Your search found 4 records
1 Friedl, M. A.; McIver, D. K.; Hodges, J. C. F.; Zhang, X. Y.; Muchoney, D.; Strahler, A. H.; Woodcock, C. E.; Gopal, S.; Schneider, A.; Cooper, A.; Baccini, A.; Gao, F.; Schaaf, C. 2002. Global land cover mapping from MODIS: Algorithms and early results. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83:287-302.
Remote sensing ; Land cover ; Mapping ; Models ; Databases
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7628 Record No: H039335)

2 Woodcock, C. E.; Allen, R.; Anderson, M.; Belward, A.; Bindschadler, R.; Cohen, W.; Gao, F.; Goward, S. N.; Helder, D.; Helmer, E.; Nemani, R.; Oreopoulos, L.; Schott, J.; Thenkabail, Prasad, S.; Vermote, E. F.; Vogelmann, J.; Wulder, M. A.; Wynne, R. 2008. Free access to Landsat imagery. Science, 320: 1011-1012.
Imagery ; Remote sensing ; Climate change ; Population growth / USA
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 621.3678 G430 WOO Record No: H041184)

3 Gao, F.; Wang, H.; Liu, C. 2020. Long-term assessment of groundwater resources carrying capacity using GRACE data and Budyko model. Journal of Hydrology, 588:125042. (Online first) [doi:]
Groundwater assessment ; Water resources ; Water storage ; Groundwater recharge ; Models ; Groundwater extraction ; Water depletion ; Water use efficiency ; Soil moisture ; Evapotranspiration ; Precipitation ; Wells ; Economic development / China / Zhangjiakou
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049716)
(7.58 MB)
Groundwater is crucial for the economic development in arid and semi-arid areas. However, groundwater resources have been over-exploited for meeting the increasing demands in agriculture, industry and domestic use. Therefore, the capacity of groundwater resources for supporting the economic development has been indeed reduced, which made a challenge for the assessment of the groundwater resources carrying capacity (GRCC). The present study constructed a new GRCC index (D) for assessing the long-term GRCC variation in Zhangjiakou of Hebei Province, China (ZJK) using Budyko equation, Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment data (GRACE), Global Land Data Assimilation System data (GLDAS), sector water consumption data and GDP data. Our results shows that the short-term (2002–2017) annual and monthly anomalies in terrestrial water storage (TWSA) and groundwater storage appeared to be decreased, the anomalies in soil moisture storage tend to be zero while anomalies in snow water tend to be increased with annual rate of 2 cm year-1. The Budyko-derived long-term (1948–2018) groundwater storage changes (GWC) has declined from -310.9 to -455.6 cm and the large number of constructed wells for irrigation has accelerated the decline of groundwater resources in ZJK. Our results also shows the time series of D in ZJK were < 30%, 30% < D < 50% and D = 50% during 1948–1988, 1990–1993 and 1994–2018, indicating that the degree of groundwater resources exploitation were in the state of no overload, overload and heavy overload, respectively. The contribution of groundwater resources for the economic development has exceeded 50%, which indicated that the economic development of ZJK depend much more on groundwater resources. Improving the water use efficiency cannot improve groundwater resources carrying capacity, however, reducing the absolute use of groundwater resources should be the effective way to alleviate the shortage of groundwater resources and improve groundwater resources carrying capacity.

4 Gao, F.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y. 2020. Evaluation of the crosta method for the retrieval of water quality parameters from remote sensing data in the Pearl River Estuary. Water Quality Research Journal, 55(2):209-220. [doi:]
Rivers ; Estuaries ; Water quality ; Parameters ; Remote sensing ; Satellite imagery ; Landsat ; Thematic mapper ; Sediment ; Coastal waters ; Principal component analysis ; Models / China / Pearl River Estuary
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049885)
(0.65 MB) (668 KB)
In recent decades, many algorithms have been developed for the retrieval of water quality parameters using remotely sensed data. However, these algorithms are specific to a certain geographical area and cannot be applied to other areas. In this study, feature-orientated principal component (PC) selection, based on the Crosta method and using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) for the retrieval of water quality parameters (i.e., total suspended sediment concentration (TSM) and chlorophyll a (Chla)), was carried out. The results show that feature-orientated PC TSM, based on the Crosta method, obtained a good agreement with the MERIS-based TSM product for eight Landsat TM images. However, the Chla information, selected using the feature-orientated PC, has a poor agreement with the MERIS-based Chla product. The accuracy of the atmospheric correction method and MERIS product may be the main factors influencing the accuracy of the TSM and Chla information identified by the Landsat TM images using the Crosta method. The findings of this study would be helpful in the retrieval of spatial distribution information on TSM from the long-term historical Landsat image archive, without using coincident ground measurements.

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