Your search found 3 records
1 Ahmad, Mobin-ud-Din; Turral, Hugh; Nazeer, Aamir. 2009. Diagnosing irrigation performance and water productivity through satellite remote sensing and secondary data in a large irrigation system of Pakistan. Agricultural Water Management, 96:551-564.
Irrigation programs ; Irrigation systems ; Water productivity ; Water availability ; Evapotranspiration ; Remote sensing ; Performance indexes ; Water use ; Equity ; Groundwater ; Surface water ; Canals / Pakistan / Punjab Province / Rechna Doab / Ravi River / Chenab River
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H041854)
(1.74 MB)

2 Kori, S. M.; Rehman, A.; Sipra, I. A.; Nazeer, Aamir; Khan, Abdul Hakeem. 2009. Groundwater resource issues and the socio-economic implications of groundwater use: evidence from Punjab, Pakistan. In Mukherji, Aditi; Villholth, K. G.; Sharma, Bharat R.; Wang, J. (Eds.) Groundwater governance in the Indo-Gangetic and Yellow River basins: realities and challenges. London, UK: CRC Press. pp.67-86. (IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 15)
Groundwater ; Aquifers ; Groundwater irrigation ; Water productivity ; Irrigated farming ; Water market ; Tube wells ; Pumps ; Economic aspects ; Crop management ; Crop yield ; Crop production ; Water governance ; Legislation ; Policy / Pakistan / Punjab / Rechna Doab / Indus River / Indus Basin Irrigation System
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.6.3 G570 MUK Record No: H042223)
(0.36 MB)

3 Ahmad, Mobin-ud-Din; Turral, H.; Nazeer, Aamir; Hussain, Asghar. 2009. Satellite-based assessment of agricultural water consumption, irrigation performance, and water productivity in a large irrigation system in Pakistan. In Thenkabail, P. S.; Lyon, J. G.; Turral, H.; Biradar, C. M. (Eds.). Remote sensing of global croplands for food security. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press. pp.331-354. (Taylor & Francis Series in Remote Sensing Applications)
Remote sensing ; Water use ; Irrigated farming ; Performance indexes ; Water productivity ; Evapotranspiration ; Energy balance ; Irrigation systems ; River basins / Pakistan / Punjab / Rechna Doab
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 631.7.1 G000 THE Record No: H042429)
(1.08 MB)

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