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1 Jirayoot, K.; Al-Soufi, R. 2000. Prediction of daily river discharge by an artificial neural network model. In Al-Soufi, R. W. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Hydrologic and Environmental Modelling in the Mekong Basin, 11-12 September 2000, Phnom Penh. Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Mekong River Commission. Technical Support Division. pp.149-168.
River basins ; Discharges ; Forecasting ; Simulation models ; Networks / South East Asia / Mekong River Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 551.48 G800 ALS Record No: H027301)

2 Hoanh, Chu Thai; Jirayoot, K.; Lacombe, Guillaume; Srinetr, V. 2010. Comparison of climate change impacts and development effects on future Mekong flow regime. In Swayne, D. A.; Wanhong Yang, Voinov, A.; Rizzoli, A.;Filatova, T. (Eds.). Main proceedings of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake, Fifth Biennial Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 5-8 July 2010. Session S.25 - Managing regional water resource systems under changing conditions. Ottawa, Canada: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. 9p. (published online)
Climate change ; Decision support systems ; Simulation models ; River basin development ; Flow ; Salt water intrusion / South East Asia / Mekong River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H043036)
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A framework of climate change (CC) analysis is developed using the Decision Support Framework models of the Mekong River Commission (SWAT hydrological, IQQM basin simulation and hydrodynamic iSIS models) to analyze impacts of CC and water resources development on Mekong flow regime. This analysis is based on six model run scenarios defined as combinations of a development scenario, either baseline or 20-year plan and a climate dataset, either observed or from regional downscaling model simulating the past in 1985-2000 or projecting the future climate in 2010-2050. The projected climate shows a slight increase in precipitation throughout the Mekong basin except in the delta. Temperature is projected to increase by 0.023°C/year. During the high-flow season, impacts of CC and development are in contrasting directions. The development brings a decrease of about -8 to -17% of river flow but CC increases +2 to +11%. The combined effect causes changes in discharge from +3% to -13% depending on CC scenarios and location of stations. In the low-flow season, both CC and development will increase river flow, with +30 to +60% due to development and +18 to +30% due to CC. The combined effect is up to +40 to +76%. While development reduces the flooded area, CC will make it larger in a wet year. Salinity intrusion area in the delta could be larger in a dry year under CC but development can reduce the affected area. The analysis shows that adaption strategies are needed to achieve the development objectives under CC conditions.

3 Hoanh, Chu Thai; Jirayoot, K.; Lacombe, Guillaume; Srinetr, V. 2010. Impacts of climate change and development on Mekong flow regimes. First assessment - 2009. Vientiane, Laos: Mekong River Commission. 83p. (MRC Technical Paper 29)
River basin development ; Water resources development ; Climate change ; Decision support systems ; Simulation models ; Hydrology ; Data processing ; Precipitation ; Runoff ; Environmental temperature ; Flow ; Flooding ; Salt water intrusion ; Electricity generation ; Development projects ; Irrigation programs / South East Asia / China / Myanmar / Laos / Thailand / Cambodia / Vietnam / Mekong River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H043262)
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This paper aims to summarise in detail the results of the analysis under the CSIRO-MRC project of "Reducing vulnerability of water resources, people and the environment in the Mekong Basin to climate change impacts" by providing the basic findings on the impacts of climate change and development on the Mekong River flow regimes. The paper aims: To present the framework of climate change analysis and its application to the BDP Scenarios; To present the results from the application of the DSF models of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) in order to analyse the impacts of climate change and selected BDP Scenarios on flow regimes; To determine further studies necessary to identify suitable adaptation strategies for dealing with such impacts. The framework of the climate change scenario analysis is introduced in Chapter 2. A brief introduction to the DSF is presented in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 presents the processing of the PRECIS data for the provision of climate inputs for the analysis. The results of model runs for the Baseline Scenario with observed and PRECIS data are presented in Chapter 5. Changes in the flow regime due to both development and climate change are discussed in Chapter 6. Finally, conclusions and recommendations for further studies are presented in Chapter 7.

4 Mainuddin, M. M.; Kirby, M.; Hoanh, Chu Thai; Jirayoot, K.. 2010. Vulnerability and adaptation of agriculture in the Lower Mekong Basin to climate change impacts. In Herath, S.; Wang, Y.; Liang, L. (Eds.). Meeting climate change challenges in transboundary basins: role of sciences. Tokyo, Japan: United Nations University. Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP) pp.251-259. (Climate and Ecosystems Change Adaptation Research (CECAR) Series 4)
River basins ; Climate change ; Adaptation ; Crop production ; Rice ; Maize ; Yields ; Productivity ; Rainfed farming ; Irrigated farming ; Simulation models / South East Asia / Laos / Thailand / Cambodia / Vietnam / Lower Mekong River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H043267)
(0.68 MB)

5 Mainuddin, M.; Hoanh, Chu Thai; Jirayoot, K.; Halls, A. S.; Kirby, M.; Lacombe, Guillaume; Srinetr, V. 2010. Adaptation options to reduce the vulnerability of Mekong water resources, food security and the environment to impacts of development and climate change. Report to AusAID. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: CSIRO. Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship; Vientiane, Laos: Mekong River Commission (MRC); Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 151p. (Water for a Healthy Country Flagship Report Series)
River basin development ; Decision support systems ; Models ; Climate change ; Analysis ; Adaptation ; Water power ; Electrical energy ; Development projects ; Dams ; Irrigation programs ; Precipitation ; Flooding ; Salt water intrusion ; Fisheries ; Ecology ; Crop production ; Rice ; Maize ; Productivity ; Irrigated farming ; Rainfed farming ; Supplemental irrigation ; Environmental temperature ; Food security ; Impact assessment / South East Asia / Laos / Thailand / Cambodia / Vietnam / Mekong River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H043268)
(4.38 MB) (8.49 MB)
The report aims to provide critical input to the Mekong River Commission’s (MRC) regional Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative (CCAI) which was launched shortly after the formulation of this project. The CCAI is a collaborative regional initiative designed to address the shared climate change adaptation challenges of LMB countries in response to the potential effects of climate change on the socio-economic characteristics and natural resources of the LMB region. MRC has identified need for a more informed understanding of the potential impacts from climate change. To contribute to this aim, the purpose of this report is: 1. To present the framework of climate change analysis and its application to the Basin Development Plan (BDP) Scenarios; 2. To present the results from the application of the Decision Support Framework (DSF) models of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) in order to analyse the impacts of climate change and selected BDP Scenarios on flow regimes; 3. To present climate change impacts on floods and fisheries in the LMB; 4. To present the impact of climate change on the productivity of major crops grown in the basin and their consequences on the overall food security of the basin considering future population growth. 5. To present the results of applying simple adaptation strategies related to agriculture and food security; and 6. To determine further studies necessary to identify suitable adaptation strategies for dealing with such impacts.

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