Your search found 7 records
1 Wallensteen, P.; Swain, A. 1997. International fresh water resources: Conflict or cooperation? Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm Environment Institute. vi, 32p. (Comprehensive assessment of the freshwater resources of the world, 8)
Water availability ; Water quality ; Rivers ; Runoff ; Case studies ; International cooperation ; Conflict ; Resource allocation ; Water resources ; Water scarcity ; Water demand / USA / Egypt / India / Colorado River / Rhine River / Parana River / Nile River / Ganges River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 WAL Record No: H021079)

2 Dhungel, H. 1999. Risks and rewards of mega projects: The political-economy of Paraguayan hydropower. Water Nepal, 7(1):19-48.
Development projects ; Dams ; Hydroelectric schemes ; Political aspects ; Economic aspects ; Economic policy ; Development policy ; International cooperation ; Project appraisal / Paraguay / Brazil / Argentina / Itaipu / Yacyreta / Parana River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5425 Record No: H025852)

3 Hamilton, S. K. 2002. Human impacts on hydrology in the Pantanal wetland of South America. Water Science and Technology, 45(11):35-44.
Wetlands ; Hydrology ; Watersheds ; Flood plains ; Rivers / Brazil / Bolivia / Paraguay / Parana River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 6650 Record No: H033577)

4 Littlewood, I. G.; Clarke, R. T.; Collischonn, W.; Croke, B. F. W. 2007. Predicting daily streamflow using rainfall forecasts, a simple loss module and unit hydrographs: Two Brazillian catchments. Environmental Modelling and Software, 22:1229-1239.
Stream flow ; Rain ; Forecasting ; Hydrology ; Models ; Catchment areas / Brazil / Parana River
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: P 8045 Record No: H040308)

5 Tortajada, C.; Braga, B. P. F.; Biswas, A. K.; Garcia, L. E. (Eds.) 2003. Water policies and institutions in Latin America. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press. 178p.
Water policy ; Institutions ; Organizations ; Planning ; Water market ; Pricing ; Costs ; Water scarcity ; River basins ; Legislation ; Environmental effects ; Wastewater ; Water management ; Decentralization / Latin America / Caribbean / Brazil / Chile / Mexico / Argentina / Paraguay / Sao Paulo / Parana River / Piracicaba River / Paraiba do Sul River Basin / Guanajuato
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 333.91 G302 TOR Record No: H041092)

6 Barth, F. T. 2003. The experience of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and its repercussions on the national scene. In Tortajada, C.; Braga, B. P. F.; Biswas, A. K.; Garcia, L. E. (Eds.). Water policies and institutions in Latin America. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press. pp.87-112.
Water scarcity ; Population growth ; River basins ; Water pollution ; Water resource management ; Legislation / Brazil / Sao Paulo / Parana River / Upper Tiete Basin / Piracicaba River Basin / Paraiba do Sul River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 333.91 G302 TOR Record No: H041098)

7 del Castillo, L. 2003. Institutions for international river uses: the Parana River Bilateral Commission, Argentina and Paraguay. In Tortajada, C.; Braga, B. P. F.; Biswas, A. K.; Garcia, L. E. (Eds.). Water policies and institutions in Latin America. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press. pp.160-178.
River basin management ; Institutions ; International cooperation ; Legal aspects ; Fishing operations ; Water quality ; Dams ; Hydroelectric schemes / Argentina / Paraguay / Parana River / Yacyreta Dam
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 333.91 G302 TOR Record No: H041102)

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