Your search found 2 records
1 Yilma, Aster Denekew; Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele. 2009. Characterization and atlas of the Blue Nile Basin and its sub basins. In Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele; Erkossa, Teklu; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Fernando, Ashra (Comps.). Improved water and land management in the Ethiopian highlands: its impact on downstream stakeholders dependent on the Blue Nile. Intermediate Results Dissemination Workshop held at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 5-6 February 2009. Summary report, abstracts of papers with proceedings on CD-ROM. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 236p.
Maps ; River basins ; Watersheds ; Topography ; Climate ; Evapotranspiration ; Rain ; Evaporation ; Hydrology ; Land cover ; Meteorology ; Population / Africa / Ethiopia / Sudan / Blue Nile River Basin / Abbay Basin / Tana Sub Basin / Jemma Sub Basin / Muger Sub Basin / Guder Sub Basin / Beles Sub Basin / Dabus Sub Basin / Didessa Sub Basin / Fincha Sub Basin / Anger Sub Basin / Wenbera Sub Basin / Beshelo Sub Basin / Welaka Sub Basin / North Gojam Sub Basin / South Gojam Sub Basin / Dinder Sub Basin / Rahad Sub Basin / Gilgel Abay Watershed / Gumera Watershed / Anjeni Micro Watershed / Andit Micro Watershed
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 333.9162 G100 AWU Record No: H042502)
(57.34 MB)

2 Umer, Y. M.; Demissie, Solomon Seyoum; Tadele, K. 2010. Climate change impact assessment on soil water availability and crop yield in Blue Nile Basin: case study Anjeni Watershed, Ethiopia [Abstract only]. Paper presented at the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural and Natural Resource Management (Tropentag) Conference on World Food System - a contribution from Europe, Thematic scientific session on Water management, Zurich, Switzerland, 14 -16 September 2010. 1p.
Models ; Climate change ; Soil water ; Water availability ; Crop yield ; Watersheds ; River basins / Ethiopia / Anjeni Watershed / Blue Nile Basin / South Gojam Sub Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H043610)
(0.09 MB)

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