Your search found 1 records
1 Kazbekov, Jusipbek; Anarbekov, Oyture; Manthrithilake, Herath; Jumabaev, Kakhramon; Tashmatov, Alisher; Mosin, Konstantin; Yusupova, Ikbal; Gunchinmaa, Tumur; Karimov, Akmal; Sabirova, Diloram. 2007. The Regional Knowledge Fair on Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia, Kyrgyz. National Drama Theater, Osh city, Kyrgyz Republic, 7-8 September, 2007. Report of a Knowledge fair organized by IWMI and Scientific Information Center of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination in Central Asia (SIC-ICWC). Funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) 41p.
Water use efficiency ; Social participation ; Canals ; Productivity ; Water user associations ; Institutional development ; Conferences ; Exhibitions ; Farmers ; Irrigation management / Central Asia / Uzbekistan / Tajikistan / Kyrgyzstan / Ferghana
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.3 G782 KAZ Record No: H040653)
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