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1 Chisaka, J. 2009. IWRM and Food Security Project in Kafue Basin: process documentation. Pretoria, South Africa: SADC/Danida Water Sector Support Programme; Pretoria, South Africa: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 22p.
Water resource management ; Project planning ; Project management ; Water storage ; Pumping ; Wells ; Participatory management ; Community involvement ; Leadership ; Water policy ; Central government ; Local government ; Irrigation water ; Food security / Zambia / Kafue River Basin / Katuba / Namwala / Chibombo
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H042714)
(0.91 MB)
The purpose of this report is to show the process of the intervention made through the implementation of the IWRM and Food Security Demonstration Project in Zambia. The report gives details of the project processes, showing the steps the project went through, the outcomes and its impact on the communities where it was implemented. The report is the result of a number of field visits made to the completed project sites, the sources of information have been; focus group meetings, interviews, discussions with key informants, beneficiaries the youth, male and female stakeholders and reviews of project activity reports, and direct observations. Therefore, what is presented here is a cumulative “factual and real time” opinion as to what has been observed and discussed. The Project was implemented over a period of two years in the three sites of the Kafue River Basin in the Central and Southern Provinces respectively. Katuba is at the Northern Bank of the Kafue River on the Mwembeshi River, a tributary of the Kafue River. Namwala is at the Southern Bank of the Kafue River, with Namwala River pouring its waters in the Kafue and meandering around the plains. The Kafue River Basin covers the Copper Belt Province in the North Western part of the country. Katuba is in Chibombo district and in the chiefdom of Mungule. In Namwala district, the project has been implemented in Mungaila and Mukobela Chiefdoms respectively. The report highlights some of the successes achieved by the intervention and some of the challenges faced by the target communities and recommends the way-forward to the sustainable management of water resources by the communities. The purpose of the project was to demonstrate the benefits of applying the IWRM principles and practices to reduce poverty and improve quality of life of the people through economic empowerment.

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