Your search found 2 records
1 Thomas, R. J.; de Pauw, E.; Qadir, Manzoor; Amri, A.; Pala, M.; Yahyaoui, A.; El-Bouhssini, M.; Baum, M.; Iniguez, L.; Shideed, K.. 2007. Increasing the resilience of dryland agro-ecosystems to climate change. Journal of SAT Agricultural Research, 4(1). 37p.
Climate change ; Ecosystems ; Tillage ; Agricultural production ; Drought ; Pest control ; Soil conservation ; Salinity control ; Water resource management
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 338.1 G000 THO Record No: H040785)

2 Latiri, K.; Gana, A.; Shideed, K.; Albergel, J.; Grando, S.; Kaya, Y.; Panhwar, F.; Qadir, Manzoor; Tan, A. 2009. Historical and current perspectives of AKST. In McIntyre, B. D.; Herren, H. R.; Wakhungu, J.; Watson, R. T. (Eds.). Agriculture at a crossroads: IAASTD-CWANA report. Vol.1. Washington, DC, USA: Island Press. pp.27-82.
Land use ; Land cover ; Agricultural production ; Crop production ; Livestock ; Case studies ; Water resources development ; Water resource management ; Dams ; Water harvesting ; Irrigation ; Land degradation ; Water quality ; Agrobiodiversity ; Agricultural policy ; Land tenure ; Trade policy ; Risk management ; Farm income ; Drought ; Environmental policy ; Labor ; Technology transfer ; Women
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H042165)
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