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1 Amarasinghe, Upali; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Sharma, Bharat R.; Eriyagama, Nishadi. 2010. Water footprints of milk production: a case study in the Moga District of Punjab, India. Project report submitted to Nestle Ltd. under the project “Measuring the water footprints of milk production: contributions to livelihood benefits and sustainable water use in the Moga District in Punjab, India” Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 42p.
Water footprint ; Milk production ; Crop production ; Rice ; Wheat ; Irrigation water ; Water use efficiency ; Food security ; Groundwater depletion ; Water conservation / India / Moga District / Punjab
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H043415)
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A project report submitted to Nestle Ltd. under the project “Measuring the water footprints of milk production: contributions to livelihood benefits and sustainable water use in the Moga District in Punjab, India.” This report assesses the water footprints of milk and crop production, their impacts and options of mitigating them. The major objectives of this report are: To assess water availability and use in agriculture in the Moga District of Punjab State, to examine the contribution of the different agricultural water uses to the over all unsustainable water extraction, and its impact on the WFP of milk and crops; To assess surface water and groundwater use of major crops (e.g., rice, wheat and fodder crops) and in milk production, with a focus on feed and fodder and direct water use for dairy cattle; and To propose improved water management practices that farmers can adopt to reduce WFP, and enhance water productivity and conservation, thus contributing to long-term sustainable water use in the region.

2 Amarasinghe, Upali; Sharma, Bharat R.; Smakhtin, Vladimir. 2010. Agriculture diversification for sustainable groundwater use: a case study in the Moga District of Punjab, India. In Rao, M. S.; Khobragade, S.; Kumar, B.; Singh, R. D. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Workshop on Water Availability and Management in Punjab (WAMIP-2010), Chandigarh, India, 13-15 December 2010. Roorkee, India: National Institute of Hydrology. pp.157-171.
Groundwater depletion ; Assessment ; Groundwater irrigation ; Water use ; Agricultural production ; Diversification ; Rice ; Wheat ; Feed crops ; Milk production ; Water footprint ; Case studies / India / Punjab / Moga District
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H043430)
(1.64 MB)
This paper assesses water depletion of agricultural production in the Moga district of the State of Punjab. It particularly focuses on growth in agricultural production and stress on water resources induced by groundwater irrigation.Rice, wheat and forage crops comprise more than 99% of the annual cropped area in Moga. Groundwater contribution to the total annual consumptive water use (CWU) - 94% of 1,461 million m3 - is so large that groundwater embedded in the production surpluses of rice, wheat and milk alone exceeds the estimated groundwater recharge in the District.The groundwater CWU in rice production is 1.7 to 2 times higher than those of milk and wheat, and financial value of the output of rice-wheat-milk production system is 10 and 27% lower than that of the milk-wheat and milk-only production systems respectively. thus, the intensification of dairy production with a calculated reduction in rice area and increase in green fodder area is the most expedient way of reducing water depletion. It can not only bring the groundwater depletion to sustainable limits, but also increase the value of total agriculture production, while producing a surplus of rice for export. The optimum combination is to change annual cropping pattern of rice, wheat and fodder crops to 62, 90 and 42% of the net irrigated area from the present level of about 90, 90 and 20% respectively, and double the lactating dairy animals to 8 per 6 ha of land.

3 Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Sharma, Bharat R.; Eriyagama, Nishadi. 2010. Bailout with white revolution or sink deeper?: groundwater depletion and impacts in the Moga District of Punjab, India. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 26p. (IWMI Research Report 138) [doi:]
Groundwater depletion ; Groundwater irrigation ; Water use ; Rice ; Wheat ; Milk production / India / Punjab / Moga District
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.6.3 G635 AMA Record No: H043447)
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Moga District in Punjab, India, is a microcosm of the twin story of irrigation-induced growth and stress. The groundwater consumptive water use in agriculture exceeds the recharge by a substantial margin. Rice production contributes to a major part of this difference. The groundwater depletion is so critical that diversifying agriculture is the only way forward for sustainable agricultural growth. Reducing the rice area and intensifying milk production will be a win-win situation for both the farmers and the area reeling with a groundwater crisis.

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