)
Environmental factors ; Climate change ; Globalization ; Ecosystems ; International relations ; Policy ; Natural resources ; Desertification ; Water security ; Case studies ; Models ; Natural disasters ; Refugees ; Social welfare ; Health ; HIV infections ; Energy management ; Energy demand ; Energy sources ; Economic aspects ; Food security ; Water resource management ; River basin management ; Non governmental organizations ; Gender ; Early warning systems / Africa / Botswana / Vietnam / Bangladesh / India / Arab Countries / Middle East / Turkey / Africa South of Sahara / Asia / USA / Russia / Belarus / Ukraine / Israel / Palestine / Japan / Mali / Nnile River Basin / Tigris River Basin / Senegal River Basin / Volta River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 363.7 G000 BRA Record No: H043458)
(0.58 MB)

4 Hellum, A.; Kameri-Mbote, P.; van Koppen, Barbara. (Eds.) 2015. Water is life: women’s human rights in national and local water governance in southern and eastern Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: Weaver Press. 620p.
Human rights ; Gender ; Women ; Equity ; Ethnic groups ; Water resources ; Water governance ; Water scarcity ; Water rights ; Water law ; Water policy ; Domestic water ; Water use ; Water availability ; Water quality ; Water user associations ; Freshwater ; Sanitation ; Landscape ; Land ownership ; Land reform ; Common lands ; Legal aspects ; Legislation ; Economic aspects ; Political aspects ; Colonialism ; Social aspects ; Local authorities ; Rural areas ; Urban areas ; Suburban areas ; Irrigation schemes ; Small farms ; Standards ; Institutions ; Corporate culture ; Community organizations ; Multiple use ; Food security ; Households ; Living standards ; Case studies / South Africa / Kenya / Malawi / Zimbabwe / Africa South of Sahara / Nairobi / Mathare / Mpemba / Chileka / Harare / Domboshawa / Lake Naivasha Basin / Flag Boshielo Irrigation Scheme
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H047293)
(0.45 MB)

5 Hellum, A.; Kameri-Mbote, P.; van Koppen, Barbara. 2015. The human right to water and sanitation in a legal pluralist landscape: perspectives of southern and eastern African women. In Hellum, A.; Kameri-Mbote, P.; van Koppen, Barbara. (Eds.) Water is life: women’s human rights in national and local water governance in southern and eastern Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: Weaver Press. pp.1-31.
Human rights ; Sanitation ; Legal aspects ; Water governance ; Water use ; Water law ; Domestic water ; Multiple use ; Water policy ; Landscape ; Gender ; Women's participation ; Political aspects ; Colonialism ; Living standards ; Empowerment ; Rural areas ; Urban areas ; Periurban areas ; Legal aspects ; Legislation ; Local authorities ; Case studies / South Africa / Kenya / Malawi / Zimbabwe
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H047295)
(2.37 MB)

6 Hellum, A.; Ikdahl, I; Kameri-Mbote, P.. 2015. Turning the tide: engendering the human right to water and sanitation. In Hellum, A.; Kameri-Mbote, P.; van Koppen, Barbara. (Eds.) Water is life: women’s human rights in national and local water governance in southern and eastern Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: Weaver Press. pp.32-80.
Water rights ; Water law ; Water governance ; Water policy ; Water supply ; Domestic water ; Drinking water ; International waters ; Human rights ; Gender ; Women ; Equity ; Sanitation ; Local government ; Food security ; Living standards ; Poverty ; Socioeconomic environment / Africa
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H047296)

7 Kameri-Mbote, P.; Kariuki, F. 2015. Human rights, gender and water in Kenya: law, prospects and challenges. In Hellum, A.; Kameri-Mbote, P.; van Koppen, Barbara. (Eds.) Water is life: women’s human rights in national and local water governance in southern and eastern Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: Weaver Press. pp.81-117.
Human rights ; Gender ; Sanitation ; Poverty ; Public health ; Rural areas ; Urban areas ; Water resources ; Water quality ; Water availability ; Water use ; Water law ; Water policy ; Groundwater ; Land resources ; Women's participation ; Economic aspects ; Legal aspects ; Legislation / Kenya
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H047297)

8 Kameri-Mbote, P.; Odhiambo, E. 2015. Not so rosy: farm workers’ right to water in the Lake Naivasha Basin. In Hellum, A.; Kameri-Mbote, P.; van Koppen, Barbara. (Eds.) Water is life: women’s human rights in national and local water governance in southern and eastern Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: Weaver Press. pp.118-146.
Human rights ; Water rights ; Water resources ; Water supply ; Water use ; Domestic water ; Water footprint ; Sanitation ; Lakes ; River basins ; Horticulture ; Small farms ; Smallholders ; Fisheries ; Economic aspects / Kenya / Lake Naivasha Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H047298)

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