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1 Singh, N.; Wickenberg, P.; Åström, K.; Hydén, H.. 2008. Children’s right to water as a contested domain: gendered reflections from India. Development, 51(1): 102-107.
Water rights ; Human rights ; Children ; Gender / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H041375)
Nandita Singh and her colleagues look at children’s right to water in India. They argue for the exercise of the right by children by analyzing the universal normative-legal framework and its difference to the local socio-culturally defined framework. They suggest that defining problems and designing actions only within the normative-legal framework can obscure understanding the critical realities at the right-holders’ end. They suggest that interventions at various levels, such as through policy and targeted programmes, have at best provided an ‘enabling environment’, but the process of implementation of children’s rights at the right-holders’ end is to date an incomplete socio-cultural process.

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