Your search found 6 records
1 Kumar, M. Dinesh; Singh, O. P. 2008. Groundwater stress due to irrigation in semi arid and arid regions: is dairying a boon or a bane? In Kumar, M. Dinesh (Ed.). Managing water in the face of growing scarcity, inequity and declining returns: exploring fresh approaches. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Partners Meet, IWMI TATA Water Policy Research Program, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Hyderabad, India, 2-4 April 2008. Vol.1. Hyderabad, India: International Water Management Institute (IWMI), South Asia Sub Regional Office. pp.202-213.
Dairying ; Water Productivity ; Groundwater ; Water stress ; Farming systems ; Arid zones / India / Kerala / Gujarat / Punjab / Rajasthan
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7 G635 KUM Record No: H041879)
(0.06 MB)

2 Shah, Tushaar; Kishore, A.; Hemant, P. 2009. Monsoon failure: bracing for the 2009 drought. Pragati - The Indian National Interest Review, 30:20-22.
Rain ; Drought ; Rice ; Dairying ; Groundwater irrigation ; Groundwater management ; Water storage / India / Gujarat / Andhra Pradesh / Bihar / Orissa / Rajasthan / Tamil Nadu
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H042331)
(0.18 MB)

3 Shah, Tushaar; Kishore, A.; Hemant, P. 2009. Will the impact of the 2009 drought be different from 2002? Economic and Political weekly, 44(37):11-14.
Drought ; Water scarcity ; Water shortage ; Rain ; Groundwater management ; Tube wells ; Rice ; Milk production ; Dairying ; Aquifers ; Water storage / India / Rajasthan / Andhra Pradesh / Gujarat / Karnataka / Tamil Nadu
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H034806)
(0.80 MB)
Groundwater, which has emerged as India’s prime adaptive mechanism in times of drought, will play a crucial role this year since the aquifers were recharged in 2006-08. The impact of the drought of 2009 will therefore be less severe than the drought of 2002. Beyond the immediate response, we need to think long term. Instead of pumping money into dams and canals, Indian agriculture will be better off investing in “groundwater banking”. This involves storing surplus flood waters in aquifers which can be drawn upon in times of need.

4 Haggblade, S.; Hazell, P. B. R. (Eds.) 2010. Success in African agriculture: lessons for the future. Baltimore, MD, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press, for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 436p.
Agricultural products ; Cassava ; Maize ; Cotton ; Horticulture ; Dairying ; Smallholders ; Soil fertility ; Case studies / Africa
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 338.1 G100 HAG Record No: H043413)
(0.33 MB)

5 Shah, Tushaar. 2012. Remembering Verghese Kurien. Economic and Political Weekly, 47(39):29-31.
Leaders ; Dairying ; Brands / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H045097)
(0.07 MB) (74.44KB)
Verghese Kurien, who passed away recently, will be best known for building Amul into one of India’s most valuable brands which is an organisation of nearly three million smallholder dairy producers and a Rs 12,000 crore farmer-owned business. He will also be remembered for creating the National Dairy Development Board which replicated Amul’s complex institutional model across India.

6 Rajan, Shri Abhishek. 2020. What the new livestock census has to say on Indian dairying? Verghese Kurien Centre of Excellence (VKCoE) Digest, 1(1):17.
Livestock censuses ; Dairying ; Bovinae ; Cattle ; Breeds (animals) / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050611)
(0.83 MB) (22.4 MB)

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