Your search found 1 records
1 Planchon, O.; Pierret, Alain; Orange, Didier. 2009. Relevance and feasibility of PES to combat soil erosion and solve catchment management issues: three case studies in Southeast Asia. Project completion report of the Payment for Environmental Services initiative of Theme 2 of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), 2007-2008. 146p.
Environmental protection ; User charges ; Water pollution ; Erosion ; Land use ; Water quality ; Watersheds ; Waste management ; Biofuels ; Biogas ; Case studies / South East Asia / Laos / Thailand / Vietnam / Houay Xon / Ban Lak Sip / Ban Donkang / Phrae Province / Mae Thang Watershed / Ban Pong / Tien Xuan Commune / Dong Xuan Commune / Cua Khau Dam
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