Your search found 1 records
1 Al-Zoubi, M. M.; Arslan, A.; Abdelgawad, G.; Pejon, N.; Tabbaa, M.; Jouzdan, O. 2008. Effects of sewage sludge on heavy metal accumulation in soil and plants and on crop productivity in Aleppo governorate. In Qadir, Manzoor (Ed.) 2008. Sustainable management of wastewater for agriculture: proceedings of the First Bridging Workshop, Aleppo, Syria, 11-15 November 2007. Aleppo, Syria: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA); Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) pp.57-62.
Sewage sludge ; Heavy metals ; Crop production ; Crops ; Organic matter ; Soil / Syria / Aleppo
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