Your search found 1 records
1 Dumont, H. J. (Ed.) 2009. The Nile: origin, environments, limnology and human use. New York, NY, USA: Springer. 818p. (Monographiae Biologicae, Vol. 89)
River basins ; History ; Ecology ; Ecosystems ; Hydrology ; Natural resources ; Climate ; Limnology ; Biodiversity ; Water quality ; Water pollution ; Bacteria ; Viruses ; Lakes ; Plankton ; Zooplankton ; Phytoplankton ; Fish ; Fisheries ; Benthos ; Crustacea ; Mollusca ; Aquatic plants ; Aquatic insects ; Birds ; Water law / Africa / Ethiopia / Egypt / Sudan / Uyganda / Kenya / Nile River Basin / Rift Valley / Lake Tana / Blue Nile / White Nile / Lake Nasser / Lake Nubia / Lake Kyoga / Lake Victoria / Lake Albert / Lake Turkana / Lake Manzala / Chad Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 577.64 G100 DUM Record No: H042456)

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